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<br /> .. —. _ . . t _ .-.-
<br /> <.. ;_, - ��:==
<br /> . �7� 1.��.��� ' .`..
<br /> � prinapal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Oeed of Tnist,not including sums advanced to protect the security of this Deed of , �. �,
<br /> � Trus�exceed the original principai amount stated herein,or$ 95,000.00 ,whichever is greater. - . � , � • `,
<br /> •� 16.AA3seeiianeous Provtslona. '�-
<br /> (a)Borrower Not Released Extension of the time for payment or modifipdon of amoAization of the sums ses:ured by this
<br /> «"�°
<br /> � Deed of 7rust granted by Lender to any sucoessor in inierest of Borrower shall not oparate to release,in any manner,the liabiii- ; �. _ �
<br /> � ty of the original Borrower and Borrowers successors in interest. Lender shall not be raquired to commence proceedings s ` : ' , . 4-._
<br /> against sucfi successor or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortization of the sums secureG by this
<br /> ,� Deed ot Trust by resson of any demands made by the original Borrower and Borrower's successars in interest. • . a'
<br /> � j (b)l.enders Powars.Without afteGing the liability of any cther psrson liable for ths payment oi any obligation herein men- , ,
<br /> � + Goned,and without affec6ng the lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any partion of the PropeRy not then or theretofore . , .
<br /> released as security for the full amount of all unpaid obligations,Lendar may,from time to time and vrithout rtobce(i)release -• �
<br /> ` � any person so liable,(ii)extend the mahrrity or alter any of the terms of any such obligations.(iii)grdnt other indulgancss,(iv) �
<br /> release or reconvey, or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time ai Lenders option any p�rcei,porrtion or ali at ihe _—
<br /> Property,(v)take or reiease any other or additional security for any obiigation herein mentioned, or(vi)make compositions or _ �_
<br /> � other arrangements with debtors in rela6on thereto. • �
<br /> � i (c)Forbearaace by Lender Not a Watver.My fofiearance by L.ender in exerasing any right or remedy hereunder,or oUr ' � +
<br />. " ervrise affordetl by applipble taw,shali not be a waiver of or pmdud�the exerase of any such right or remedy.Tha procure- �• !.
<br /> • ment of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not ba a waiver or Lender's right to acceler- • . r� =
<br /> ate the maturity of the indeDtedness secured by fhis Deed of Trust • , .
<br /> (d)Successors and Asstgns Bound;Jo1nt and Sev�ral LIab11i3y;Capttons.The covenants and agresments herein coo- • •
<br /> tained shail bind, and the rights hereundar shait inure to,the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Trustor.All � -
<br /> covenants and agreemenis of Tn�stor shail be joint and several.The pp6ons and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of `� _,�_:• .•
<br /> , Trust are for convertience only and are not to be used W interpret or define the prov+sions hereof. ' � •—_� _; _ -
<br />' (e)Request for Nottces.The parties hereby request that a copy of any notioe of defauit hereunder and a oopy of any noUce • : _
<br /> - of sale hereunder be maited to each party to this Deed of Tnest at the adtiress set forth above in the manner prescribed by , ;;�:�..
<br /> applicable law.Except for any other notice required under appticable taw to be given in another manner,any notice provided for t"^""",,^'.:
<br /> in tfiis Deed of Trust sfiall ba given by maiting such notice by certified maii addressed to itta other patties,at the address sei , •� "'�'`` '�''�;
<br /> ` farth above.My no6ce�rovided for in t�is Deed of Trust shafl be effecfive upon mailing in the manner des+gnatsd herein.if . � � �'��_
<br /> � `• Tnistnr is more than one erson,notice sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to aN such ersons. � ` �
<br /> . P P . . •,r.' _.-
<br /> � {�Inapeetion.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonabte entries upon and inspecUons of the Properry,provided --
<br /> that Lender shali give Trustor notice prior W any such inspedion specifying reasonabte quse therefor rsiated to Lenders inter- . ',..r�I � '°�.
