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<br /> . herea4ter hatd by 6enefiaiary or Trustee in such order and manner�as theY or either oi them may in their absofute discretian • , _ � -_
<br /> `' detesmine. No remedy herein conferted uDon or reserved to Trustee ar 8enettciary Is intended to be exclus��e of any other remedy ,
<br /> --xk��, �� a
<br /> herei�or by law provided or permitted,but each st�all bo cumu�ative and shatl be fn addit(on to every other remedy given hereunder , � .� �
<br /> ' or now or hereafter exis�ing at iaw or t�e�uity or by staiute. Evory pan+er or remedy given by any af the loan Inrnuments to . . ��--�
<br /> �.<..
<br />"s Trustee ot Beneliciary or to whlch eithar oi them may ba otherwise entitled,may be exercised,concunenUy or indepandentiy,irom . . , __ _
<br /> : .� time to dme and as otten as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Beneli�iary snd either of tham may pursue inconslstent __ __ _ _ _ _
<br /> remedies. Noth'.�g fierein shall be construad es plohihiting BersBticiary trom sEeking a deficiency judgment against the Trustor to —.
<br /> '' ' the extent such action is permitted by law. � • � _.�_`'--
<br /> �i • ,
<br /> � i 13. ReQusst forNotica. T�ustor and ati other parties set forth hereia here6y requests a copy of any{�totice of Defau(t ; �„�_ " -.u�:�.---
<br /> ,y - �,__. �__,--_
<br /> and a copy of arry Nodce of Sate hereunder be maited!o them at the address set torth in the first paragraAh ot 4his Second Oeed -
<br /> of Trust. - `:�.�°r.�=�:�_
<br /> , ? . �,�.,
<br /> .,j 14. Govamin3 Law This Seco�d Deed oi Trust sha8 be govemed by and consvued tn accordance wtth the laws oi ��;t�_,�a_,�
<br /> the State of Nebraska. In the event that any provis�on or ciause of any ot the Loan Instruments conflicts with apD���b1e laws,such • ,.:i?r':,-.�
<br /> � ,` conftiCt shall not affect other provisions of such Loan tnstruments which can 6e given eftect without the conilicNrtg provis[an,and �,;�-r - _��;r
<br /> ta this end the provisions of the Loan Instruments are declared to be seve�abia. This inswmerrt cannot be waived, changed, �F: , : :�,_;
<br /> � ' disaharged or termiaated oralty,but onfy by an instrument in w�Iting signed by the party against whom enforcement af a�y waiver, ._ ,_ `
<br /> ,.:.'.Y,_.-�n�
<br /> change, discharge or termirtatton is sought. 4`'�'�"``--..-..-
<br />; �..� 15. �tecomreYanse by Trustea. Upon written request of Ber►eficiary stating 4hat ati sums secured hereby have besn �.~�,,. �=�
<br /> •:f.��_�,• -.
<br /> .F patd and upan surrender of this Seeond Deed of Trust and any note to Trustee tor canceltation and retentton and upon paymeM bY _�- j
<br /> � i Trustar of Trustee's fees.Trustee shall reconvey to Trustor,or the person or persons tegaity entitted thereto,withaut warranty,any
<br /> �o R t o n o f t h e T r u s t E s t�t e t h e n h e l d h er e unQer. 7ha recitats in such reconveyance ot any matters ar faets shail be conclusive proo! ��>
<br /> :�.�• of the truthfutness thereof. Ths grantee in any reconveyance may be descn'bed as'the person or persons�egafiy entfded thereto.' _ -�- :
<br /> � •,._
<br /> 16. Not/css. Whenever Beneftciary,Trustor or Trustee shall desire to give or seive arry no t ice,demand, re quesi or - .��; _
<br /> ott►er communfcatian with respect to this Second Daed oi Trust,each such notice,demand,request or other communication shap
<br /> , be in writing and shail be eHective only H the same is delivered by�re►sonal senrice or maited by certifled mait, postage prepaid, �'• ��• �_ ;����•LT T
<br />-• reteun receipt requested, addressed to the addrers set forth at the beginning of this Second Deed of Trust. Any party may at any ..� ,�.
<br /> , : ^,�-," �,�°._;:�;_�.
<br /> �. �time change its address far seech notices by delivering ar mailing to the other pa�ties hereto,as aforesatd,a notice of such change.
<br /> : ���: '�•
<br /> � . 17. Aceeptance by Tiustee. Trustee �ccepts this T�ust when this Second Deed of Trust, dufy executed and � � 6; .,
<br /> acknowfedged, is made a public record as Orovided by law. _ '=1
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