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. , .. . .. ,,�- <br /> _._,.._--. : � , .- . � �. ; ' : ,` *L <br /> 97� i0��'S : � �� z� <br /> � . Any amounts disbwsed by Lender undor th�a PafsyrapP► shafl trecome an addmonal deht of Borrower and tre sewres by ' ' ' , . ,} . <br /> i this Sewriry Insuument These amounts shaA Oear intsrest hom tRe dst� oi disbursem�nt at ths Note rate, and at 4he oTNon ot � , �� <br /> Lender.sha�be inmed�►ltety due and p8y8bfe• ' ' ' € t � <br /> � : • �ti< <br /> Bortowar shaU promptly discrtarpe any tien vrh�h has prtart7y ovFa th�s Srcudty InSUUment uniess Borrowar: (a) a�raes in � �� <br /> wrs4ing to tho payment of tho obligatlon secured by the�en in a manner accepteLle to Lender: (b)contssts In Qaad t�h Ne 6en r• T� <br /> ' bY. or defends ayahst e�forCOme�t of the lisn n. layal ProcesQ�ys w8ich � the Lsnd2fs opnlon operate to D�^t ths . , <br /> • entorcemsot of the fien: cr(c)secures hom the holder o�tha llen en npreemem sat�sfaclory to Lsrtder SuhoMtr�atin0 the Ilen to � . - <br /> � thLS Socur3y Instrumen�If Lender detesm�es that any pert of the Pmperty is subject to a Gea� �vhfch may aitatn pr[orty over thfs � . �_�. <br /> Secur�2y InstrumenL Le�der may Sive Barowsr a notk:e i6entityiny the li�.Borrovrsr sha8 satisfy t�e lien or t�1ce one or moce of �. . ` <br /> the acNons sei taM flbove within 10�ays of tho gkinB of notice. ., <br /> _ S. PECB.Lender may coiieet fees and char8es authoria�d by the SscretarY. - ---- •- ��` <br /> 9. Ground�!or Acceleratlon o4 DebL . . <br /> (S) DC�UIt. Lender maY. excePt es tim;ed by regutattons tssusd hy the Sec�etary in the case of pnymsnt dafau@s, , . �, `' <br /> frequire immediete payment tn fuU of a0 sums ssCUred by this Secur�ty Instrumsnt fi - <br /> . (q Bortower detauRS by fatlh9 to paY h fi+fl eny monthN CaY�'�t�� by this SecurRy instrument D�r to or on { , �~ � <br /> the due date ot the nmQ monYhy payment,or � . �_-, <br /> (�Bortower�fauRs by fa�np,for a period of thlrty days,to paform eny other abL'pations tontained in tht3 St�curity : . �, ,,•, <br /> Instrumer►L ' :�" ,, ^_ <br /> (b) Sale Without Crodit Approval. LAedet Shall, ff perm�ted by apA�b taw(inCtudinp seatlon 341(� of tPfe L , �•, . �,- <br /> GamSt Germain Oeposftory InstRuUons Act of 1982, 12 US.C. t701}3(d))and v�h the prfor approvai of the Sectetary. � . '�-��== , <br /> �•��.dxa�_::- <br /> requke inmediate payment in fu0 of 8D the sums secured by tfi(s SecutRy InsUument iF -_ <br /> (� A➢ or paR of the Prope�rly, or a beneHCta1 hterest in s trust oxming e� o► part of the Property. Is sold or : '`� <br /> otherniso Vansteaed(othQr than by devtse ar dess9nt).and � � , • - <br /> � (i�The Property►s not oaupied by Me purchaser ar prantee as his or her prinCpal residenae.or tha purcfiasar ar • '.- '=-_�� <br /> ' •aJ. T._"___— <br /> Qrantee does so occut►Y the ProPertY. Dut his or het credtt has not been apOroved h aCCOrdanee wRh the ___�.,T��_ -_ <br /> ° recNrements of the Sec[e'ta►Y• .----= �T'�:.R, <br /> .*. , . r- _, ,� <br /> (C) NO W8iV8l. If ctrcumstaneas occut that vrouid perm� LenQer to requhe inmediate Payment h fu�, but I.ender .. .!..-'.:�':j . <br /> �.,�-�_��i, <br /> does not requ're suCh payrtients.L.eetfa�does not waive its riDhts w�h respect to subsequent events. . ,s . <br /> ; . ; ... . <br /> (d) Regu18ti008 Ot HUD S@CfetBTy In many cir�umsmnces reW�ations issued by G".a Secretsry wEl Bm@ ;�,,'. <br /> ' ' Lenders rlphts. �► the case of Dayment defaurts. to requte immediate Payment in tuU and foreciose N not pe1d.Th!s <br /> .: Security InsUument does not authort�acceieralbn or forecbsure N not P��d bY�W��ns of tho SecretarY. .r.�..2 ,.:� •_ <br /> (e) Mortgaqe Not I�red. BoROwer ey�ees that it this Ser.uriiY Instrument and the Note e►e not d9tertnhed to '��' � ° �� . <br /> be eBpible far insurance c�3er the Nattonai Houstr►p Act wfth� 8 8 g hom the date hereof, Lender ` �Y;�.�- - <br /> may,at �s or:ion require immediete DaYment 6n fuU ot eli sums secured by thts Secur3y Instrument A wrftten statement ,,�,..� <br /> of any authari�d aqer►t ot the 3ec�etarY dated subsequent to� Ot d3tiT9(90) from the da:a hereaf, deci�ntnp - ;.� .�; <br /> to insure thfs Secur�Ty Instrument end the Not0. shafl be deemed cancbstve proof of such inetip��y. NatwRhstandinp ; - �+'„S� <br /> the torepohp,thES optlon may nat be 6x�ised by Lendor when the unavapab�ity of insurance 1s sobty due to Lend2fo ..� ' �I':�- <br /> faWre to remft e mortpape hsurance premium to the Secretary• '`�`- j��• �. <br /> '>-'::, - .