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<br /> D � � D � � C� OG� D�
<br /> Fxonz <_'` i I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numexical In- �,
<br /> � • �� I
<br /> ------ ---------� ------- --------------�---�=------------------------- dex and filed for record this-----------1-�----------day of---------�`-�'--•----------------•---
<br /> I A. D. z9a-�-------, at------------`���-1---------------o'clock-----------------------�_M.
<br /> ------------------------------------T�----------------------------------- � WARRANTY /� �� �i�t,f�
<br /> } D$ED
<br /> ----------------------------- ----- •- ----------------------------------------
<br /> � �y����N County Clerk.
<br /> ------------ -=-------=---�--�- - �`�� !
<br /> j - --------------------��-- - --------------------- -----D-- ----------
<br /> ---- ------------------------------------ ------ ------- ------- -- ----- -------------- -- ) � uty.
<br /> Know alI 1VIen by these Presents:
<br /> That-------�----�._,���r��-����-����--- --=--���c�f�,--;�-���-c�-f----------------------------------- �
<br /> ------- � ` ----- -------------------------
<br /> -- --- ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> � � �j
<br /> �1�'`�------------------------------------------------ Grantor--------------, in consideration
<br /> of the CountY of-------------c�_r_��i-------------------------------and State of----------------- -
<br /> of the sum of--- ----------���.e,�_--=�/�'���--��o-°� ----__ - --- ___- _ _--_ - ---\---- ----- --------- ---.------- --- __------- ---- --------- -----DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do----------------hereby GRANT BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------- - •-�-�.
<br /> /� � ---//__'`��.�.e�-----------------�----------------------------------------------- --=-------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> of the County of___________�i!_-��__.______________________________and State of_________`_L�,_____.__ ___________________Grantee___.___.___, the following described
<br /> premises, situated in the County of______.____s/Y___�-�________________________and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> ------------ -- - ,-yi�'�� (�� �t c..;- � dL-��_�- _�„��l - -�----'-'-v��� ✓_I�-
<br /> ���--�?��----------- -------�-- -------------------- - -----�- ---- ---�----��_���-_- _�._------ v� . (� �-�- -------------�--- -----------------
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<br />, ------------------�------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------- --=__------
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<br />' ---------------------------------------- -------------- -----------------------------------------���-r-----
<br /> ------------------�--------------------:.-------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-_--------------- ------------------------------.--------------------------------------------
<br /> O
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------=-----------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy,
<br /> Claim, and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�.__.___, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. ; ' ,,'
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________.__and to___/�-�_________heirs
<br /> and assigns forever. And- ��j�-- ---hereby covenant. ---..withthe said Grantee-- - --that-----l����. _._hold.--- -._sfi�id premises by good and perfect' .
<br /> title; that_._____.______._.._._______ha_ __ _�ood right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of �,ll liens a,nd in.cum-
<br /> branceswhatsoever-------- -- --- - -' -----�-----_----- ----._._.._-------- --- ---- --------------- �- -__- ------ --- ------ - ------- ---------------- --- -----�-------- ------- ._....----_ ._--------._..- ------- - ----...
<br /> --�-------�----..
<br /> -----------------�-------------
<br /> --------------------------------- --------------------- - ------------- ---- -- ------� -----------------And------._._.�.`�k�_. .. ----�---- ------------covenant---...___to warrant
<br /> and defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,_ _________________________.__:___________________,_____.__________.___________ _____ _________ ______
<br /> ---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------- -------- ------- ---- ..--- -------�------------------------------------------ -------------------.....-----------•-
<br /> Datedthe----------------------�-�-----------------------------------da of-------------------��e'�_----------------- -----------A. D. i o�
<br /> Y --- ---------- 9------------
<br /> WITNESS ���� �
<br />� � --------------------�--� ___�_°.__i7''_'-'�_`-'_`--_---------------------------------------°------ .
<br /> .
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<br /> ------------�.��-�--- ---=�------------------------------- � ------------------�'���.�_�. _-----��.-----------------------------------------
<br /> _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
<br /> ss. /�
<br /> .._...��CC��---------- Count ' On this�--- ----------�-- --1
<br /> Y• J � -- -- ---- - - ---------�aY of---------------,e�.lre�------------------------A. D. z9o-�--, before me,
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public____ ______ _____________ _ �__wi i and for said County, personally came____ _____________ _______ ___________ ______ _________ ______
<br /> ----------------------- --- -------��------- - -�__.„ - - - �
<br /> , _ ,-, -:
<br /> a-- ---- - L�-�=�_=�-----------f =
<br /> to me personally know to be the identical person,�___whose name _ ��__e_�__ ___af�ixed to the above inst�'urne�t
<br /> �-- � --
<br /> as grantor,d-,.---and - -��c�----.severally acknowledged the same to be --,��%���voluntary act and deed for �h�
<br /> ,purpose therein expressed.
<br /> , IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto si.zbscribed my hand and affixed my official seal at_____________________________
<br /> �� � .
<br /> �«_�-,- �<?_�.--____,-_._�________________on the date last above written.
<br /> �� --------- ----------- -
<br /> � ----------------------------- =--`--'r-o•-�---------------- -- - --------------------------.�.,_
<br /> � Nota Public.
<br /> /� ; rY
<br /> MyCommission expires __1�L-=��----�--�-----------------------------------------------------i9-�-�--
<br /> w�
<br />� ___ : �_,�s- _
<br />