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- - " � _� . .___. _�.�-u-==--- :. . ' . . . .-� --- . �._ <br /> ---- -- -- .. . . , . �= -- - - <br /> .. -: -_._. - -�. ... �-=-�-��'-:�_-_:: d1,���V 03/19/1997 �. —; - - :.3.. <br /> ': CHSRYL R SIIi+�RS JOS P SUNID2BRS �'r� � 100784 ; .. _ <br /> i III COIIII2CIIOD WI�SII}I c .. , '. +.3 <br /> • 4.Coademna2Daa.'l�e pmceeds of any award or claim for damages,diract or consequential.� <br /> icondemnarion or other taldng of [he Property. or part thereof, or for conveya�e in lieu of condemnadon. are 6erebY t , . . , �•��' <br /> � assigned and shall bs paid to Leader.subject w the terms of any mart�sge.deed of ttust or other security agreeu�at witt�a . , -, : ._ .. '., ..�` <br /> ' lien wluch has psiority ovet this Dee�l of Tn�st. <br /> 10. Berrawa� Pio4 Rdease�: Far�ranae By Lende�' Nai a Wafver. Extensoa of the time far payment or . <br /> modific�tion of amorti7arion of the sums secu:ed by this Deed of Trust gransed 8Y Lendet�°anY su�s°r in interest of _ <br /> .. Boaower shall not opeiate to release,in any man�er.the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in , . . _ <br /> . interest. Lender shall not be required w commence proccediags againsc such successor or refiue to extend rime for payment f • � <br /> i or othetwise malify amn�tion of the sums sec�ued by diis Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the original . -__ <br /> . ri t or remed hereunder. t • � <br /> ; Borrower and Horrower's successo�s in inierest. Any fo�b�ance by��r��ercising any Sh Y , . <br /> or otherwise afforded bY apPlicable law.shall nflt be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such rigl►t or remedy. � �, <br /> � 11.�ucoessois and Assi�ns Bound;Joi�k and Seve�Y3sbiliYY+Ca°�iSa'°-�- Thr coveaants aud a�Ceements herein ; - - - <br /> ' comained shali binfl.and the rights hereunder shall imue to.the respecdve successnis and assigns of Lender and Borrower. � . <br /> + subject to the pmvisions of paragraph 16 hereaf. All covenants and aSreements of Borrower shall ibe joint sud several. � . _ . <br /> � pny Borroarer who co-signs this Deed of Tmst.but dnes not execute the Noie.(a)is co-signing this Deed of Tn�st only to <br /> � to Ttustee unde�r the tecros of this Deed of ltast. (b)is ant <br /> ? and comrey that Borrower's interest in the Property <br /> � B rrower hereaudrr �--,-- -----= = <br /> � personally liable on the Note or under this Dcetl of Ttust, aad(c)agrees that Leuder anti any other o ---- . . <br /> may agree m extend,modify,forbear.or make any other accommndations with reSard t°the teans of tbis Deed of Tnus or - <br /> � the Note,without t�at Borrower's consent and wid�ont�el�t�at Boaower or modifyin8 diis Deed of Tn�st as to tbat ,. . . � . ._.. <br />. . Bormwer's interest in the PropertY• �yr appficable law w be given in anothe.-manner.(a) a�►Y norice w • , � ' :�s- - <br /> 12. Nottr.e. Except for any notice req�ired •��:.-:��- <br /> Borrower pmvided for in�is Deed of Tn�st svall be given by delivering it or by mailing such noace bY ce�ed� . :.- - <br /> gl <br /> ' add�ressed to Boaower at the Propeny Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as ` . . <br /> , provided herein,and(b)anY notice w Lender shall be gin+ea by certified ma�7 to Lender's address stated herein or t�such .., r ^ ' <br /> � . ot�address as Lender may designate bY notice to Boaa��3 as provided herein. Any natice pmvided for in this Dced of ' . G_�-_ <br /> .. _ Trast shall be deemed W have been given to Bormwer or I.