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� _ . . . ______�-.,.,�„�. _ . _ __ _ _ _ _ : <br /> ' r <br /> .Ss�� , <br /> � , <br /> D D R � � <br /> �.� �CURD <br /> F'ROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Ind�x and <br /> � �/ filed for record this �� day of �-� I'i <br /> - A. D. i9 0�, at � o'clock�M. ' <br /> To Warranty Deed ' <br /> --� ' � �; County Cle . <br /> d� DePu Y <br /> 'i�now ari Sliaen �p these �resents: ' <br /> That .� ' „ I <br /> � �� t�-����� �� <br /> of the County of ���� and State of � � �. / <br /> -��--� � a , Grantor�, in consideraition of <br /> the sum of -���Q ���..�a ���,� DOI,�.,ARS, <br /> in hand paid, do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, S�I,�, AND CONV�Y unto ' <br /> � <br /> � � `����?���� ��L�� , <br /> of the County of ��-� and State of�����-��-/�2/ , Grantee—, the following described prdmises, <br /> situated in the County of �4�a'� and State of Nebraska, to-wit: I <br /> � � � /� � ` 'Z , <br /> , � ' <br /> / � ' , � <br /> � <br /> i � �� cT `'��—�`_' ��z �/ �� I�i�J <br /> C/ �/ <br /> I <br /> � <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and a11 the �state, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clai�, and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor�J and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAV� AND TO HOI,D the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee—and to -��..��.�/ heirs aud assigns f�rever. <br /> And --��P hereby covenant with the said Grantee—that �A-�-�� hold said premises by good and perfect title; that�.��_ <br /> ha�good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever. ' <br />� �����/✓/�r�r9� i�F/�_--��� o —z-7�� � <br /> a <br /> i � <br /> — I <br /> And -���_ covenant—to warrant and defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ' <br /> Dated the—7f"� day of � A. D. i9� �I <br /> 1 !I <br /> � WITNFiSS � � <br /> � � � : <br /> '��'�� �``—� ��� .:... A O��i O � izi, ,.c,� I . . <br /> ✓ � � � e I <br /> I <br /> STAT� OF N�BRASKA,� ; <br /> ��`"� County. �ss. On this �7� � ' <br /> day of� _A. D, i9�, befo�reme, <br /> i <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public within and for said Count�, personally came �_ <br /> ��a,s�o �-f�p X- � of � � �c � " <br /> ��.� �� �,� <br /> -�� � � <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person�lwhose name,�. _ i/�--� affixed to the above instrum�nt as ' <br /> grantor�, and severally acknowledged the same to b % , voluntary act and deed f�r the <br /> purpose therein expressed. ; <br /> IN WITN�SS WH�R�OF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand and affixed my official seal at <br /> Se � �. � • / ; <br /> --11��'�� ���✓ on the date last abo��e written. <br /> , ', <br /> I <br /> / Notary Pu lic. <br /> My Commission expires����� iq.�. ' <br /> � <br /> ' <br /> ;s �� <br /> ,Y,� <br /> �N}��I'i � ��.,- <br /> • .�: <br />