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<br /> '� IBpu�ADOw Thta t1n� }or R�eorElny DataJ � ' . ._ ,.--.
<br /> �.� FFIACis�No. �.� .• ,. . `,- _�.__ -
<br /> Stete of Nebra�ks DEED OF ZRUST s��-�ss�s�-� aoa � � �
<br /> .1997 � ' �� �•x ' ,~l
<br /> THIS n�D OF 7RUSf('Sewr�r InsUumenY)ts rt�de on MBtch 21st . —�"'"`,
<br /> ' Tne trustor Is JORtiE L ALARCON AND RENAE J ALARCON MUSBAND AND W1FE � ""�"'` =� `
<br /> (•Barrowe�}. • •r"�.`^..�.t.,.;
<br /> , 'J�`3''.,,i.�..s._
<br /> 7ne wstee ts UNITED NE�RASKA BANK 700 N WEBB ROAD C;RAND ISLAND NEBRASKA 6 ('Tnistee'l• :.�� � '+� �
<br /> rne oene�c�ry cs UNi7'ED NEB�ASnA BANK - —' �-,�.��'
<br /> - whtch Ts oryani�d and�dstiny urtder the laws ot NEBRASKA .and vfiose address is _ - •• . •
<br /> 70� i�i WEBB RD GRAND ISlAND NE 69803 �8"��' ���.��'
<br /> '��;�::.�.
<br /> Bocrower owas LenQer the DrtnciPal sum o} Seven�One Yhousandl Sevan Hun�red end 00/100 , . s�-- —....
<br /> � Dooars(US.3�1 700.00 L Tnis dobt ts evid�nced by Bortowo�s note '-�. .
<br /> �,, dated the same date as thb &ecurfty Inarue�nt('Not��.wh�A provtQes tor monthly PaYmenis.with the fuY dabt, H not Patd :.,..-. :: �� �:�z�i .
<br /> : earIIet.du0 and DaY�ie on A�f,tll 1 2027 .This SecurRy Instrurtient securas to lsnder.(a)trie reaaYment .----- ' '"� ��
<br /> ot the debt evtdB�toed by the Not9.wth htetost,ettd eD ret��w818.extensions and modfficatlons a}the Nota:(b)tho psYment of , _.,�;
<br /> .. atl other sums. wfth inte�es� advanced under parapraPh 6 to protect the secur�y of this Securfty InsWmen� eu�d (c) the ' . :.' .;�..
<br /> � pertonnance of Borrowers covenants end aDreements under this Secur�y Instrument end the Nota. For this purpose, Bortower � ;,:+.;
<br /> � trreracably prants and conveys to Trustee� In trusG wRf► power of saie. the foHOwirtp dascr�ed pmperty located in -a�ti,�. '� ; �..
<br /> ,l.:g �.t;.
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<br /> • ' whlCh hss the eddress Of l003 W 7TH STREET � p � - ""
<br /> • tan..,� I�ril. s., , a
<br /> NE 88801 (•ProDertY Addr�se9: ___^
<br /> (SUty lLp Cod�� . '
<br /> TOGETHER WRH aU the improvernents now or hereafter ereeted on the propeRy, and a0 eassrnents, epA�rt���•�d '�°'"�
<br /> � fDcWres now or hera�fter a part of the property. AO replacert�ents and addiNons shaN be covered by t��s SacurRy InstrumanL AB ~;,`.;_ �''�;�"'�
<br /> � of the foregoinp is BiBrred t0 in this Socurity Instrument as the'PrOpeRy. '' `. ., �.;,.,,,, .-
<br /> � ; z�--•..,�.•+���H:�+#rte+s�•
<br />� BWaROWER COVENANTS that Bortower is I�wfuity seimd o!tha estate hereby comeyed end has th0 Ap�ht to Qrant ena .�� � :...;�;, ,
<br /> • x convey Mo PropaRy arsd that the Propsrty b unencumbered, wccspt for oncumbranCes of record. 8orrower wartants end w� __,_.:_ �
<br /> •,,�•�.�K
<br /> : dofond peneraBy the t�ie to the PropeRy apalnst aA clnims and da�wnds.subJect to any encumbruice�M record. --..,��,»�.c-.--�;''
<br /> , j :-.t�"Pi""L^h;:..._. ':
<br /> THtS BECUWTY IN9?RUMEM combhes unifarm covenants tor naUonal use and norvunNarm covenants wkA Bm3ed �_��.����e�
<br /> • vulaUons by Jurtsd(ction to const,�ute a untform sacurity instruma+�t covorfnp reai property. �, ::.�_,��.,_._;_.'.',
<br /> Bortoww and Lsnder co�ennnt end apree es foRows: , �":"'���..-
<br /> ' UNIFOFiAA COVENAMS. • � '
<br /> 1. Payment ot Principal,Interest and Late Charye.Bortovrer shall pay when due the prinC�a1 of,ana hcerese � ; •
<br /> �� f on,the Cebt evldenced by the Note an0 tete Charyea due unQer the Note. ,
<br /> 2. Monthry Peyment ot Taxes. Inau�anee, and Oiher CharQea eorrower snau hcwde n each monsny .
<br /> i payment,topether w�h the princlpal and hterest es set torth in the Note and eny t�te charses,a sum `or(a)texes end special
<br /> assessmsnis levied or to b� tevied apainst the Property, (b) Ieasahotd paymento or pround rente on the Property. and (a) , • '
<br /> premiums for insurance required under Parayraph 4. In any year in whlch the Lender must pay a moApaQe Insuranee premium to . " : ,
<br /> the SeCtetery of HOUSing end Ufben�evBio9ment('Secretary7.or h eny yeer h which such premium woutd huve been requted � •
<br /> N Lender stlN hetd the Seeun'ty tnsUument, eech monthty paymar►t shail also hcl�da e9her. (n a aum for the annuai mortsape ,
<br /> ' insuranco pcemlum to be peld by Lertder to the Seeretery, or(i� e monthy charye hstead of e mortyape in3urance premlum d �' � •
<br /> this 3ecufrty Inatrumen! Is heW by th�S�cretary. in e reusonebla amnunt to bo d�tertnined by 4he Sscrei�uy. Excepi for the � ,�
<br /> monthly charge by the SeCretary, thsse Rems are Cal(9d 'Escrow Items' and the sums paid to Lender ere CBfied 'EsCrow j ..
<br /> Funds.' � � � _
<br /> � Pap� 7 ot S -
<br /> f50t3.LM�(B/DB) �
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