- ---� - - � •--- ---- -- —_ -- - __�.�..� _-- --..: � -` �
<br /> . �- _ -_" "_'_- ' .. _. . . . .t _. _ _ _ . _."- " `�rt_ 0�"
<br /> . °�'� (�� 1dQ776 03/19/1997 �: - .�' . — —
<br /> _'� GSOFF W YQUNG DONNA M YOIILdti �/ ���°°�° " ; -
<br /> � , ' 9.Coadganna4lon.The proceeds of any award or claim far damages,direct or consequential. in connection with any ` . .,
<br /> condemnadon or other taking of the Property, or pan thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of rnndemnation, are hereby � . a
<br /> � a�signed and shall be paid to Lender.subjecc co tine cerms of any mortgage.deed of uust or other seauritY aSreeffient with a i �
<br />, � lien which has pcioriry over this Deed of Tn�st. i
<br /> 10. Borrower Nat Rel�sed; �'orbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. &xtsnsien of t�e rime for payment or
<br /> modification of amnrriratioa of the sums secured by this Dad of Tnlsc granted by Lender to wy succ�s.s°r���of : _
<br /> i Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner.the liabUity of the origi�ai Buaower a�d BorroWer's successors in � • ,
<br /> . ' interest. Leader shall not be requite�to commeace proce��a8�'���°r or refus�[o extend cime for payment ; • . _
<br /> � or otherwise modifY amortigaon of[he sums secured bY this Deed of Tn�st by reason of any dem�nd made by the ariginal ' --
<br /> Borrower and Borrower's saccessors in inierest. Any forbeaiance by Lender in exercising any right or remedY htreunder. � . , --
<br /> _ o�����Orded by applicable law,shall nnt be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such righ[or remedy. ' _ ' _ _
<br /> 11.Suoces.wrs and Assigus Bouud;daint and Several Liability;Co-siga�s. The covenants and agreemems herein �
<br /> contained shaU bind,aud the rights herennder shall imue to.the respecrive successo�s and ass'sgns of Lxnder and Borrower. , , �
<br /> d,
<br /> yvbject to the provisions of paiagraph 16 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Boaower shall be joint and se�+eral. � .•�_
<br /> Any Borrower who co-signs d�is Deed of Tmst.but does not exewte the Nate.(a)is co-si8nin8 tbis De�of Trnsc anly to .
<br /> i
<br /> granc and comey t6at�orrower's interesi in the Property to Tnutee und�r the terms of dus Deed of Tmst. N) is not ; ------ -.._.. ` _-
<br /> personally liable on the Note or under this Deed of Tn�st,and(c)agrees thac I.ender and anY od�ex B°1T°wer hereunder - ',:,-
<br /> may agree w extend.modifY,forbear.or make any other accomffiodationa arith regard to the terms o f t h i s Deed of Tnist or � ,,:..,::j� �
<br /> the Note.withnnt that Boirower's consent and widiout releasing that Horrower or modifying tlus Deed of Tn�st as to tbat ' . . . ---
<br /> ` � Bormwer's interest in the Property. -
<br /> 12. NoYtce. F�ccept for any nntice required nnder applicable law w be given in anorher mianner. (a) a�Y notice to � . . , -����_
<br /> ' Borrower provided for in this Deed of Tmst shaU be given by delivering it or by mailing sach notice by certified mail � �. •= : ,�
<br /> ! addr�to Borrower at the Property Adtiress or at such other address as Boaower may designate by notice to I.ender as ; , ` "-�-,--,�;
<br /> � ' provided herein,and(b)azry nntice w Lender sball be given by certified mail to L.ender's address stated hcrein or to such t ; 3 - --��
<br /> erc n, 1 , �.
