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_ .�. �� _ _ __ _ <br /> ' � �± <br /> D��D R�CURD <br /> I`ROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> ' � :�--�it? '�._ filed for record this �3D day of ��� • <br /> :�- -. � - � � <br /> � <br /> — -- s�_.�::— A. D. i9-�� at � o'clock�;�.�M. <br /> To Warranty Deed <br /> , <br /> ---�n� - � � , County Clerk. <br /> ` �:. <br /> Depu�y. <br /> 't�now a�i f�Jen b� thes.e �resents: <br /> '�hat ----�z/�./.�--.:��sv!�-��-�'��/-.�-Gs+Fi�/ __���-�`�'- _�,- �.�,��� GfJ��.s/���,��tr 7�l� <br /> d <br /> of the County of ���� :�*��? �tate of ���-���/ <br /> � , Grantor��, in considera�tion of <br /> the sum of-- =="`= Ci!�-�, ' - � D R <br /> . <br /> _ _�. __ � ___ _ . �L�,A S, <br /> � -� �- ---- � . <br /> in hand paid, do �i hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, S�I,I,, AND CONV�Y uttto <br /> " ' _.,�-..�.,---��--La����%t� , `�cc�� i����r_, �—rr-cc� " <br /> or the County of—,y+1�,Q� and State of �-���� , Grantee—, the following described pr�mises, <br /> situated in the Count of �� � - � - . `%`���� <br /> Y T j—�-�'� and State of 1Vebraska, to-wit: - � � < � ' -- � ' <br /> . ..;. -.- r ... <br /> �. . 1 <br /> � / <br /> „ / � <br /> . " <br /> � Y.. '_ ' . i . .J . <br /> ' <br /> ��_r� �� �: � � �� . , . � _ � <br /> � � " ` <br /> . <br /> , <br /> �� <br /> _ �- - _ �-��� - - ��-.� _ �:�� � - <br /> , . - . ��.�� _: �:; <br /> • • r ` i� � � L,' � � <br /> � � <br /> ` � � /�y ' � -O <br /> � !��_�� /.! ( `7�.1�d.d.�c p�/L- i -�%C��i�O Pf ' � <br /> 4 <br />� <br /> V <br /> I <br />� • <br />� Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the �state, Right, Title, Tnterest, IIk�wer, Curtesy, C4aim, and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor—, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. ' <br />' TO HAV� AND TO HOI,D the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee—and to heirs and assigns f�rever. <br /> And ���-P hereby covenant—��vith the sa,id Grantee�that �� hold—said premises by good and perfect title; that �,RC3 <br /> ha�good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear a�all liens and i�cumbr�nces whatsoever. � <br /> � <br /> l <br /> I <br /> And �-�� covenant—to warrant and defend to said premises against the lawful claims of a12 persons �vhomsoever._ , <br /> Dated the � ��day of �o��,�--�_:� A. D. i91z�^ . <br /> wiTN�ss 1 ��_e��� ��,��,/ � <br /> , �� ��.���i�-%�� � -� � <br /> ��� ��l� ' <br /> ,� ����,o� <br /> � <br /> STAT� OF N�BRASKA,� <br /> � ss. <br /> County. _ On this e� 7'� day of �-��»-� -�.�-�/ A. U. i9�.�,l�efc7re me, <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public ��---�<,.�`��-� within and for said Cou��t;�, personally came <br /> � �,��� � �� ���T���� ��,�D ������/ ..,. <br /> ` -�-____ <br /> ; _ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person�whose name—�� affixed to the above instrum�nt as:?: <br /> _ <br /> grantor�L, and severally acknowledged the same to be voluntary act and deed fbr the <br /> purpose therein expressed, , <br /> IN WITN�SS WH�R�OF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand and affixed my official seal at �'' <br /> � � �-� � ���� on the date last abo��e written. <br /> ��?�. <br /> .�.i� <br /> �Totary Public. <br /> My Commission expires ,�o-�- 3 i911. <br /> � ' � <br /> ; , I <br />�.. .. �_._� __. ______ _ _ __ _ , .,�1�._=_��__ <br /> ; <br />