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<br /> �-����.���. ;�ros►idinq �or� -�nt ot _ the entire principal :'�:,
<br /> ba�c�, �t�getbe�s:;°vith inter�:�;:�it the rate ar�.�t�►eu�Percant
<br /> � (',�;��#� �t' arn►ui,� in ..�,tbly''''<,�aist�all�en r- �#�i:t�tpnclred
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<br /> � ��� �, noYiars tS3�`�si}r ~e�c� �iu�i�rxo�:�t���:�.�ooz at
<br /> �.. '; ;�:�'��=�4`.�,;_'�. all resafniii��'<�cf�e3;`,and% est';',��3i�:�:�ar bY �.
<br /> � '.�;�#�����:�R'a���;-shail Lave been pafd;�;.��#�ereby gra�t;�t�ti�y unto. .
<br /> .��f�:��;`�.�;�;�..STEEII.IIC, Attornep at;::;'�, .231 Sa�c;��oci�st, .Grand.:,;:;.• .
<br /> ; �.s t;���:<<'�';��� ��;;fl�braska 68801, the � �'�ee�,�3t1i po�i� of�s�3e, th�':;".;:: � `•`_
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<br /> ,:�':�':��°����fo�; in sloc�;2t�srteen (i� ,. '� scartt•s �ld�iti�+oi����.':�1�st �` : _
<br /> � � I,aYnr.: 3ar�� tJie����ty ol ;���c��nd, Hall CouA��;��t �ca. � �
<br /> �.".
<br /> ��� TO :S:>fUVE AIiD T��c� ���$OLD the sase, toqether 'ti�s.th all ::.-
<br /> appustenances, in trust nevertheless, and fn case of de�ault in
<br /> the payae�t of said Nots or any part thereoP or interest tAereon �
<br /> or fs� the perfqrasnce o! any covenant hereinalter set lorth, then
<br /> the Tsvstea shall have the .po�ter to,a�ll the above-desoribeci "�`� -
<br /> �,; -=-
<br /> proparty, and upon request ot the Benef��fary, the Trustes sball ������
<br /> l�le tor record in the Regiates.oY De�,!�;�aStice .o! 8a11 county, +'�..°�f
<br /> ��nska, a l�iotfca ot Delault, ��E�.�:�'s��►,th�� 3 breach o! an � .,�.�,:
<br /> a�3i:�gation, !or w�ch the said �pr�i�g.:,4i�'�ai����.as securfty, ,��
<br /> . . �'occarred, and�setti�q����g�th #�e.;� , `+��'��,�'?are�ach. atid the ;'��.
<br /> .; :�!��.
<br /> :::�=4� � ;`43�qstee•s election to seli����tk�'.�p'�X•t+a�;s�itis��}:�thb o�t�ation: ; ,_
<br /> ' .����' a�l atter the lapse o! �iia�'����'.#'C�fi o�t+�'��(2j �cvnt,l�, the':�itustee , �..; :'_.
<br /> � �31 g3ve written notice ai�tai�e'•� and place of:.sale whfch aay.;�_::'�:; �.'�r:.�.':;'�`r
<br /> �=�l�etween 9:00 �i.M. and 5:00 P,�p a�i� the preafsesi, or at tiie Ha�=',��..,�,;.�, ��,���.� �
<br /> Cavnty Ct��i}�Cthouse, an� particulai�'.���-`descaC�ing ttte property to be��;;,;' �,,�:.°��:�':` �[=
<br /> t
<br /> �old; sa3a� Natice to be publis ed in a;�tet�spaper of a qanerai� �'«`�=r''
<br /> cixeulat��i�ii in Hall County, Neh�aska, "cnce a week for five (5� � �` �
<br /> cansecutive weel+cs, the last pub��:iieatfon to be ax �least ten (10);;,� , . d
<br /> daj�s but not aore tban tbirty .{,3��_:`,�ays prior to ,t�i� sale; and a:
<br /> �'�`:
<br /> �restes ahall then sell ..�a�: '�rroperty at the: tiae and plac�`_;.;�;., . '
<br /> desig»ated in the Notiee, �n:��`i�at�ner provided by lav in effee�;t � � ' �-
<br /> , � �t. , the ti�e o! filinq �i�',•,1�1'��ice, and public auctfon t� t��. �`,;,: .'?.'' . .. ;�:
<br /> h�iest bidder tor �aash and sha�.]�,.'t£eliv_er to suab.purchaser a d���"�����;;,��s�� '-
<br /> .�... .,,: :,: ;.
<br /> iko�:;�°.t,�,�� .property sold, Consistet�.:�rith the law in effect at t6at:�;��.':;;z;;;:::;:�;;;:�. �
<br /> ��ii[a. ' 1l�ddit fonally, Trustee s�aii aa il Trustor a copy o! any-�:;���.���;;���,._=,. .
<br /> Naticg of�. Default and Natice o! SaYe hereunder upon detauit • � �..; i�,
<br /> �� addressed to thea at 1815 Nortb Custer, �GranB Is1anA, Nebraska �
<br /> 6�803. Out o� the grcceeds of sa9:d sal�, the Trustee shall
<br /> retain an�l pay �frst a11 fees, cbarges an� costs o! �ale anA all
<br /> �aonies advanced fn the exercise of the power_af' sale, includinq
<br /> td� payaant r�g tha Trustee•s fees aatually incurre8, an� pay ���
<br /> second th�� obliqations secure8 by t�hfs Deed oP T�ust; and the
<br /> balance, f! any, shall be pai� to the person or persons �legally
<br /> , � ;
<br /> ' • ' : a
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