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<br /> thereto, the Respondent shall have telephone privileges '• � . . _
<br /> with the minor children not to eYCeed one phone call per
<br />� � ' week. Either parent may make emergencv decisions - -
<br /> � affecting the health or safety of his or her children , . � _
<br /> while the children are in the physical custody of e�ch =
<br /> � � parent. -- -•--=� - -
<br /> _ �:
<br /> 3. Child Sunnort: Pursuant to the Ivebraska Chiid -, - . -• _
<br /> Support Guidelines based upon the 1994 income, �he � �'�.'.;.:.
<br /> � Respondent shall pay child support to the Petitioner in '= Y��#°�
<br /> �. ,�,-��.
<br /> the sum of 5288.00 per month. The ChiJ.d Support Guideline � .� . __
<br /> � calculation marked and received into �videace, shall be •:Y� -
<br /> attached hereto and made a gart of this Decree. The Court � . _ .,����._
<br /> notes the fact that the Respondent is presentlp . • _�'�°
<br /> , unemployed except for room and board in a new position, ���'f, _•� "
<br /> and due to these unusual circumstances, sets the child �� �=�=:, �
<br /> • support at $200.00 commencing July lst, 1995, and on the _l��• -
<br /> - first day of each and every month thereafter through - .--=-'��-� -
<br /> September 30th, 1995. Commencin� October lst, 1995, child , . ���.
<br /> support wi ll be �2 8 8.0 0 per month pursuant to the --�.�"'����� ::�..i
<br /> . �
<br /> ;,.--
<br /> - ouidelines. - - - � `�= '��:,. �-
<br /> ,.:; � .
<br /> � �!. Personal Propertp: The Court quiets title to the "'�''� L
<br /> '�..+
<br /> ersonal ro ertv shown on Exhibit a, which is attac�ed - ' ;���.;�`.. _ .
<br /> P P P .
<br /> . hereto and made a part hereof by reference. '= � �' `
<br /> � 5. Real Estate: The Court values the real estate � r;. '`� -
<br /> . pursuant to the exhibit of t�e Respondent at �-�7,822 .84 ?��'; .�,
<br /> and the present mortga�e at S32,356.85 for net equity n ,;���:.'°°
<br /> the house at the present Lime of 31�,�65.99, Nhich .�'�t�`
<br /> - divided equallv wouid be $�,733.00. The Court quiets the ! � -.
<br /> � real estate in the Petitioner subject to the encumbrance . "�'., �_; _
<br />� thereon, which Petitioner shall solelq assu�e and hold "°�,,..
<br /> ". the Respondent harmless. �i
<br /> � '...� `�„�.
<br /> 6. Motor �'ehic les: The 1988 4 Y 4 pickup shall be �- �.^r-
<br /> quieted in the Petitianer and the 1980 Oldsmobile shall _ '�+%
<br /> ' be quieted in the Respondent. Fram the evidence, both
<br /> . vehicles were purchased bv the parties in their own -
<br /> names, after separatian, and were not considered marital _'�_ _ -
<br /> assets or any outstanding, liens a marital debt. �-���=��-_��-
<br /> �,,.�„�,,�
<br /> 7. Gifts: T�e Court considers the dining room table and
<br /> �.%���_.•-_..
<br /> � anv chairs that go thereto, a gi4t or loan Prom the • �..�■�.�..
<br /> ,;�,.,
<br /> .. Respondent's parents and not a marital asset. -�r�'� _
<br /> '�:;;��? __,;.:�
<br /> � 8. Debt: Petitioner shall assume debts for the tool ' -
<br /> � � + loan, one-half of the Home Federal debt, the Associates �..'. , � -
<br /> . � Finance debt Yor the carpet and the Wvoming school loan. - "
<br /> The R�spondent shall assume one-half o4 the debt to I�Iome �� ° ��
<br /> ::_�.,.,.�,..,,�:> ..
<br /> Federal, which shall be paid as hereafter set forth. ~�����- -
<br /> .,��,n=,�--
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