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<br /> � � � � . .. .._�_ . .
<br /> --- — � .. . __._,._ ._ . . - ---._.�. . __. .. _ . . . � . �
<br /> � , . �•�-
<br /> � � : _ _, �
<br /> �� �7— �a2o�� � . . . ;� _
<br /> � ��� � � - . .. . __
<br /> •� Borrower shall also be in defauit if Borrower,during the loan application process,gave materially faJse or inaccurate • � , •• _
<br /> �... ; infora�arion or staiements w L.ender(or failed to provide Lendes wiW any rnaterial information)in connection with the � . _
<br /> � � loan evidenced by th$Note, including, but nat timited to,representarions conceming Borro�ver's occupancy of the �— - .-
<br /> ` V� Progerty as a principal residence. ff this Security Insnvment is an a teasehold, Bonower shall comply with the - - .-`.- .�
<br /> � provisi�ns of the lease.If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property,the leasehold and fee dtle shall nat be mearged }
<br /> .,�
<br /> i untess Lender ag[ees to the merger in writing. . _ -
<br /> � 6.Conde�natian.'Ihe prQCeeds of any award or claim for dainages, direct or cons�uential,in connection witb �,z--,(,`:.��
<br /> any condemnation or other takmg of any part of che Prop�ty,or for conveyance in place uf condemnaiion,are hereby . _ 4 ""''=
<br /> assigned and s5a11 be paid to Lea�der to the extent of the full amount of the indebtedness that remains ur►paid undea the , �� _"��'`
<br /> Note and thiis Sec�rity Lis�ument Lendea shall apply sach proce,eds w[fie reduction af the iadebted�aess undea the Note . --.,.
<br /> and this Seauity Instrument,fust w any delinquent amuunts applied in the order prsvided in paragraph 3,and then to �. -°�-'_• :...
<br /> pzepayment of principal.Any application of We proceeds w the principal shall not eztend or gostpone the dae dai:of t6e ,� • ' ' `�
<br /> ' mondily payments,which are refe,rred to in patagraph 2,or cUange t�he amount of such paymeats. Any e�ccess p:aceeds .• 4%�����_ �
<br /> over an amount required to pay all outstanding indebtedness nndea the Nots and this Secarity Iastrument shall be paid to `.
<br /> the endry legally entifled theiew. . .' .'�-��
<br /> 7. Charges m Bvrrawer and Protection ot I.euder's Rig6is in the Propeaty. Borrower shall pay all •.`,`v��'
<br /> goveanmmtal or municipal char8es,fines and impositions that are not inciaded in pazagraph 2.Boimwer shall pay these ��_��
<br /> obligations on time dIIectly to the entiry which is owed the payment If failure tn pay woutd adveasely affect Lendea's '--��
<br /> ' interest in the Prope�, �on Lendea's request Borrower shall promptly famish to I.ender receipts evidencing these . � . :��`'�r
<br /> 1 ...
<br /> payments. T
<br /> ' If Bomower fails t��ake diese payments or the payments required by paragcaph 2.or fails to peaform as�y other -- :
<br /> - covenanis aad agreemenss wntained in tLis Security InstrumenL or there is a 1e8�P��B ��Y ��►�Y ' , -�'.__:_
<br /> affect Leaider's rights in the Property (such as a proceedmg in banlaupt�y,foz condemnation or to enforce laws or ' ;�-�.-"
<br /> regulatians),then Lende�r may do and pay whatevea is necessary w prc:sct the value of the Propearty and Lander's rights �_ � ' �`�
<br /> �
<br /> - ia t ke P:a�p. ,i n c i u d i n g p a y m e n t o f t a x c s,h a 7 a r d'u u u r a n c e a n d o t h�items mentioned in p a:a g r a ph 2. �-.-•��►._� ' '�.,;.-:'=
<br /> �"°� f
<br />� .. Any amannts disbiused by Lender aadcr this patagraph shall become an additional debt of Borrower and be -.
<br /> . secvred by this Se�airiry Inswment These amounts shall bear intesest from the date of disbutsement,at tlte Nr,te rate, . ,� � , �,r�:�:
<br /> and at the option of Lendea,shall be irnmediately due and payable. �, ff.�. �,��--,�.:- '
<br /> t Bosower shall promptiy discharge aay lien wfuch has priority ocer t h i s Security I n s u a mena�n l e s s Borrower:(a) •�•� _�
<br /> •. [ agrees in writing w t�s paymeau of the obligation secured by the lien in a mannea acceptable w Lender.(b)contests In �- •__ —
<br /> f good faith ihe lien by,or defends ag�nst enforcement of the lien in,legal procerdings which in the Lendra's ay'�ion �. � � r �f �
<br /> • opeiate w prevent the enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from ths holder of the lien an agreement satisf�ry to ,' ��:,�__
<br /> � : Lender subordinariug the lien w t6is Sacurity Inswment If Lender detem�es that any pai4 of the Property is svbject w � —
<br /> ___Y. �
<br /> , a lien which may auain priority over this Securiry Inswment,Lender may give Boirowea a nosice identifj+ing tt�e lien ��`.
<br /> � Bomower shall sadsfy the lien or ta�ce one or more of the aceions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nouce. • -�� �+•=°"�� -�---
<br /> � 8.Fee3.Lendea may collect fers and charges authorized by the Secretary. �:.�',`-_.°,��'�
<br /> 9.Gmunds for Acceleratlon ot Deb� '`"'`''-•' �• ��'"?�
<br /> , .r • � -----
<br /> . �, (a) Detaul�I.a�der may,except av IimiLed by regatations issued by the Secretary,�the case of payment �-:
<br /> • +. defaulls.retiuire immediale payment in full of atl siuns secured by this Se.cnrity Ins�nment if _ _ ----
<br /> . ° (7 Borrower defaults by failing ro pay in full any mor.a�ly paymenc required by t�is Security Insuument �""�"�=�- ,,,�,.--
<br /> � ��� ; prior to or on the due date of the neat monthty payment,or ,��••�;
<br /> ' (ii)Boirower defaults by failing,for a period of thirty days,to p�form any oth�obligarions contained in �'��ri�
<br /> _� . this Secamry Instrument "'�'�':";:`-'--�--
<br /> (G)Sule Withoat CretlIt Approval.I.ender shall,if pernac�d by applicable law(including Section 341(d)of . " �y -�-' �
<br /> : ;�-k�,�
<br /> � t�e Gam-St Gertnain Depositary Instimtions Act of 1982,;�2 US.C.1701j-3(d))and with the prior approval of __ � __
<br /> ' , the Secretary,require immediate payment in fiill of all sums secured by this Security Instrument if: ....;�;_�'.;':,,....-,�:.' �"�
<br /> . ..•�e::�._:_.,�,.a�s.u.-..__
<br /> . . . . _ ._ .R:�'
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