��-der when given in the ma�ner designated herein. ' ' s:=: <br /> � � Severebility.17ie state and local lavrs applicable to this Derd of Tmst shall be the laws of the , -_'�-�'�.-r= <br /> �'������ sentence sha11 not limit the applicability of Federallaw to tbis ''� <br /> ,. � jurisdiction in whict►the Property is located. The foregoing � , ;_�_ '"� _ <br /> Deed of Trust. In the event thai any proviQOn or clause of this Deed of Tn�st or the Note conAicts with applicable law. �' <br /> such conflict sLall not a f fec[o t h e r pmvisio n s o f t h i s D e e d of Trust or the Nate which caa be given effect without the ' � `� 'r•�'`•': <br /> • co n S i c t i n g p r o v i s i o n. a n d t o t h i s e n d t h e p ro v i s i o n s o f d u s D e e d <br /> of Trast and the Note are dec1ared to be severabte. As � _`as�� : <br /> used herein, "costs�• "expenses° and °attorneys' fees'include all sums to the extent not prohibited by appli c a b le]aw or ;,�:' .. ' <br /> limitedherein. �,. •? # ,` `� ��.• <br /> ' 14. Borrower's Copy.Borrower stall be fumished a wnfoaned�°PY of the Note and of this Deed of Tmsc at the ":- ?� '� ..... <br /> • time of eaecutian o=aRer recordation hereof. : ;`' :`� <br /> 15. 14e�ahllitatton E.oar� Agr�ent. Boaower shall fiil511 all of Bonrower's obligarions wnder any home ,;' :i . <br /> � rehabilitation, or other loan agreement which Borrower enters imo with L.ender. Lender's ..��'' r� K';� :� =- <br /> ' option. maY Ialuire Borrower to exetute and deliver to l.ender. in a form accePtable to Lender. an assignment of any ' ,. r . <br /> tights,claims or defenses wlric6 Horrower may 6ave against parties wha su�ply labor.mater�als or sen+ices in connectioa ,;� . �.:� . <br /> � Rrith improvements m2de to the Ptoperty. �-',7°�-:-= �. ` <br /> 16.Trauisfca of the Property or a Benefldal Int�in Borrawer. lf all or azry part of the Psoperty or a�►interest �;' <br /> �� <br /> . in it is sold or uansferred(or if a benefrcial interest in Boaower is sold or transferted and Bozrower is�sot a naturnl •r.�:•• s��--- <br /> ; pexson)without Lender's prior wriuen consenc. Lc�oder its opdon.require immediate payment in fnll of all sums •��:, ,'�-- _ <br /> '� secured by this Deed of Tmst. However,this opdon sball not be exercised by Ixnder if exercise is prolnbited by fedezal "'�', •�';�._ <br /> ' law as of the date of this Deed of Tiasc. � '''';;.--, � �'°"�"'`'. <br /> � If Lender esercises this opdaa, Lender sha11 give Borrower notice of accelecarion.The nn6ce s1�all provide a peri°d .;�.�: �—- <br /> � ; of�t less than 30 days from the date the nntice is delivered or mailed within wtrich Honower musc pay all sams secura! . �:,. ''�'�!!�'�'-. <br /> . . by this Deed of Tiust.If Borrower faiLs w pay these sums pnor W the expuation of chis pesla�,Lender may imroYe any .; ,; , <br /> '�•J~�••_ <br /> � remedies pe3miued by this De�of Tnbst without fuzther notice or dema�on Borrower. ,;..F-�..�-����_: <br /> ' � YJON-Utv�oRM CoverlwNTS. Borrower and Lender fiuther covenant and agree as follows: :�',<',�''`�- <br /> ��� � � h 16 haeof, apon Borrower's breach of any -. �� ' F_ .. <br /> 17. Aaxiesatton; Remedtes. Escep! as provdded In pura�caP r ��r.�-�°�;. <br /> coveaaut or agreQmeai of Borrower W thls Deed of Trust, ladudinE Borrow�'s failare to pay,by We end of 10 .,�^-,�.q- �• <br /> calendar days aiter they are due,anY s�s serurefl by thL9 Deed of ZYuss,E.euda'Prlor to acceleratlon s1u�ll �[ve '..'