•tu � <br /> � 10. RE111818t0Rlei1L Boirower has a�i9ht to be relnstaWd if Lender has required immedi�te Vaymer►t h tuq boCituso o} - .:._--,.., .�. '._.• <br /> gprroyvers taAure to pay en amount due under the Note or thts Secun'ty InstrumenL This �tpht app6as euen after torecbsure � . - �� - <br /> • proceedings are hstituted. To re'ristate the Security Instrument, Bortower shall tender h a lump sum all amounts required to ��`"s�`' � - '-_, <br /> , i�;� <br /> brimg Borrowers account eurrent incWdinp, to the exmnt ttiey ere obli�atlons ot Boaower under thb Secur�y InstrumenA ''" •. �- <br /> .:.;rp,,.,�5,.":.. _ <br /> � forecbsure costs end reasonabte and customary aaomey�s fees and �cpenses D�oG�Y ���t� '"�� tha iwoctosure ,�rx-�-,�._ <br /> procoedhy.Upon reinstatement by 8ortower,this Security Usbument and the obBpations Mat k secutes shall remain in sfWot as :�� r <br /> N Lendir had not required tm�ed(�te p4yment in 1u0. However.Lend� is not required to petmR relnstaternont IY. (�Lander has i� <br /> �dhQ t11Y �'�l�Y`" -"�"': <br /> QCCOpied WIfIS1826rt1et�t Yft9I th9 COmrnNICY(11W11 O} }OfeObSll(e pfOCY�diI�Q9 wRllil MIO yiife �MWdI4Uy p� .�7': ':y- <br /> cammencertNnt ot a curtant foroaWsuro proceedlnp. (�rohstatement w(8 precUdo torecbsure on d�t prounds In the tuture, <br /> or(t�rehstatement w018Qverssry aRect the P��Y of ihe Ben created by this Securky Insbumen� , .. .*�'� - <br /> ,'-•:L•; �':�rs''��;cr.. <br /> � 11. Borro�e7 Not Relea�ed; Forbearance By Lender Not s Watver. E�Qensbn ot tAe tYns of payment or -,:,;�,1,�:,___ - <br /> � modficaUon of amortizaUon of the sums secured by this Securky Instrument gronted by Lender to rny successar b htaost af • _ • ""�"'- <br /> Borrower shafl not operate to reiease tte Iinbit�y oi tho ortpinal BoROwer or Bormwe�s Successor in hteras4l.end�eht➢not be • ' � -- <br /> , requted to commence proceedinps eyainst enY suecessor b interest or refuse to extend time tor payment or othsrwlse modNyr .: - � �:�� <br /> amoRiratlon of the sum9 socured by this Secur�y Insuument by reason of any demend made by the oripinai Borrower or , , � • <br /> � Bortowers successors b hterest My forbearance by Lender in exercLSinB anY �Ight o� remedy ahaN not be a waker ot or � — = <br /> precVde the exercESe ot any ri�ht or rtxr�edy. , <br />. 1�. Succesaors ana Asslg�s Bound; Jolnt and SeveroO Llabllity; Co-slgnera. rne covanants and � �. , <br /> e�ts o}tAb Securityr instrument sha0 bind end benefd Ne successors arid assiyns of Lend�r and Bortower,subject to the , _ <br /> � provisions of Paraprnph 9(D).Borrewafs eownants and apreements shflli be►olnt and 8trveraL My Borrower who co-sipns this . . . <br /> • Security InsWment but Qoas not exeeute the Note: (a)b eo-sipninp thb Secuflty Instrument onry to mort�pe,qrant and eonvay _ • <br /> that 8orrowera Inter6st In the Propwty under the terms of this SeCUrtry Insbvment; (bI is not persontity obApat9d to p4y the ' ' <br /> sums secured by this Seeutity Inswmenh, and (C) a�aes that tsnder and any other Bonower may eyree to e�dend modi(y, =_ <br /> forbear or make sny eccommodafions w�h r�pard to the term ot this Security insbum2nt or tho Note w�out that Bortow�la � _ <br /> consenG . <br /> � 13. NO3iC88. My notice to Bortower ptovided for In this Security Ins�umant sha0 bo qken by dolivurhg R or by matihp R � <br /> by first class mail unless applicabte faw requlres use of another method.The not�o sha0 be directed to the Proparty Address or <br /> iany othor addresa Bonowar desipnates by notico to Londor. Any notice to Lender shaA ho yNen by nst ctass mail to Le.�der's � <br /> � address stated herein or any addresa Lender designates by noti�e to Bortower. My not�e provided (ot in this Security , �r� <br /> Instrument shall be deemed to have heen given to Bortowor or Lender when ghren as provided in this paragraph. _ <br /> � 14. Governinq Law; $BVE�Ablllly/. This SoCUr�y InStrumHnt shell b9 qovemed by Federel law and the {9w of the � . <br /> ' jurisdiction in which the Property �S bceted. In tha e+rent that any provision or ctause o} this Securihr Insuument or the Note <br /> I � <br /> I FSOt3.LM0(Bl88) Pap�9 0l S ' ' - _ <br /> ` . <br /> r -- ..._ ... . .-"� �.. <br /> I <br /> S,= <br /> 1 <br /> t89 � � <br /> 1 ' �-' <br /> � .,_,.,, - <br /> , '� —_ — . . _`-� � - - _ --P-�=�,,..�,:..—.=--`=:=-��-�; <br /> ,. . ... • . .. . • . � .. _ • .. _' .� �. . . , � �;, .' �... , .. . . . � . ' • . . . ,�. •. <br />