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<br /> 1 , �
<br /> `__����r-�LTr-�:�_�?r�,�_�,:�.�,.�-.�-'�!`� ------- dex and filed for record this---------���� _- ___day of _�_ _�__������- - ------
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<br /> � I County Clerk.
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<br />� of the County of______.___,���a -��_ __.____ ____________and State of-_ ���e ��?_��c�% ______ _____ _____ _, , Grantor�� ____, in consideration �
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<br /> of the County of_____.���z-F'�____ _______ ___.._______,___and State of �/_�,�-�z��-�-���,: ___ _ __ __ __ __Grantee ______, the following described
<br /> premises, situated in the County of___,�c�<�____.__..._______________and State of Nebras.ka, to-wit: ,
<br /> /' . - f !
<br /> ------�u__�`y��.�l�:�-���2_!_..��"�)_ �z)__ t�, _�_�wr_—l_1_ _�<a_��<<.�,.a�� �-- -�—�✓��-L_2_____�.�_�� �c_ -c ----- -- -- -------
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<br />, Together with all the �enements, hereditaments, and �ppurtenances thereunto belonging, and a,ll the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy,
<br /> �
<br />� Clairn, and Demand wYiatsocver of the said Carantor,�� _ __, �,nd o£ either of them, of, in, �r to the same, or any part thereof.. ', �
<br /> TO IIAVII !1NI) '1'O IIC)Lll the abo��c� c3cscrit>c�c1 a�r°c:miscs, ��iti.i the �LpJ_�urtcn��nces, tant;o tl�e s�Lid Grantee-__--.---and to-- , �-�4%__ _._heirs
<br />�
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<br />� `� title; that_._����..____ _ _ _i7a�<'. _�ood right and lawful authoT•ity to sell �.nd convey the same; t1�i�it, tl�tey are free and clear of all.lierts and ir?eum- �
<br /> �
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<br /> ----- --- - _ -- - .�. -- - -- - --- - ---- --And�-- ..�1��--- __. _. . _ -- - ----------covenant_.. __._to warrant
<br /> and defend to said premises aga.inst the l�,wfu1 claims of a11 persons u-homs��ever,_ .____ ___.__ ___..__ ____._
<br />!
<br />, ------------------------- ----------------------- -------�--- --------------------------- - -- -- - --- -- -- -- -
<br />� � �_, ��
<br />°. Dated the---- - -----_��:_�_<i- ---------- - -- ----------day of_e�j�r__=�z�= � - --- ----- -_�-- -- ------ ----------A. D. i9--�'�--
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<br />� � ---�u�_ --------- Countv. � On this----� --- -_-�� ��- ---�-- -- day of--�1;��,�.���------ - ---A. D. zq_c?_�'_., before me, �
<br />� �� the undersigned, a Notary I'ttblic_ �°��._=a �_Y��-�a-����1�z� _�__�withiii and for saicl County, personally eame__ ____ � �
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<br /> : to me personallY 1�ZOw to be the identical person.�___whose name_��___,-�2_-�_____�ffixed �o the above instrument
<br /> <LS grantor,.Q-=_and ____��,L,z- _-._severally a.cknowleclged the same to be_���-�-?� __
<br /> � _ _ voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN TWI1'i�TESS WHEREOF I h�iz>e hereunto subscribed my hand and affixed my official seal at_______._________________ '
<br /> � _' �� � _
<br /> /���=���=ti-�==���_��-=�=��t--��� -���-�-�c ���-���------on the date la.st above written.
<br /> U J .
<br /> �01�.�_�/ -------------------------=�.��•-,��-�s�.:�-�_t�.�/--------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public:
<br /> / 9� -- '�
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<br /> I .
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