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<br /> j 13.NotIcc�.Any notice to Borrower provided for in thes Security Instrume�►t shall bc given by delivering it or by ,. 4 . . , - ._
<br /> j mailing it by fust class mail unless applicable law requires nse of another method. The nofice shall be directed to tho .�,
<br />_._� Property Addzess or any other address Borrawer designat�s by nauce tn L e n der.A n y a o ti ce c o i.e a�d e r s h a ll b e g i v e n b y _
<br /> . -� fIISt ctass ma7 to I.ender's addmss stated herei�or any address L.eacd�r designates by norice m Barrower.Any no�ce ' ---- .--___ ._ --
<br /> provided for in this Securiiy Insavment shall be deemed to 6ave been given to Borrower or Lender whea given as [ � '�
<br /> . ; • . •
<br /> ! provided in t}us paragtaph. � , ,
<br /> ; 14.Goveraing Law;Severab�ity.This Se�urity Instrun►e�►t shall be govemed by Federal law and the law of the . .
<br /> 5 jurisdicaon in wbich the Property is 2ocated In ttce event that any pmvision or clause of this Security Insuument or We __' , .-_-
<br /> Note conflicts with applir,ab!e law,such conflict shall not affect athu pmvisions of this Security Ins�uinent or the Note .__�����`F._r..
<br /> .� which can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and � . - '. __ a-,
<br /> � . the Note are declared to be severable. _� �•_...;:-.
<br /> 15.Borrowe�s Copy.Borrower shall be giveu one canformed copy of the Note and of this Secattity Instnunent .. , --,,�;-;-
<br /> � 16. Ha�'dons Snbstancea Borrower shall not c�nse ar pamit the prese�►ce.use,dispnsal.sto�age,or release of � `�.; �:��.•:_
<br /> .. any Hamrdons Substances on or in ths Aroperty.Borrower shall not do,nflr allow anyone else to do,anYthing affe�tin8 � -���, —
<br /> the Propeaty that is ia violarion of any Environmenral Law. The preceding two sentences shali not apply to the presence, •,;�,_-�__��_
<br /> ' use, or s��uage on the Property of smalt c�anaaes of Ha�rdous Substauces thae are Sea�a11Y reco8n�ed t° b� � x:�:=_—�
<br /> approPriazz to normal residential uses and to maimtenance of the Property. . •: . ?":: .
<br /> '. .�:. ,.��
<br /> Borrower shall promPdY 8nre I.eudes written notice of any invesoigarion,alaim.demand.lawsuit or other action by ,i:4,. �__�:=:
<br /> . - �Y Sovemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving ths Property and any Ha�ardous Subsiance or _ . . .�_���.��-
<br /> � EnvironmentallBw of which Borrower has ac�al lrnowledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any govemmental or , : ._
<br /> ,: j �-'� -`�.
<br /> regulatory authority,thai any removal or other remediatioa of any Ha�ardous Sabstances affectu►� the Property is F � ' -
<br /> necessary.Borrower shall promptly take all n�remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. ;,.' �-
<br /> As used in this garag�raph 16. "Hazardous Snbstances" ace Wose substances defined as wxic or ha7ardoas %.•� ,
<br /> =".;� �., •.;.,,--
<br /> . substances by Environmsatal Law and the following substances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic pe,tmleum , '
<br /> , praducts, toxic pesticides and herbicides, volaule solvents, materials containing as6e.sKas or formaldehyde, aud �::�,�.:. - . �. _-,�:
<br /> �tdioactive materiais. As used in this paragcaph 16. "Environme9tal Law" means fedaal laws and laws of the _..�.��,
<br /> jurisdic��a where the Praperty is lor�.�that relate ta heaIth,safety or environmental proteqion. -.`-:.'
<br /> �. ..;�-` ��
<br /> '� NON-UNIFORM COVENANfS.Bor.ower and Lender fiuther wvenant and a�ee as follows: �;�; � ��',., -
<br /> 17.Assig�ment of Renta Borrower uncondidonally assigns and uansfeas w Lender all the rents and revenues of �.. �� .
<br /> �. the Pmpeaty.Bomuwer suthorizes T.ender or Lender's ageats to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs each "�� ':` „
<br /> .�r,� tenant�f the Pmpcaty to pay the rents w Lender or I.ender's ageats. However,prior to l.ender's nouce w Borrower of ',;,s D•
<br /> - Borrowea's breac6 of any covenant or agreement�the Security Insununent,Bomnwer shall col�eca and receive all rents �` � �
<br /> ' and revenues of the Property as trust�ee for the benefit of Lender and Banowa.'I7�is assignment of rents consuwtes an `+:'�;��_
<br /> absolute as�gnment and not an assignment for adtitional securiry only. - �
<br /> If L.ender gives notice of breach to Boirower. (a)all rents received by Borrower shall be hetd by Bonowea as �����: ;;�;�'
<br /> ' � uustee f�berteSt of Lender only.w be applied to the sums se�ured by the Seauity Instrument;(b)Lender shaU be _,�6._
<br /> entitled to collect and receive all of the rents of the Property:and(c)each tenant of the Property shall pay all rents due ���� ,z��;�
<br /> ' and�paid w Lender or Lender's agent on Lendea's written demand to the tenant -_ .----"�. --
<br /> gorrowea has not executed aay prinr assignment of ihe rents and has uoi and will not perform any act that would ,;�_ ,
<br /> _ �,.- —
<br /> � prevent Le�der from ea�ercisinS its rights under this paragraph 17. =- -__ •=
<br /> . Lender shall not be required w enter upon,take wntrol of or maintain the Prapeny before or after giving notice of „"� _
<br /> breach tn Borrower.However,Lender or a judicially appointed m,ceiver may do so at any tuae theae is a breach.My � • .__
<br /> . applirarion of rents shall not cure or aaive any default or invalidate any other right oz remedy of Lender. 'Itiis , ,-�°
<br /> assignment of rents of the Propaty shall temunate when the debt sseeuretl by the Security Instrument is paid in full. ��
<br />. �•� t;���:—
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