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_ . _ . ., ,. ,,., .. . ,. .. ._.. <br /> _.. , _.: , �.. ::,: .,F,,..:_:.,.�. <br /> . . , ,;- . , � • . . <br /> W A R x A N T Y D E E D <br /> KNOW ALL MEN HY THTSF PRFSENTS: . <br /> That We� Dale C. Brahn and Mini,a•Brnhn� his xife, Edna R. IYtsaier and John Maier, her <br /> husband, Homer H. Bruhn and Mas Brnhn� his �ife� Wa�yne C. Brahn and Minnie D. Brahn� his xife� <br /> Mary L, Dickson and Charles C. Iltckson,.her hnsband, Laura M. Clanssen and Lester Claussen, <br /> her hnsband� Gayle E. Schwieger and Fd�in A. Schw3.eger� her husband� Kenneth Bruhn and Jessie <br /> B�uhn, his wife, Joan E. Spiehs and Harold Spiehs� her husbattd a11 of Hall Connty� and the <br /> State of Nebraska, and Hazel Day and Ho�rard Day� both,cf_. T•ial'heur �.� � �e <br /> State of Oregon� and Rosa R. Rief� a xidour� of`the �ovnty ot- ps geles� and State of Califorri <br /> in consideration of the smn of THREE.T$OIISAND ST% HONDRED DdLLARS (�3�600.00) ia hand paid by <br /> Ernest L. Walker and Lola M. Walker� as Joint Tenatrts.and not as Tenants in Co�enon� of Hall <br /> County, Nebraska, do hereby grant, bargain, sell� coridey axrd confirm vnto the said Ernest L. <br /> Walker and Lola M. Walker� as J i.nt Tenants 8nd not as Tenants in Common, the following des- <br /> cribed premises situated in th�Caunty of Hall, and State of Nebraska� to•wit: <br /> A tract of grovnd in I,ot "H" of Joehnck�a Subdivision of the Southeast Quarter (SF�) <br /> of Section Fifteen (15) in Tosrnship Eleven (11)� Aange Nine (9)� West of the 6th P.M.� <br /> in Ha11 County� Nebraska, more particnlarly descxibed as folloWS: Commencing at the <br /> intereection of the easterly line of Joehnck Road and the Section I,ine between said <br /> Section 15 and Section 22 of said Township and Range� rnnning thence in a northFresterly <br /> direction along #�he easterly side of Joehnck Road a distance of 328.5 feet� thence easterl; <br /> at right angles 152 feet� thence aontherly at rig`ht parallel to the easterly side <br /> of Joehnck Road a distance of lilt�.6 feet to a point on the said Section Line, thence West <br /> along said Section Line to the place of beginning� containing 1.29 acTes� tae the same a <br /> trifle more or less. Subject, hawever, to a right-of-way acrnss the northerly 33 feet <br /> of the tract herei.nbefore c3escribed in favor of the owners� their heirs, snccessors and <br /> assigns of Lot "H" and "E" of said Joehrick�s Svbdivision, or ar�r part thereof� or of <br /> the pu.blic� and sub�ect to a County Road as naw laid out in, across and upon th$ tract <br /> hereinbePore described. . - <br /> .-,� <br /> Together with all the tenements� hereditaments and appnrtenances to the same belonging, and all <br /> of the Estate, Right, Title� Interest, Claim or Demand xhataoever inclvding Dower, f�.irtesy and <br /> Homestead :i,ights of the said grantors of� in, or to the same, or an� part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises�with the appurtenances� unto the said <br /> Ernest L. Walker and Lola M. Walker� as Joint Tenants, and to their assigns, and to the heirs <br /> and assigns of the survivor forener. And we hereby covenant With the said �nest L. Walker <br /> and Lo1a M. Walker that we hold said premtses by good and perfect title; that We have gr�od <br /> right and lawful anthoritg to sell and convey same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and encumbrances whatsoever. And we covenant to �arr t a d defend the s d against <br /> the lawf�il. claims of a21 persons whomsoever. ���>�_ . <br /> Si��ned this 19th day of March� 1958. �✓ <br /> . :y�Z.a.C.Iit_ <br /> ...., � <br /> , „ � <br /> - ; = <br /> ..� � <br /> < <br /> � � � ��.t nnrn. ��; �.L-i J <br /> � <br /> "�?� <br /> - ; • <br /> , '. � , � ^ ^-� <br /> l � � � , <br /> � � �� <br /> / <br /> � ' <br /> i <br /> . <br /> . � � � ' <br /> . <br />