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<br />- 18.Fareciosmre Procedure.It L�ade�p�uir�emm�te pay�sen3 in full under paragraph 9,Lender may . : -
<br /> � invoge the power o!sa:e aad an3r other reffiedi�s per�itted by applicabte law.Leader s6aD be en4itled to coltect - - -= .V
<br /> ap expense�incarr�ed in pnrs}�.�Ing the remedies u�der this ParagraAh 18,i�acludIng,but aoi t'nmtte�to�reasonatete =�.-- :
<br /> attorQeps'fees and costs of YUe evldcnce. , . .. .y'fa
<br /> U the p�w�r o!sale is invoked,Trustce shall reour�a notIce of detaWi in eacb oonnty nn which stnY pzrt oY , :
<br /> �'� ....; � .
<br /> ' the Propesty �S located and sI�D ma7 wpies o�sac6 aotke in the manner pr�Ibed by aDPIIcabt2[acv to ---. • .--. - ��
<br /> Borrower and to ii�e offier person� prc5cr�ed by applieuble taw.Afier 4he time reqa3red by appIIrabiQ law, . � -- r.?�,�:�
<br /> 7Yastee sf�a[l g[ve Public gatise of�Ye 4o the peaaoms sad in the manaer prescribed by appHc�bte taw.Trust�2, . - �:_-=__ .�.,----
<br /> wit�oat demaad on BorraP�rr i����A�B�►�I�Oblk aaction W the highest bidder at the time and place :'�°�� "
<br /> z;'---_ .,x.
<br /> and ander t➢��4epms d t�i i�th�sutiee af es�3e�oa or more paraels and fn aay or��r 1Yustee determfn+es. ,� •.. : ---- _,`
<br /> Trustee maY R�Poae��x 9�ay paral ot the IhO�ieriy by pnblit annoancement at the time snd piace of ' '��_s,-
<br /> any prevIously schedded�le.Leader or ifs designee mAy pnrrhase the Property at any sale- . , , �3a'�'T -_.
<br /> U the Lender's inter�t ia thts Secarity Instrument t� beW 6y t6e Secretary and t�e Secqeturp reqair� ' . :.�
<br /> immediate payment�full ander Paragreph 9,tDe Sfcretary may invoke t6e nonjudi�ial powcr o!saEe provided . ' � � ��"'�:.�•" ---
<br /> P rag
<br /> '-.4 ��'.�,`y`--,.
<br /> ia the SingSe Family Nlortgage Foredosure Act of 1994 ("Act") (12 �JS.C. 3751 er seq.) by requesiing a , .• .,:. � •-��;;:
<br /> . _ •�-�----—
<br /> � foredosnre mmmigsioner d�ted ander the Ad w commence toreclosare and to sell We Property as _ � ��:
<br /> - proviQei! in the Ac�. Noshing m the pr�g sentence sbaU deprive the Se�etary of�ny rights otherwise �-����
<br /> ..•j ava�6le tb p Lender ander tdis P�ragraPh 18 or appl3cable law. ' `,-.' "'_ -
<br /> ..,a,,�.,�___��--
<br /> Upon rece�pi of payment ot the pdce DId,Trustee shaD deliver to the pnrcaaser'�irusiee's dced oaaveytng , -, ......� . ..�.,,,�
<br /> . �' t�¢peoperty.T6e redf�ls m tDe Trustee's deed s6all�e prtma facie evldence ot the trat6 0�the statemenls made �;�� T :�_"
<br />, s h a p a t h e racee�s of the sale in ti�e foilowing arder: (a)to aIl casts aad expenses of �� .� .`��'��'
<br /> ther�n.'I'rastee DD�Y P �' '�'•`.
<br /> eaerc�g tbe pawer of sale,and We snte,inclu�ing the pay�nent ot the Trastee's te+es act�sQ}r iacuree��noi to +.
<br /> c
<br /> e�cceed 3.o 0 0 �fi of tlae pri�ri�a!amount ot the note at We tiffie ot the decinra�tion ot defanit, � �`��^` � ;""'
<br /> end rea5onzble aQiorneys'fees as pesmttted by law;(b)to aIl snms secured by this Secarity Inslrument;aad(c) , • - ��y,�,.:; '(
<br /> • any exoess to the person or persons tegany enti�ed ta iY. _ Sr _°i:-
<br />, .:; 19.Reoroaveyaa�z.Ugan payment of all sams seciued by this Security Instrument,Lended shall request Trus�tee tn ' ► � �`•
<br /> �i�� ��
<br /> . s�convey the Prop�ty and shall sunendea this Secauity d�smunent and all notes evidencing debt seaued by this Security ' �` `'`y4�'. �_.
<br /> icis�meut to Tiustee.'Itr�stee shaU reconvey the Prog�ty without wa:ranty and wirF�ent charge w the peison or grersons `�E�:;, .
<br /> wi
<br /> . legally ertrit3ed to it Such petson or persons shall pay a�y+cecordation costs. ;�.:"• —.
<br /> - rs..
<br /> •�r.�
<br /> ?A.Sn7�ifirte Trastee.Leadea,at its optinn.may f:om time to time remove Trustee ffiad appomt a successor „� ��..,.,
<br /> � uustee w any Trustee appomted hcseunder by an instrumeat recorded'm the co�mty in which this Sacurity Instrumeat is '-� —_.�_
<br /> �ecoideA.Without oonveyance of the Propeaty,the suceessor uustee shall succe,ed w all the tide,Pow�an�duties ' " ''�,,.� •.�; ,-��-
<br /> conferred upon'Ilcust�hr.r�m 8nd by spplicable law. -�.:,. �
<br /> ,. :iY•:, .� ---
<br /> 21.Re�uest fos Natices.Borma�a nequests thai copies oY the notices of default and sale be sent w Borrowea's ��:,.::,;..;: • _
<br /> addres�which is the PmP�Y�� ��ri
<br /> �
<br /> -.!_--- :. -
<br /> Z2.Rldtis to thi�Sewrity Lu�r-�ent If ane or more ride�s are executed hy Boaowea and recorded wgetha - -'': _—
<br /> � aruh thiv Se�uit�r Insuument, the oaa�ts of each such rides sLall be incorporated into and sfiall amend and .,"`
<br />- ' supp2ement the cove.nants and agreem�ts of this Seauity Instrument as if the ridea(s) were a part of this Sec�aicy -,�;:,�..,:._.�
<br /> ' Instn�mea�L[Check applira�"_e boa(es)]. ���! :�
<br /> � Condominium Ri�ez ❑ Grow�g Equity Rid� �0 Ottrea f sPec►fyl -°�r._-- _ �
<br /> ...�*,n����i.:
<br /> (� Planued Unit Development Rider ❑ Gtaduated Payme�3 Ridet Mortgace Addendum � � _
<br /> ..x„�,��....�,.;,
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