. . � , � 97- �(�,� .� - . _
<br /> , _ , . -
<br /> principal amount of the indebtedness secuned by ihis Daed of Trust,not including sums advanced to proteci the sacurity of this Deed of � `f =
<br /> , Tnist,exceed the originat prinapal amount stated herein,or$ 625,Q00.00 ,whichever is greater. • � _ __
<br /> 16.�lisceilancaus Provistans. � . �
<br /> (a)Bo�r+ov►er Nat Re!eased.Extension of the time for payment or modfiqtion af amoriization of the sums secured by this . � � , :;e�
<br /> Deed ot Trust grantad by Lender to any suceessor in interest of Borrower shall nat operate W retease,in any manner,the tiabil'E ' �
<br /> � � ty of the original Bortovrer and Bartower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required ta cammence prooeedings ,. � �
<br /> against se�eh successor or refuse to extend Gme for�payment or othervvise modify amortization of the sums secured by this ,,.• . . T
<br /> . Oeed of Trust by reason of any demands made by the original8orrower and Borrowers successors in interest. �.,.
<br /> (b)Lender's Powecs.Without affecUng the liablity of any other person liable for the paymeni of any obligation herein men- ' � �+"
<br /> tloned,and without affecting the Iien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Praperty not then or theretafore .
<br /> released as security tar the full amount of ati unpaid obGgations,Lender may,from time to time and without notice(i)release .
<br /> ° �� any person so Iiable,(ii)extend the maturity or atter any oi the tem►s of any such obligations.(iii)grant other indulgen�s,(iv) "' � " ` -
<br /> release or reconvey,or cause to bs reteased or reconveyed at any time at Lenders option any parcel, portion or all of the �
<br /> Propetty.(v)take or retease any ather or additional security for any obligation herein mentioned,or(vij make oompositions or • , °
<br /> ---_•.�; other arrangements with debtors in relation thereto. - - - _ - - ' ,
<br /> (c)Forbearanoe by Lender Not a Waiver.My for6earanoe by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or oth- , �� ,e'
<br /> ervyise afforded by applipble law,shall not tre a waiver of or preduda the exercise of any such right or remsdy.The procure- . .. ,
<br /> . ment at insurance or the payment of taxes or othar liens or charges by Lender shal!not be a waiver or Lende�s right to accelsr- - �
<br /> � ate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by fhis Deed of 7rust ��_�.. , :
<br /> (d)Succesaora and Asst�ns Bound;Jolni and Several Ltabittty;CapSons.l'he covenants and agreemenLs herein con- : ; �,. - ' ��.�
<br /> tained shaD bind, and tha dghts hereurtder shall inure to,the respectiva successors and assigns of l.ender and Tnistor.A!1 '��µ�'�""��''
<br /> � covenants and agreements of Trustor shall be Joint and several.The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of �'�J; �""`�`-Y,
<br /> .:�
<br /> , Trust are for convenience onty and ara rtot to be used to interpret or define the provisions hareof_ :�� ��
<br /> (e)Request for Not�ces.The parties hereby request that a copy of any notice of default hereunder and a copy of any notice � "'�"��<
<br /> of sale hareunder be mailed to each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set forth abova in the manner prescribed by • ��,
<br /> �•' appllcabta law.Except for any other notice reGvired under applicabte law to be given in another manner,any notice provided for , � f.,�'�.�v:�,
<br /> in thls Deed of Trust shall bs gh►en by mailing such no6ce by certified mait addressed tn the oiher parties,at the address set _ i,�.; ,.:r' �-�.�
<br /> forth above.Any notice provlded for in this Deed of Trust shall be effective upon mailing in the manner designated herein. ff • , � .� . •�
<br /> • Trustor is more than one person,notice sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to atl such persons. p �.T :..�.�___
<br /> (�tnspaWon.Lender may make or cause W be made reasonabls entries upon and Inspections of the PropeRy,p�vided ; �`
<br /> that Lender shall give Tn�stor noUce prior to any such inspection speafqing reasonable cause therefor related to Lende�s inter- _ ` '�� s�r�
<br /> est in the Property. . ,�.,`—_—
<br /> - (g)Reco�veyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust.Lendsr shaN request T►ustee to rewnvey the „-' —
<br /> Property and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and all nQtes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to r-�'"
<br /> , Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey tha PropeRy,without warranty and without charge tn tfie person or persons legally entitled '��� �:� • ' ��
<br />• tfiereto.Trustor shall pay aIl costs of recordatlon,if any. `: �'�� ' ` �"�
<br /> (h)Personat Properiy;Security Agreement As additional security for the payment of the Note,TnisDar hereby grants ,'r'.�, ,• r
<br /> Lender under ths Nebraska Unifortn Commerciat Cods a security interest in alt fixtures,equipment,and other personal properiy .
