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<br /> ' . `� -"Z�.Tl�Ritl4 �!�t�ti�llMea'wt�1�4�:U�U 0[ �t!G�t11D Pfo �e.Y_: �-`s;`_'.=
<br /> aU
<br /> �'��saY ar ua��fLmred(cr iEa�i�+r a'rl ire�nt it Sorirr�er is�old:±pi���'i�not a n�bitliT Pax�a)�r�iaiit .- -.
<br /> ?xeia'a peiar�iae�c+are�t,'lierdes ary. t ia,optio�, mn�edi�e PYmnt i�i`<�Wt.d:atl aums se�wad by t6iet
<br /> ..; : �. .
<br /> &�?�rtriir■ait.Ho�e�r,tii�pptw�fl�lt w�1+e exe�+r.i�'l,t�der.i�f e�r�iQe is.pta�iifeaby;federal tt�a�of die dwpe �
<br /> otttiis I�ne�e�t.': `• . . . -. � :�,:- ��. .. : ._„ �.
<br /> If I.todefr�saaixa thu op��an..t�ader s�lt tiv�9o�ro�er`eatioe d acoder�tion.7Le notioeaml! a petlod of oot . •
<br /> � lea tWa 30 d�ts'fiom�e dne tbt'natioe�is ddirat+a a�1td�iJub w�hi��BaRVwar`must.pay�secvidd bY t�• ��
<br /> : Soauity Instrumoeat.[i 8oe�o�ei f�its w pry thae smn��ior b the cxpi�of this paioc�::�.ender mry imo�e an�i trtaedi�
<br /> ' paarued by this Seoprity Tssiotmnmt�►ithaut fuelbet aotioe t�rdeenod ab 8oc[oMa. � ; F> ,
<br /> l�. 1we�we�s �i�t M � If�va+er mae�s anain.oca�o�. Bo�nuw�a sMU bave the ri�Et.W t�ve .
<br /> _ :,`e�atoe�oeat of tLis Sen�i�y t��eat�000atiwed�_iwry�prioir{to-tbe`ar�roF h3��tar s�ch atbar paiod as
<br /> -. : �tia�ic la�►ma�►spec+fY foc� ���s�k_af tfi�P�ope�ty purw��t to �ny Pow�of s�le w�raiaed ia ih�s
<br /> Seauity tnst�or tb)�Y a �} Sea�tiRY-Insuammt.lbose cood�dauc a�e`tl�t Baav�er.(al P�Y�
<br /> Laader all sums�tir��� ..li'�a�L�strumeat and the Nate as if t�u aco�dmtion bd oaymed:tb)
<br /> ara aoy defiuh of aay cd�i�i or a�eemant�(c)P�ys all�iawmed in eatoaba�tUic Seduity 1�uumeat,
<br /> �.bot not timioed io.toa�oo�bfe�rto�n.ya'taes:ad(d)Wces sacfi�ction as I.ender a�y rasooabt!►nqui�e w sswte
<br /> dut tba lien of dds 5ocai�y Is�ameat.t.endet's ri�ts in the P[opttty�ad Fa��er':a6tiption w�y the sKa�s se�u�od by
<br /> � •iti� seaa,cy taa�m�ac sh�u aaotieu� �. upon �m�t by Bormw�er, t�is secunty r�nw►�eac aaa the
<br /> :.;obiiptioes soau�ed 6etiebs►s6�li mm�a fal[y e�oMive as if no aooeiaatiae bsd oavmed. Howerer.tbis rtght ta rei�t�abNl
<br />:•:-;;,`;��f;•. ��pp�y ia d�e are of acod'ar�on utda pu�raQh 1?_
<br /> -. � °-�!.S�k�N�Ci�e oE t.�e.&sriort.'tLe Notc or a puti�l itKece�st m tbe Nate(togetLer'wit6 thk Securiry
<br /> instmmait?:maY be soid ae�c ar macetimt��it6oddptior mtioa w Barowcr.A sa[c may resWt in a�m tbe tnity(@nown
<br /> ` as t!�'Iaw Se�wio4f')that rnlfecls 6�ithiY�ap�na�s aat�mder the Nut�aM this Savnty Insumnmt.Thete atsa may be aoe
<br /> ot mae�s of tbe Lo�n Sesviaer ia�cCl�ed ta a safe of dre Note.Jf thet�e is a c 6 a n g e of t6e f.o�Serviar.8orm�vei�riII bt
<br /> � pven v�pten noti�e of tlit sf�aogc in s�c�a[+Oa�oe vnith Pa�h t4 above and appi'x�bie tavr.The nutioe wiU s(a�e tbe a�m�e aod
<br /> �dnss bf tbe a�w I.oain Secvmer wd-tbt°acld�ess ta v�hicb�t�iiiti�t��6ould bc mode.Tbe uotice will�Iso rnarain�y otber
<br /> , , infan�tioa�eqai�ed 1�Y�PPT'ica6icL�+�::�':: . _. - , ., �.:-,.,,.::,.- - � ;'.:`.:: :
<br /> ,. , r�'�i. ,.�: ' Ot t+ekiSC bf
<br /> . �Hme'iwi aS�',!'i!�'$MI$ .C�ss' ��tbG p�aoc+YS�c:+"dt�al. smr�g�'7 �Y
<br /> � �� �,<.
