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<br /> . �� � � �
<br /> � ' TWILA M SHAMAN RAYMOND K SSAMAN (��$ ������ 211904 03/251199? ' . °`_
<br /> � T.ender's aaxlerauon of the sums secured by this Deod of , - .. _-
<br /> " � 18. Barrower's Ri�t to Reiusiat2. Nocwi�andinS b I.ender to enforce dus .. , , . _-
<br /> Trust.due co Bo�cuwu's bmach. Borroner shall have the righc[o have any�roccedin8s begun Y
<br /> ' Dced of Trust discontimied at any ri�prior to the earlier to uccw of(i)rhe �fth day before the sale of the FropertY . :.� `._- _
<br /> pntsuant w t�e power of salt confained'u►shis Deed of Tn�st or(n)entry of a judgment enforcing this Deed of Tcust if:(a) � -
<br /> • Borrower pays Lender all s�ums wtuch woWd be dien due under this Deed of Tcust an�i the Note bad no acceleiarion -�
<br /> � f� nxamd; (b) Boirawer cures all breaches of an}+other cAVen3nu or agreen�enss of Berrower c�ntaiued in this Dced of • �:
<br /> Tnisr (C) Borrower pays all reasonable expenses incwted by Lender and Tmssee in enforcing the coveffints and , r--
<br /> • agcemeats of�arrower contained in this Deed of Trust and in enforcing Lender's and TnLCtee's remedies as provided in . -.'_"�;_
<br /> P��Ph 17 hereof, including. but not limited to. reazonable a�oomeys' tees: and (d) Borrovuer ta&es such action as • .,-, --
<br /> I.ender may reasonably reqnire to assure that the lien of this Daed of Tcusc. Lemier's interest in the Prageity and . . ;,��, ;�
<br /> Borrower's obligauon to�ray the sums sei.'urecl bY this Deeci of Trust s6aI1 a�nrimie unimPair�• uP°n such paymeni and . . • ;�;�•
<br /> _ nm
<br />�- - cxue by �orrower. ttns Deed of Trust assd the obligasions secured hereby shall remain in full force and effect as if no ;, _ '.^. ;°`'� '�_
<br /> acxeterarion had occurred. � , .'� _�_--
<br /> ,� 19. AsSi�meni of Ytent� APiPei�meni of Receiver; Leader in Possesston. As a�itional seciuiry hereunder. '
<br /> mvided that Borrower shall, pYior to acceleradon under '�-��'���� -�
<br /> Botmwer heraby assi8ns to Lender the renu of the Property. p �: � �
<br /> P�B�Ph 17 hereof or abandonnieat of the Property.Uave the right m w12ea asd retain such rents as they berome due and �.y`�-:_:
<br /> • payable. �^ �� - _
<br /> ' Upon acceleration under paragtaph 17 heteof or abandnume�i of the Froperty. 1.ender. in Persfln.bY aSent or by ._•�.�-
<br /> judicially appointed receiver shall be entided to enter upon.take possession c�f and manage the Pmpercy and to colle�x the • , ;.�..-
<br /> h . •.
<br /> reuss of the Property including those pasc due. All rents coUeaed by Len3er or the receiver shall be applied fust to :��,,.�.;:
<br /> and rnllecaon of rents. .ncluding but not limited to.receiver's fees. . �.---.�--
<br /> payment of the costs of management of the Propetty ' `' =F
<br /> ptemiums on receiver's honds and reasonaitle attomeys'fees.and then to the sums sacured by this Deed of Trust. Lender ��,:_ `-'
<br /> � and[he receiver s h a ll b e l i a b le w a c c ount onl y for those rents actuaUy receivecl. . �s`�.�_'
<br /> .' �°R_�r=-�-.
<br /> ?A. Reeonveysuce. Upon paymeui of all sums secured by this Daed of Tnut. Lender shall request Tmstee to - �_
<br />� ..�. momey t&e Property aud shall sunender this Deed of Tmst and all notes evidencint indebt�dness setured by this Deed of .�•:_-_-�_-:_
<br /> - Trus[to Trustee.Ti rastee shall reronvey the Propercy without vvanant7+and withouc charge to the person or persons Iega11Y • -_ _:
<br /> entided therew.Such person or persons shall pay all cASts of recordadon.if any. ,� ���f`
<br /> I.ender.at L.ender's option.maY from cime to tirne remwe Tn�stee and appoint a successor •��.�,�_-
<br /> 21. Substitute Tr�stce. � �� � D�1 of Trust is . �'�= . '
<br /> ' mtistee co any Trustee agPointed hereunder by an insuument recorded in d�e county � wer and duues �. :' .,. �,
<br /> • recorded. Without coaveyanoe of the Pcaperty, the successor m�stee shaU succeed to all tbe ude. po _ �,� , .
<br />' � � confe�d upon the Trustee herein and bY aPPlicable law. _ � :�`�'• .
<br />• ' 22, Request for Natle�es. Bormwer requests that copies of the uodce of default and notice of sate be sent co �:'
<br /> .. �.:;,..
<br /> Borroever's address wluch is the Property Addres�• �; . ��; ._.
<br /> sto�ge.oi release of a�r ��� :°
<br /> 23.Ha�rdous Sut�stanees.Borrowec shall nat cause or permit che presznce.use.disposal. � ;.k, ..,,�, ,
<br /> .. H�ardous S u bstauces on or in t t u P ro p e r t F. B o�w��mt do.nor all�w anyone else to do,anythin8 af�ecd°S
<br /> Law. The recedin8 two sentences shall not apP1Y to the Presence.use. r l"� .`- __
<br /> . p�PertY that is in violation of any Emimnmenql P �������� � a �.
<br /> or swrage on the Pmperty o f s m a l l quantides o f H a r a r d n u s S u b s t a II O e s t h a t:i r e g e n e rn ll Y . �.- .
<br /> no r m a l r e.s i d e n t i a l nses a n d w maintenauce of the P�+oP�Y• ���;."'°
<br /> Bonower shall prompdy give Lender wriuen nouce of any imesrigatim�,claim.demand. lawsuit or other acdon by .yy';•..`.
<br /> � anY SovemmPntal or reg�latory aSencY or private party imolving the Property awi any Hazardous Substance or :.. ..,,
<br /> me
<br /> ���-.
<br /> " gmrironmemtal Law of which Boaower has actual knowledge. If Borrower .earns.or is notifed by any govemmental or � �,,,j !=•--
<br /> . regolatory suthorlty. that any removal or other remediadon of any Harardous Substance affectin8 the ProPertY is
<br /> �.��_��,..�''��.`
<br /> remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. -���`'
<br /> �.Borroaer si�aaU pm�pdy take aU neces�sary �
<br /> U
<br /> As used in this paragzaph 23. 'Ha7acdous Substances" are those substa�u�es defined as toxic or tiau�r+dous substauces _ ��j�.
<br /> `� aP -
<br /> : by Envimnmental Law and the following substauces:Basoline. kerosene.ocher flammable or tonic peuoleum praducts. — _
<br /> . �: wxic pesdcides and herbieides.volatile solvents.material.�containing asbescos or formaldehyde.and radioudve mater3a]s. .���F..�_ _. -- -_ -
<br /> � � As used in this paragaPh 23. 'Emironmental Law"means federal laws and:aws of the juiisdicdon where she PropenY is _
<br /> located that relate to heaith.safety or emironmental prot�caon. ,'',�-.-_
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