...,.-_-..�._� _ .. � . .'- - - ' - '' - � - �- -- `-- --` ' . . - -' `— . .� �' — v -
<br /> = _" • _ '- _--� -- .- :-- .. - . ._ . _ .' -.. .. . __._ � .... • , - ' . , "-- .. . ._ -_.— -- .,i. , --_
<br /> . � ' . . ' . • . " . . � . . _ (� . � , . . ,'µ^ -.
<br />.. � • . � .• . . . � . � . � ' . . - , ' � `' ` `�-
<br />` e . - � � `` • , . - . � . � .� . .L�:
<br /> ._ . . " ' . ' . . ' - • � . • • ' . � 5 . �. � —
<br /> _ ._ .. ...._ "' " "'"""_' " '_'._ ', .. .. _ ` . . ..4__ ...."_'_' _.� .��C., . ....J..'"' . . • . . __ ""—___-_._w__�—.�._{ , � . ' ' ` T..
<br />� F` . '
<br /> 1 - � � �s k . , �
<br />� � � � � 9��- ���� � � � �-
<br /> j e or DeEd of Tivst w conform same to the original intent of �_
<br />:j purpose of correcting the Mortgag - -_-- ---_ -
<br /> the parties thereto or to comect 6tle errors discovered after such tide insurance was issued and , ` -
<br /> � such modification ar re-recording, in either instance, dces nat adversely affect the lien�of the , �,. . ; � .
<br />' Mortgage or Deed of Tnut as insured. _ . . ` ._� �
<br /> � . �.. .,,_f_._.
<br /> { 1.9 The power to subordinate a fi�of a Mortgage ar Bxd of Tnist that is an asset ___ , �__`T_•.�t_
<br /> hel d pursuant t o t he Su bj e c c A p p o i n t m e nts or related Governing Agreements(including, � ,f:-=.'=y��_,
<br /> without limitation,the Subject Mortgages)to an easement in favor of a gublic utility company _ �,.���
<br /> of a gov�rnr�nent agency or unit with powers of eminent domaiai,this section shall include, � �,_� �:�-.
<br /> ' ,�a,�R9R4�-...>
<br /> without limitation,the execurion of partial satisfactionslreleases,partial reconveyances or the ;�;.��_ _1
<br /> execution or reguests to trustees W accomplish same. � � �°�: ��•=:T
<br /> . - �::'�.�� `
<br /> 2,p With respect to a Mortgage or I3eed of Trust relating w the Subje�t • -- �
<br /> .� pppointmenis ar related Gvvea�aing Agreements(including without limitation, the Subject . ,���''`
<br /> -- .�;-:,���;
<br /> '` Mortgages),the power to forec l�se, t a k e a d e e d i n l i e u o f f o r e cl osure,or co�n plete judicial or ,�.-�_�
<br /> �' non judicial foreclosure or termis�auon, cancellation or rescission of any such foreclosure, _ � :
<br /> ° inclading, without limitation,any and all of the following acts: -;'�°'�� � �� .._ a:���� .
<br /> .��
<br /> a. The substitution of wstee(s) serving under a Deed of Trust, in .Y ' �` .,��-
<br /> accordance with state law and the Deed of Trust;
<br /> � _ ^��1;�l
<br /> b. Srateme�ts of breach or non-performance; °�� � �`y �
<br /> �:����:.
<br /> c. Nodces of default; i`�.�
<br /> ; {
<br /> . i`f, '.:
<br /> d, Cancellations/rescissions of notices of default and/or notices of sale; , ;�;� �'�r:�,
<br /> . �, _
<br /> e. The zaldng of a deed in lieu of foreclosure; and ` �.--
<br /> ����
<br /> under the terms — -__=�°-`"_"�-
<br /> f. Such other documents and actions as may ire necessary �:,_=___ _—
<br /> .� of the Mortgage Deed of Trust or state law to complete expeditiously °��
<br /> °; said transactions. _
<br /> �,'1°--
<br /> 2.1 The power to convey properties held in a fiduciary capacity under the Saabject _ -
<br /> pppoi�3anents or related Goveming Agreements(it�cluding without limitation, the Subject -,�, _ .
<br /> Mor�gages)w a mortgage insurer,or the closing of the title to propercy to be acQuired as real .,:�.� f�,�:"
<br /> estate owned, or conveyance of dtle to real estate owned. :F ._.::,
<br /> ;;.;;;�y.;_.;:..��;:�,:.,.
<br /> 2.2 The power to complete loan assumption ageemea��s relating to the Subje�t ,:� � � �__
<br /> ���:�.
<br /> . Appointme�ts,the related Governing Agreements or the related Custodial Assets(including � ,.;,�;-,n. � � _
<br /> without limitation, tDie Subject Mortgages). '"�-
<br /> .�,��'"r,= .
<br /> 2.3 The power W execute full satisfaction/release of a Mortgage or Deed of Trust � � �.��`���-
<br /> relati��to the Subject Appointments, the related Goveming Agreemertts or the related � • . , �
<br /> � Custodial Assets(including without limitarion,the Subject Ivfortgages)or full conveyance upon ,
<br /> 3 . .. . .
<br /> . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . .
<br /> . . . � . � . . � � � � ' � � � ' {;._
<br /> . _.��--�------�--�- — , � . ._._.-.-. --�---. . _.�_. . ..
<br /> � � --_._ � -----,_..__._.._—_--.�-� . . .
<br /> . . , . .. . . . . .
<br /> . - . - - - -__ . � -�—�=��;�_.. . _�-.�:�_�:_-,-.�.��...�-,---•�.�;�-.�� —- — - �- 1 -� , -
<br /> . ' , . , - '!. . � . . . - '�i . ' ' l . . � �y t� .. �! -� ..
<br />