<br /> ' other a d d r e s s as L e n der ma y desi g n ate b y notice to Bo�wer as provided herein.Any notice provided for in t�is Deed of :.,���
<br /> Tn�st sh�ll be deemed to have been given to Borrower or I�nder when given in the manme���- � —
<br /> � � 13.GoverninS Law,Severability.The state and lacal laws aPPlicable to this Deed of T:ast sba11 be the laws of the . -�• -:',_<��----
<br /> _' � jurisdiction in which the PcaPeTty is located. 17ie foregoing sentence shall nni limit the aPPlicabilit9 of Federal law to this .�:.� �;:�,_:-
<br /> D e e d o f T n�s t. In the event d�at any provision or cla�se of this Deed of Trust or the Note conflic�s wid►aPPllcable law, � �`:�-
<br /> sush conSict si�a11 not affecc °t�er p�"lsons of this Deed of Tiast or the Note which can be given e ffect wi t hou t t h e . .�.`�- .�i.'_`
<br /> '_�y„�. ,.
<br /> conflicting pmvision,and to ttus en,d the provisions of t�is Dced of Tmst and the Note are declaied to be�'�czbleblaw ar � ; _ �"`, ,
<br /> . used herein, "cosss-, °expenses'and'attomeys' fees" include all sums to the exteni not pmlu'bited bY aPp � _
<br /> limited herein. ' � �, —
<br /> �• 14. Borrower's Copy. Hoirower shall be famished a confosmed coPY af�Note and of this Deed of Tmst at the . � �
<br /> dme of execution ot after recordadon hereof. � of Boaower's obligations under any home • ' �;` V=-
<br /> • 15. Rel�abilitat[on Loan Agree�uent. Borrower shall fu1fi11 :, ,.
<br /> � rehabilitation.imPmvement.repair or otl�er loan agreemenc wtuch Boaower enieis into with Lender. Lender.at�nde�r'y .;'.: . ;� .` _,
<br /> o pdon. ma Y requite Bonower to execate and deliver to Lendea. �a form acceptable to I.ender. an assi8nme ��'a�-f=• �;�;:'t :
<br /> � rights, claims or defenses which Bouower may 6ave against Pa�es who supply la b or.mate r i a l s or s e rv i ce s in connecaon . 4 , _
<br /> � �� �k c _ _ .
<br /> with improvements made to the Property. -:""�-- �
<br /> 16.TransfQr of the Property or a Beueftctal Iaterest in Borrower. If aU or any part of the Propetty or any interest . �: .,.
<br /> ,, in it is sold or txaasferred (or if a beneScial interesa in Boaower is sold or traasferred and Borrower is �ot a nauu�al '��=�.
<br /> �mmediate payment in full of all sums "`�`' ,.� °
<br /> ' pe�son)withwt Lender's priar written coasent. Leuder may. at its opdon.require� { �;�:=•� �
<br /> f• secured by this Deed of Trust.However.this opdon shall not be eaeicised by I.eader if exen�se is pml�ibite�by fede�l , -��_-
<br /> law as of the date of this Deed of TrusG ��� '�_ ��-
<br /> If Lender e�ercises�S op��n.Ixndei shall give Bonower nodce of accele�adon.'!he nodce shall provide a periad �'S� ' �
<br />� , f not tess than 30 days from the date th�notice is delivered or mailed withia wLich Borrower amst pay all sums secured ,. ��:_
<br /> a ad,Lender ma iavoke auy _ _
<br /> • tsy this Deed of Ttast. If Borrower fai?s afl pay these sams pnor to the expiration of this pert Y '����.�
<br /> ��.
<br /> . remedies permiued by this Deed of Tn:st without fiuther notice or demaad on Borrower. , . - .___
<br /> � �� NoN-UN�'oRM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant,and agree as follows: � ��.r-��%�r�+
<br /> ' 17. Acceleratlon, R�edies. Except as provided in parap�aPh 16 hereof, upan Bormwer's breach of any . ::a���_—
<br /> ti.•-
<br /> cavenant or s8r�aneat of Bomnwer in tmis Dced of Tn�st,insludin�Borrower's fallure w pay,by the end of 10 ��_
<br /> calesndu days atter t6ey are due,enY s�s secured by Wis Deed of Trnst,Lr�de�prtor to aoceleratlon shall�ive �{"�;,.�
<br /> D 1Z hereof s p e c t fyin�: U)the brtach3 (Z)the adton r��to c�are . . r':
<br /> ' notice to Bon+mwer as prnvtded in para�eP
<br /> suc6 breac6;(3)a date,nat less t1�su ZO days fram the date t6e nottce is muiled to Borcower,bY whtch sus6 breac6 . ;}'�.,1�t=''.