<br /> used in connedion wifh the real estate or improvements lopted thereon,and not otherwise dedared or deemed to be a part of --'� '�`
<br /> . the real eshate secured hereby.This instrument shall be construed as a Securityr Agreemant under sald Code,and the Lender _;- �' '�.
<br /> shall have all the rights and ramedies of a secured paRy under said Code in addidon to the dghts and remedies created under ; �'�� :.`' i :"�
<br /> . and aoc:orded the Lender pursuant t�this Qeed of Tnux provided that Lenders dghts and remodies under tfiis paragraph shall -,� ''}` '
<br /> • be cumulative with,and in no way a IimitaUon on,Lender's rights and remedies under any ather securfty agreement signed by '°�;�.! . ��;}! :� i:
<br /> Borrower or Tn�stor. •: � ��
<br /> (i�Uens and Enpimbrances.TrusWr hereby warrants and represents that there is no defauft under the provisions of any 1�'�-; ���°, �
<br /> moRgage,deed of trust,lease or purchaso cont�2ct describing all or any paR oi the Property,or other contract,insirument or �,��'. � ��q . �
<br /> agreement constituting a lien or encumbrance against all or any part of tha Property(coQectiivary,'Uans'j,exlstlng as af the ,;,,��,,...
<br /> . date of this Deed of Trust,and that any and all exisdng Uens n�main unmodifisd except as disctosed to Lender in Trustofs writ
<br /> ten disclosure oi tiens and encumbrances provlded for herein. Trustor shall timety perform aIl ot TrustoPs ofsligatIOns, "�"` •'r ,. _—
<br /> , covenants,representatlons and warranUes under any and all exisHng and future Uens,shalt promptly fon►rard to Lender copies �. ��-
<br /> of all notices of default sent in connection wlth any and all existing or future Liens,and shall not without Lender's pAor written �`-°=
<br /> . consent in any manner modify the provlsions of or altow any future advances under any exisUng or tuture liens. . � '`f�'-
<br /> �.�.
<br /> (�)ApplieaUan o}Paymerfts.Untess otherwise requlred by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,inctud3ng without flmitaUon ��`�
<br /> ., �i�ti����..
<br /> payments of p�incipal and interest, insurance proceests,condemnaUon proceeds and rents and profits, shall be apptied by ���•=�__
<br /> . �. . Lender to tMe amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower in such orcler as Lender in its sale discreUon deems deslr- -� �=�,�-�,;:
<br /> ' eb18. �� r. . ... vl .-..
<br /> ` (k)Sevenbll(ty.H any provlston ot thts Deed oi Trust confllcLs w(th appliqble law or Is deGared Invalid or otherwlse unen- '�` `���
<br /> fon;eabte,such conflid or InvaBdity shall not affect the othet provlsions of Usis Oeed ot Tnist or the Note whlch pn be gtven ��'�� � � '`��
<br /> � i• effect without the conflictin rovision,and to this end the rovisions of this Deed of Trust and tl�e Note aro dedared to be sev- � ��'"'"'"��
<br /> 8P P '�:--�,.� "-- .,_�-
<br /> ,.i ereble. '. ' a e. .�,r....:r._._t.
<br />. ' (q T�rtns.The terms'Trusto�and'8orrower shall inGude both singutar and pturat,and when the 7rustor and Borru��r are ��':,�a�'"-�-
<br /> . � - the same person(s),those terms as used in this Deed oi Trust shall be interchangeable. �•`��
<br /> • (m)Govemtng Law.Thia Deed of Trust shell be govamed by fhe laws of the State of Nebraska. ��+�'•��—
<br /> +.s`,�„y-:-
<br /> .� . � ..� -1�+�,._►.r1nr • ._
<br /> �'l .
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<br />... � .. �"+l�•' �.
<br /> .. , , '.i._ .
<br /> _1 '"_...t:-�.' . � .
<br /> Trustor has exscuted this Deed of Trust as oi the date written above. � � . '"'-
<br /> Westering Dis bution Company, Inc. � . .
<br /> , �
<br /> B : 'l ' .C�.r�� . �
<br /> � Wi`Iliam B estering, Presi entTrustor Tn,stor . � . _ _
<br /> • � g.�
<br /> ' � � _�
<br /> Trustor Trusta�r � .
<br /> . : �
<br /> . �.:
<br /> . �.
<br /> - � ' . .. . �.
<br /> • . �`:'.
<br /> - j i --- ----_= �-�.---�.
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