.:�=- <br /> I h l2 heseof apeci�yinY: (1)the breach, (Z) the�ctioa requlred to c�e ,.:�_r,. '._: •. . . <br /> , '• I notice to Borrower as provided in paraaraP .. <br /> . .� sucb breach3 l3)a 8ate.not les9 th�n ZO deys fram the ds�te the notice i��ailed to Bom�sver,by wh�c6 such breach ' ' '�:i <br /> i m u s t b e c u r e d 3 swd(4)ttmt fallure to cure such breacb oa or before the dstte��nofd`ce a�hall fuith e r i n form ' <br /> acceleratton of the s�s sec�e�by thls Deed of Teust and sale oP the Propert�'• . _ <br /> � Borrower of the d$ht to rel�tate after aooeleration a��the dyht w brin�a cowt acdon to assert the none�tense of � �_- <br /> ht <br /> s default or an,y Mber detease of Borrower w acseleration and s$[e.IP tha brcacb 1s not e�ued on or bdore the date .: . . _-.-. <br /> spectfied in the notice,Lend�,at I.ender's opNon,may deeiare all of the sums se�aued by th4s Deed of Tcust to be . . __. <br /> • immedlately due and papable wttho�fiiRher denand and may invoke the powe�'of s�le and any otder r�edtes .� ..: <br /> , per�nttted by app�c�ble law. I.ender s6all be eatitled to collect all rPasonab2e costs and cxpe�sc�s�inc�ared in • <br /> punsutng the resnedl�provtded in thi�puagraPh 17,includin�,but not lin�Eted to.reasonable attorneya fee�. .�` <br /> If the power of sale is Invoked,Trustee shall t�ecord a notice of defauYt in eac6 cau�ty!n which�e Property or . . — <br /> � smme part thereof is tocated and st�ll mai] eoples of such notice tn t6e maan�Prescrlbed by appUcable law to . <br /> Borrow�and to the ather pe�sons prescrlbed by appltcable lew.After the lapse ot such time as may be re�ut*ed bY �'' <br /> � app l ica b le i aw, T r u s t e e s h a 1 1 d v e p n b ll c n o t i ce o f s a l e t o t h e p e t s ons and in t6e mann�r Prescdbed by appllcable <br /> law.Tnstee,wlthout da�m�and on Borrower,shall seil the Property at publlc suctlon to the hi�bldder st the time • , �-•- <br /> .� and place and under¢6e terms des1�►ated 1n t6e notice of sale in one or more parcels and in such order as Tn�stee . <br /> � muy d�ermine.Trustee maY P�Pone sale of all or any p a r c e l o f t h e P r o p e t t y b y p u b ll c a n n o u n c e m e a t a t t 6 e time <br /> sad place ot any prevtously scheduled sale.I.eader or Lender's dcslgnee may purthase the Property at any sale. �...._ <br /> Upon receip!of paymeat of the price bid,Trustee ehall deUver to the pnrci�ser Tnutee's deed conveytn$the • � <br /> � '; Pr+o�rty sold. The recit�ls in t6e'Pruscee's deed shall be prlma fncte evtdence of the 3nrth of the statements made . <br /> . . therein,Trustee shall applq the pros�oY tha sNe in the follotivtna order.(a)to all reasonable costs nnd expeases ut �- <br /> i the sale,includin�,bui aat llmiied to,Tn�slee's fees actufllly insu�med of not more Wsui 5%of tl�e gmss sule prtce. - <br /> S� <br /> reasonabie auorne's' fees and oosts of tdtle evideno� (b) to s�ldl s�s s�ured by thLs Deed of Triut; and (c) the , � <br /> � , � . <br /> �c�,iY:.�;;.sa '!�°-F�=n�43�re*+sens legally en4itled thereto. �`. _ . _...._ _ � <br /> . � � • . �...•._-. <br /> a � • • - <br /> � Nebraska 26876-3 11/96 �igiA81(ROCOrded) COpy�HLi�Y1Ch1 COpy�CuOtO�o=1 Page 3 of 5 <br /> � t �� <br /> : - - -- - .� � - -- -- ---- • <br /> i . . . _ .._ _ , .. ....,_..�..�_�.:,:��,-,- _ ._ .. . - -- -. ___ - - . <br /> . ' . • . ` . � ' _ c_ '' .. � ' . . � . . j -.. . ' - ' • . 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