<br /> must be curcd: and (4)tt�t faiiure to an�e such breacd on or before the date spediled in the uotice mAy rnsult in •
<br /> accelw�ation of the s�s secune8 by Ws Deed of Trust and sele of t6e Pro�ecty.The natlae ah�ll further inYorm , f'-.
<br /> Borrmner cf the d�ht to rein�teie alter aoceler�tion aad t6e d�t w brtn�a cuiut action to�sert the nonad�teace of . . .. .
<br /> �.
<br /> a defau9t er any other defease of Borrawer to acceteaation and sale.U the breach is nat cared on or b¢fare the daie ,
<br /> � specifted in the aotioe,I.ender.at Leatie�''s o�tlon,may dectare�11 of the s�s seared by this Deed of Trust to be . ,.� ,
<br /> immEdls�1Y dne and�ayable wit6oua further d�and and may invoke the power of sale and any ottier remedles _,
<br /> tted by appllca".� law. I.ender sh�ll De �t[tled to wllect all reasoaabte costs and e�peoses i�c�ur� i° ��� . �._
<br /> p�insuing We r�ed3c�pmv�ded im thfs paz�aBraPb 17,insluding.but not limited to,reasmnabte eitomeys' ces . . 1—
<br /> U the power ot sate 1s inv�ed,Trustee shaU record a not�ce of defauit in each cou�y in wWch the P+roperty or �
<br /> some part thereaf is tocated a�a1Lz'.1 maii eopies of such cr�dce ta the mannFr Pressribed Dy appllcabie law tm �
<br /> Borrower and to the other pe�son9 prescribed by appitcable law.Afiter trie lapse of such time as mey be reQulred bY ; -. �
<br /> appilcable law, Tn�stce shsll�tve pubfic aaHce of sale to t6e pasoas and in t6e maw�er Presceibe�ny aPpltcable . ,��=_
<br /> law.Trustee,wlt6out demand on Borrower,shall se11 the proPertY at P���a�on to the highcst bidder at the tfine �
<br /> � �4.-'
<br /> and place and uader th�te�rms de�l�ated in the notice of sale in one or more Parce������t time �
<br /> may determine.ar�astee may posipune ssle of all or any parcef of the Property by p �
<br /> and place of any previously arhe�uted sale.I.eader or I.ender's desip►ee maY Purct�a.�the Property at any Eale. : • ��—
<br /> upon reeeipt of payment of the price bid,Tn�stee s6all deUver to t6e p�chase�'Trustee's deed conveylnS the �•.
<br /> • property sold. The r�i4Ns in the Trustee's dced shall be prima fade evldence of the tn�6 of the stetea�ents made ! ,
<br /> therein.Trustee shatl apply th�pmc�ds af the sale in the fo9towiog order:(a)to all reasonable costs and expenses of ` . , . _
<br /> tRe sale, includin$, bui nai limi3ed to,Truwtee's fees adually lncurred ot not more than��o of the�ross sale price, , ��
<br /> � � reasflnable attorneys' Pee9 and costs of tttle evidenc� (b) to all swns sec�ued bp this Det*�of Trust;and (e) the r• `,�.
<br /> � � exce§s,if any,to tt�e p�son or p�su�ie�fy�ti:.3 t'�ta. : .._ . ..
<br /> I ; • �:
<br /> Nebraska 268763 11�96 OrlgiAal(RHCO=dfld) Copy(HL'Sach) Copy(CuOtomOr) Page 3 0[5 ,_
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