<br /> • .- est in the Property. .. �`";,..��>
<br /> (g)Recomeyance.Upon payment of atl sums secL+red by this Deed oi Trust,Lendor shaU request Trustea to reconvey the .--_ ;..,.��
<br /> Pmperty and shatl surrender this Deed of Trust and all nates evidencing indebtedness secured by this Desd of Trost to ' �`"'`� _
<br /> Trustee.Trustee shatl reconvey the Praperty,vuithout warranry and without charge to the person or persons Iegalty enUtled � . . "�`� `_�
<br /> ' ,T .�. -
<br /> thereto.Tn�,sWr shall pay all costs of recordation,if any. . � '• �, �.``j;�t t:°
<br /> F (h)Personal Property;Secu�iYy Agreo[nes�i As additiortal security tor the payment of the Note,Tnistnr he�eby grants ' ' �, � ��:� _
<br /> " Lendor under the Nebraska Uniform Cammeraal Code a security interest in alt fixtures,equipment,and other personal property �~"x�� � •_`-
<br /> � •+ used in wnnectlon vrith the reat estate or improvements located thereon,an�not otherwise dedared or deemed to be a paR of . ,". �� � •
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This insdvment shall be construed as a Security Agreement under said Code,and the Lender _: � � .='i �: �
<br /> shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured paRy under sald Coda in additian to the rights and remedios created under � �
<br /> � and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trus�provided that Lenders rights and remedies under this paragtaph shall ����:•� � �,
<br /> be cumulattia with,and in no way a IimitaGon on,Lenders rights and remedies under any other security agreement signed by ''��'`:._ '`� , �
<br /> Borrower or Trustor. . "':�;� �.
<br /> �� , (i)Ltens and Encumbrances.Tnistor hereby warrants and represents that there Is no defautt under tha provislons of any . ��� • , �``.
<br /> mortgage,deed of trust,leasa or purchase contraci describing aIl or any part of the Property,or other oantract,instrument or ;�.r,,� f g
<br /> � agreement constituttng a►ien or encumbrance against all or any part of the Property(collectively,'Uens°),existing as of tlie a.• ` ,.
<br /> ,. date of thfs Deed of Trust,and that any and all exisUng Liens remaln unmoditied except as disclosed to Lender in T►usto�s writ ` � �
<br /> ��� �'' •
<br /> . .�:,..,.,. ,,�'
<br /> ten dlsGosure of tiens and encumbrances provided for hereln.Trustor shall timety peAortn aU of Trustors obligations. ':���,,;' :�•
<br /> covenants,representations and warranGes under any and all existing�nd future Uens,shall prom�:,y forwacd to l.ender copies � "�`.-�'
<br /> ="�+°�'�•� �.,',
<br /> .. of all notices ot default sent in connecUon with any and all ex(sting or future Liens,and shall not without Lenders prior written ..��.�� � ;.y ,._ _ _,
<br /> consent in any manner modify ttie provlsions of or atlow any tuture aQvances under any exlsUng or future liens. -- -
<br /> •� (j)ApDllcation oi Pa ���` •�`�——
<br /> . .� yments.Unless otherwise required by law,sums patd to Lender hereunder,lraa'u�ing wlthout IimitaUon ��,,, ��,-•.
<br /> payments oi principal and Interest, insurance proceeds, condemnation proceeds and rents and proE�,shall be apptied by `'"''��
<br /> ::��
<br /> Lender to tha amounts duo and owing irom Trostor and Borrower in such oNer as Lender in its sale discretion deems dasir- �"�� �-�
<br /> _ abl�k)Save�lltty.lf any provlslon ot thls Oeed ot Trust conNcts wlth appltcable law or Is dectared Mvalld or othervulse unsn- -��= �� �-��
<br /> � forceable,such contllct or invalidity shall not affect the other provisions oi this Deed of Trust or the Note wtti�o can be g(ven "°x'?�"�"�'���`=-
<br /> _,...�.-
<br /> '3 eftect without the conflicUng provlsion,and to this end tha provlsions of thls Deed of Trust and the Note are der,lared to ba sev- -, " �
<br />� ''S erable. ,.y�._..,�-��-,-'�-��:-.
<br /> � s (t)Terms.The terms?rustof and'Bcscowe�'shafl InGude both singutar and plural,and when the Trustor and Borrovrer are � ..� . �
<br /> ; j the same persan(s),those terms as used+n this Deed of Tnist shall be interchangeabte. _:��'-
<br /> � (m)Goveming Law.This Qeed ot Trust shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Nebraska. +,.:--�����,�_��- _ �
<br /> . . -�"'.�..�.:. �� —
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<br /> At4ES . E I LTS Trustor Trustor
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