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<br /> . :< . _ . . . - _
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<br /> 17.Trar�ssfer of the Proper¢)or a Beneffcial Interest in Borro«er. If ail ur any p3rt ul the Pr��pert} ��r anr• �nterest in it ' ' �
<br /> a f
<br /> is sold ur transferreci�or if a beneticial intere�t in Borrrncer i.�oW or tr.ui�ferrc.�i and Burruuer i.nut a natural penon�withuut , � �
<br /> ; Lender's prior written con,ent. I.ender may. at it� uption. require immc�iiate pxyment m Cull of all �um� +�'�'ur�:d by this .
<br /> • Security Instrument. However,this uption shall nut be exercised by Lender if exerci,e i+prohibited b} fttilrr:tl la«•a,uf the ciate �.
<br /> � of this Sz�'urit}•Instrument. • ' '
<br /> If Lender exercise�thi���ptiim. [xnder shall give Bormwer noticc�of arrelersuun. The nuti�e�hall pru�•idr a peri��d of not
<br /> -- Iess than 30 days from the date the natice i,deli�ered or m:ulcYi within Nhi�h Borri�wer mu.t pa}� all �ums ,ecured bY th�s _ _
<br /> Security instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these�um�prior to the expiration oi thi+prri�xi. L�ndcr ma}• im�ol:e an}•remcxiies
<br /> permitted by this Security Ins[rument wichaut further notice or demand�m&�rrower. , �
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If $orrower meets cenain runditiom. &�rroHer +hall ha�•e the right tu have -
<br /> enforcement ef this Security Instrument discon[inued at any time prior to th un i�et``���p� S�,wer of sale c ntainc�nn�this � ' �
<br /> applic:able law may specify for reinstatemenU 6efore sale of the Pmperty p S P _ .. „ ..
<br /> Security Instrument;or Ib)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Thase conditions are that B��rrower:(a1 pays -
<br /> � Lender all sum,which then �tiould be due under this Security Instrument and the Note ati if no acceleration hed occurred:lb) _T:.'
<br /> cures any Jefault of any other covenants or agreemznU: (cl pays a1l expea+es incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. „�,;,.,;,.._,_` .
<br /> including. but not limited to,reasonabte attorney�' tees:and Id)takes�uch action a� [.c:nder may reasonably requlre to assure • , ^`
<br /> • that the lien of this Serurit}� Instrumenc. Lender's rightti in the Pmperty and Borrower's ubiigation to pay the sums secured by : ;�b: y�
<br /> '' this Security Instrument shalf continue unchar►ged. L'pon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security [nstrument and the . _
<br /> obligations secured herebr shall remain fully efferti�e a�if no acc�leratiun ha�i occurred. However. this right to reinstate shall '#�`�i ���:4
<br /> not apply in the case of'acceleration under paragraph 17• '
<br /> '' 19. Sale of tiate: Change of Loan Servicer. The Note ur a partial interest in the Note Iwgether w�ith this Security �_R; T� 5-ti
<br /> . ' Instrument)may be�old une or more times without priar notice to Borcower. A sale may rc�ult in a rhange in[he entit} tknown : . . ,,�
<br /> � as the"L.oan Servicer"1 ehat cullecG�monthiJ•payments due under the Note and this Security Imwment. There altio may be one � �-`��,:. .;
<br /> `..�-��
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a+ale of the Note.If there is a change uf the lar.ui Servicer,Burrower.z�ill be _ ��_-..
<br /> • given written notice of the change in accorei:ince with paragraph 14 abave and applicable law. The noti«:will state the name and _;_`��._
<br /> address uf the new LoaR Sen�irer and the addre�y tu whirh pa}•mems shuuld be made. The nutice witl al�u cuntsin any other '�n�
<br /> informatian requirecl by applicable law. .��
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substances. B��rruu'er tihall not cxuse ��r pemiit the pre�ence. use, dispowl, �turage. or relea�e of any . ,
<br /> Hazardou� Substancc.� on ur in thc Property. Borrower tihall nu[ do_ nur aflow anyone el�e ti� do. anything affe�King the � ,�;.
<br />� Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The pre�eding two ,entences shall nnt appfy to the pre�ence. u�e.or .., � • '
<br /> • storage on the Property of.mall quantitieti af Harardous Subtitance+ that are ���nerally recognized to he apPropriate tu nortnal , �� f�, ;
<br /> �, .
<br /> .. �, residential we�and to maintenance uf the Property. ' '-� .�
<br /> Borrrnver shall promptly �;ive Lender written notice of uny im��tig:�uon. claim, demand. law,uit or other action by any :i ���• �::' �
<br /> . govemmental or regulatory agency os private party involving the Propertti and any Har.ardous Substance or Environmental Law .. ;
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or i+notitied by any governmental or regulatory authority,that
<br /> . any removal or other remediation of any Ha2ardous Substance affecting the Pruperty i�nece,+ary. Borrower shall pramptly take �J� '�� �
<br /> a l l n e c e s ti a ry r e m c:dial actians in aca�rdance with�nvironmental Law• '��� �
<br /> A+useJ in thi+ paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those su bstances de fin e d as t o x i c o r h a z a r d o u� ti u b s i a n c e s b y ,� .'� ,._
<br /> Envirunmental Law and the foUowing substance+: ga�oline. kero,ene, other tlammable c�r toxic petroleum products. toxic , �- `At '
<br /> and herbicides. vulatile tiolventy, materialti wntaining asbe�tos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.A�u�s i�n ���; �
<br /> pcsticides ��
<br /> , thi. paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" menro faieral laws and lawti of the jurisdiction whcrc the Property �s o _ � �,;: r
<br /> relate to he:ilth,safery or envimnmental procectian. _ �
<br /> �� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Burrower anJ Lender further covcnant and agree ati follows
<br /> 21. Acceteratlon;Remedies. I.ender shall Rive notice to Borrower prtor to acceleratian following Borrower's breach :,:-._. _'�F�"�—
<br /> of any covenant or agreement in this Security lnctrument (but not prior to acce9eration under paragraph 17 unless ��-�-� '
<br />