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i� <br /> 1031/Z—WARRANTY DEED—Joint Tenancy—Vesting Entire Title In Survivor TLe HuRman General Supply Hovse, Lincoi�, Nebr. ! <br /> li <br /> i <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That i�argaret Rickard, widOw of Harry Rickard,�; <br /> deceased I; <br /> �, <br /> i <br /> �� <br /> I' <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> in consideration of One and RO�10� — — — DOLLARS <br /> j Iove and affection ; <br /> �i in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto t�argaret Rickard dRd <br /> ;; Laverne M. Rickard, mother and daughter - - - <br /> ;� <br /> i <br /> � <br /> �'� <br /> il � <br /> �, <br /> i! <br /> i; as JOINT T�NANTS, and not as tenants in common; the following described real estate, situated in the County of <br /> i; Ha 11 and State of Ne br a s ka , to-«��t: <br /> ;' Commencing at a point three hundred feet (300 ft. ) south of the intersection <br /> ;, of the South line of Syria Street with the East line of High Street of the Firs <br /> ;' Addition to the town of Cairo (according to the recorded plat thereof), said <br /> , point of intersection being 60 feet South of the Southviest corner of lot sev�n <br /> {7), in block three (3) of the said First Addition; thence South in continuat- <br /> ! ion of the E�at line of the said High Street 138.4 feet to intersect the Sou�h <br /> '! line of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter (SW'/aNW/) of Section 19, <br /> in Township 12, North, Range 11, West of the 6th P. M. : thence East along said <br /> !' South line 14� feet to intersect the West line of the alleyof Block l,of the <br /> � Fifth Addition to the said Town of Cairo (according to the recorded plat there- <br /> of) , extended South; thence Northin said 2ast mentioned line 138.4 feet; thence <br /> ; West in a line parallel to the South line of Syria Street 350 feet South the�Ceo� <br /> � 140 feet to the place of beginning. <br /> together ��•ith all tlle tenetucnts, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same Uelonging, and all the estate, tit]e, <br /> dower, right of houicstcad, claim or demand �vhatsoever of the said grantor , of, in or to the same, or any part , <br /> ' thereof; subject to 1'10 encumbrances <br /> IT I�I�I\G TII� INTL:NTION OF ALL P_1PTIrS H�RETO, THAT I\ TH��VENT OF 1'I3T D�A7'II <br /> � OF IiIT111�I2 OI� S.�ID GRA\TL:1=S, T�I� E\TIR� FTE SI\1PL� TITL� TO TI-I� REAL rSTATT: DT- <br /> �� SCRIB��I� HEREI\� SH:�LL Z��ST I\ TH� SURVI�'I\G GR�NT��. <br /> TO IT_1ti%E �1ND TO HOLD the above described preinises, ��-ith the appurtena�ices, unto the said �raritees as <br /> JOIV'f T?�;:\�_1\TS, an�l not as tenarits in coinmoti, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor <br /> of theiit, torever, and I the gratitor nained lierein io�rriyself aiid my heirs, c�ec:titors, ancl <br /> admi�iistrators, do covetiant ��ith the grantees nained hereiti and �aith their assigns ancl �vith the heirs ancl assi�ns <br /> o[ the��or of them, that I 8Cri la���fully seized oY said preiui�es; that they are free from incumbrance <br /> �� except as �tated herein, and that j the said grantor dp have good right and lawful authorit}� to scll thc <br /> sa�ne, and ti,at 1 �vill and Tpy heirs, eaecutors and adininistrators shall t�-arrant and dc- <br /> � fcncl ihe sanle imto the grantees namcd hereiu aiid imto their assin is and unto tlie heirs and assigns of tl�c sur- <br /> ' vivor of then., fure��er, against the la���ful claims of all persons �chomsoever, excluding the e�ceptions nanucl herein. <br /> 1N �\'I'rI`:I:SS \�'H�RrOI' I have hereunto set m�t hand - - r this 8�h day of <br /> Apr1I , 1955 , ..:- , � � <br /> j. <br /> . .. �, .. , . <br /> �,��1�_�� :.. ,., „ _.�. _.,. . . <br /> ---..... .__...-•---�------- -�-----��---- --.__... _._. <br /> �- - .._._......... - - - ... ............... ._ - _...-- <br /> In presence of ....... - _ - - �- - ... - - - - <br /> - ........._...- ---..... - - -... _ - -- - --- <br /> ___...--.:_. ___ _ _. ___ ____ ..___..... . ....... __.. _ . - ____ ......._... . ..-- . .. ._... _..__. <br /> __........ - _ _- - - --- _ - ... - - - � -- - - � �-- - --- ............... ___ - _ <br />