<br /> :::�::�fliir�dous Sabst�+aes an t►r�.�ttie �,r�s�Q���b, uo�ailow°.amyaoe ds�e to do. affaxmg die
<br /> � �:..��;: tbri is in vio�tJo�a:ci��:��� `I'be p#�fiae�ing t�vo:sEOkaees ab�alf�qot aPP1y�.�����e•use,or
<br /> stora�ge.an tbe Propaty o€s�atf qaaoc�es of�tu Subua�that ane'b�a1tY�eoa,�Dd w b�'s�tmpriate to mm�l
<br /> craidenti�l us6s aod to mauud�oot;h��ie Pmpercy � �;�:::'..Y .
<br /> � Boitower.sL�i!pmtiiptly Siv�7;eader writtcn notice of aay iavestigation�ciaim.d�d',�:3awsait or ot6er xhao4 �9
<br /> La
<br /> aovamne�.il or ngala�acy aga�cy or pcivate puty invotving the PmQerty ard any Hua�dai��bstanoe or " : ; �.Taw
<br /> o f r v L i c h B o m m i v a has ictwl Imawlod gc.If Bortnwu ltams.or�s natified b y an y goveinmental.or z s g u l a tory autlwrity;t6at
<br /> wy removal or a�er�ation of any Ha�rdous Substar�ce affectit�g the Pc+ope�ty�s-nq�Sary.Borrower st�all prnpiptty t a l o e .
<br /> allnaoessa{�I�m�ediaE��i�inacaordancewithEnvironmmtal ;�,_•.•: ,s'r,s,. , .<;._., s,
<br /> . As ns�ii:�this;" ` 20. 'Harandaus Substan�es"ai��sabsriaas`�R`�:,�s:�c or l�arcloas s�b�:;by `
<br /> � � B�r�n�k�f,,�lw .a��otlowy�,.�: 8aso�i�;;�71�.�„. ,�?���'.ls� c�pdroldtm ptq�;��ic'
<br /> ��. �• 6•,,. in
<br /> ,:nt:;,ti-':�ticides�n3�ier6iCb�`�;'�-��'��,tllattRalS S?ODtaitutt�;��irs os:.�.�3�' �;��:1�oactiYe�s•1�,:{�
<br /> •}:,-., •._;��is �rapb Z0.'"�iii.i�y��;�'�5�"�:�.4,�xaaws a�d�:ttiws`o��,,{�te,jii�it�cGi'�1�.��e•�u JocaYecF`Qnt
<br /> ,,� �. atetaheaith satCt}� r�!}iaJw^�asl.•ii3�+i�t'.f,e��W�.'.. `• .•�. � :••� � 5:.�;��;z'�, =<< < < `,;;.,;:��•� ,
<br /> �i i`''� NON UNIIFOR��#�t�,�v'�.i�Fa��tCt':ir,�fi.+CndCi PU11haf COYEnatd•;: •�s aS, ,{s_ �'r.s-:�','
<br /> :,,.j.
<br /> � . Zl.�od�7�:�;. .�'`�'sbsD give eodoe to Bonuw�p�i��o �oAa�Bo�we�s 6�6
<br /> of avy aove�snt or `�-:i�s Secarity lnstetm�ent (bW not Pria'W��n �der P+ra�SPl� 17�ml�
<br /> � applieabk law provides ).'1'6e eotke sball speciip: (a)tbe detault:tb)tUe�reqa�+ed to a�e t6e defaah;
<br /> (c)s d�not kts tha�`30 days frnm the date the ndke is givee to Bornuwer,bY w6id�tbe ddaWt�aast be cnned:aod
<br /> (�tat ta�r+e to cune tbe ddadt on or bdoe+e tbe date spec(fkd ln t6e'oadoe m�y rcwlt in aooeta�tjos ot tbe s�uns
<br /> �by tWs Seeoeity la�tnm�eat Aad sak o!the Pt+npaty.T6e notiar siall furthq'iatone BoreoRer ot t6e ri�t to
<br /> �dwehte aRer aocdtratlon and the r16M to brlug s caart aaian to�t the aai-es�ee u[a defaak or atry otLer
<br /> ddase o�Bon�nMa to aroeke�Noa aad s91e. It tLe defsulE#s aot cured oa ar 6da'�.`�:date specifkd lo t�e not1Q.
<br /> . L�der,at its optlae.�y�qu�ia�madlate paymeot ta�a�1,�,sdl surt�:�esuned�6y:t�Savrity Instr�a�mt wit�oat
<br /> -,r:�: fidber de�nd seNd;hu�'.ievoi�e t6e power ot s�<and an.w �ar �pi�nnitted h���a�p1�catd�h�i�e:Lender sb�ll bt �
<br /> bue not limited �°..,
<br /> f;;. �atitled to oailect sp:ea�peirses lncumed ia pa�sq�i�i�e r�ic��.�. vide�Bi�Y3�� -��.��i� .;:=
<br /> '.�{',,'��:;�ttO,I+ea�Oe�bkattort�s�~l�ae9sndo4�StsOftltk:t�+GddeACe. ,,,"•!�a• ���:' .:;, :��::.y' �' �;•,.; ;: � :_,_;.
<br /> • �t. . vg • '
<br /> e��il.,. Y P� •',: c�:
<br /> , . �t't�e� �r a�sspi�ig'i»vuke+�4-Trusta shall�+eoord�t'�alQre of de�a6lt in 'v in iwliid�an ot t6e 'tt,,..
<br /> ,,.PnopRt$.�s,�ted aed alfall maII,'aipies o�sach notice in the:upatmer pnscribed 6�-q�}3ii�ie taw to Bon�ower aad to �}`:,;-
<br /> tre otl�d��0�b!'app�.:ible la�.ARer the time reqoiced 6y applicabk?1ia�::�`��ee sLall Sive pu6lic notla :;,:;�:
<br /> e[a� t�.t'6q��sa�a:,l�id'in tbe maaner prescrl6ed by applicabk la�. Tcastoe.�rittriyiit;d�isand oa Bwrower,slull sell ;:;;:
<br /> fie Pt+ak pnt�r�t`p�::.nw�ct�oe to t�e bighest b�tlde�s�t the Ume and paa ai�.rrnder tJer�:�ss de�Ratbd in tLe mNce ot '�� �
<br /> ,,.;;.
<br /> We ip trae.lh�a�,�`,.`. � and in suy order Trt�stee tktermines.7'ru�te�'ir�;�Post�•:ss�ee.of r�}`';�rP�Y P�of t6e
<br /> plropa�lg.��p141'i+'t!' ' ' at ttx tlme and plare ot�ny previad�A��s�t�'�$�d�de�.ar its desl�oee may
<br /> � ,��� . . �- , ;•`; ,����::;�;
<br /> ,.. j�;, '�, �' ,:�":>���
<br /> �i�,i - ., . �.ii� � �� c�� :�' � �}:;,,. ,Sr� � .:r, .
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