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� 1015—WARRANTY DEED—VESTING ENTIRE T1TLE IN SURVIVOR 31296—iXEAUGU5i1NEC0.GRAe�I5L11n0.NElP. <br /> � -- <br /> I <br /> I� <br /> iI KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That_....Hugn Schuchmann and._._Carnl.ena__..Schuchmann, <br /> .. <br /> ' ii.1.l.S:�s.�I1Cl._.�.11�.....T.9.i.:�.�..t......._._....._..............._............... ..._.................... <br /> _..........._......................._......._ - ................. ...._........._....__..................._.._ <br /> ;', in consideration of..��e. _llpll�r__...�..5.1....Q.�.)......a.�.d..._�.t.h�.�'.._va.1l�.�.�le_...�.!!t1s.i.der.a.ti.!�n.-...-.DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto.__�.,a.f�i:e.r!.�e....�•;i�dia. <br /> ;'j ...:�iil.ler�.....hus.'��.'?.�?..._and _iaife..�.................r. <br /> _.-............._....................._......._..........._..............................._............_........_._......__...._...... <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, the following described real estate, situate in the County <br /> I' of.._...__. _Iia:J.:l.__. ..._...................and State of...____.i�'.e:p�:.a�.ka_........_......., to-wit: I3eginning at the quart �r <br /> c����er �i' S^cti�ns 23 and 29, in 'I'ntanship 11 \�rth, 1Zange 9 .vest, in <br /> �•;ashingt�;� `i'n,enship, iIa�l Cnuntt�, '_�ebrastca, and running S�uth alnn� secti�n <br /> ' ?i��e a dist�nce n:f' Une Thoasand One T�undred Thirt��-ei�ht and i�ive Tenths <br /> (i�.,?�;, ,>� } i�; �t to ihc: .:�rtlli�::st cnrner �i tne pr�?�ertt�, tnence �urninn <br /> �it Y'1.^'!1�; c�il�'1.c:S �1TlC� Y`UIl?lli��" i��St c`i Cj1St�Y?CE. '�l 1'1�rE' ::'.�11C�i C'Cj �l'T�'Cllt`,'–u1n�"I� <br /> i�'cct (;2h' )� t� an i��^n nine in the �r�und �ahich is tl�e :�^rtheasi ��:�,ner �f <br /> i:;e p��npertrr, tizence tw^nin� at right an�les and runiiin�; Snuth a distar.ce <br /> nf C;;e ii�indreci Si�t�:-iive i�eet (lu�� ) , thence turnin� at ri�ht ar.�les and <br /> i�unni��.r, i�e��t a distance of Thirt�'-three Feet (�t3' ) , thence furning at <br /> Y i �`i1t i?:�TZC.'S <:!'.::t 2^UIi1'llYlr i\n2't�1 �t CilSi�l.I�CC f?f 1�1r}11,:'—`i.►d!� �l!1C1 }''1V.°. TCTlt115 <br /> ` " � �henGe runni�l� �iest a dis�ar.ce nf i�nur.�i ndred '•�i �t1�-fiy c l�ee� <br /> t �3� ,5 <br /> �( 1 '�?� �. i^ t _b 5ec#1�:� 1'n� thence rur.nin� '�nrt':� a dis�ance �F �s�tzt�--tta� anr. <br /> ; LV�, l��Yl LC;S i'���. i: `G�. J� � ai^ilr S�Ctl�p �1;?E; t� t�'1C p�lYlt ^r i�C'�;1111'11;'l�'. <br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, <br /> title, dower, right of homestead, claim or demand ��hatsoever of the said grantor.�......._., of, in or to the same, <br /> or any nart thereof; subject to a right �f i��ai� easen:en c reser��red tn the �rantnr-s, <br /> t?1eir� hcil,s ar�d assigns, �;;e rnd s�-ic3e aci,nss the uest sidc nf the ahnve <br /> ccsc��i `�ed t���c�� f�i� th� t��arnnse n�f an irri�ati�n ditch t� the �ael� <br /> 1nc;ztcc' i:� thc S��u�hi��est c�I;;ei, ni said tract, and an easement f�r the <br /> use ni �aicl ja�l1 a11 tn the bcr.ei it �r the land l��in� n�rth and ad jacent <br /> t� the s:i_e� tract in the `�ni^±h One-i�a1: (.:;) of the Snuthwest ��uai,ter <br /> (�;�,�_) �i Sccti�.� �i;ac;�t,-�'-fnur (2�'i ) . <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO, THAT IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH <br /> OF EITH�R OF SAID GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE RF,AL ESTATE <br /> DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appttrtenances,unto the said grantees <br /> as JOINT TENAN'rS, and not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the <br /> survivor of them, forever, and.. ?�'�= the grantor.s.........named herein for.'?u..?'S��t�..�and._._�.v z'........ heirs, <br /> eYecutors, and administrators, do covenant with the �rantees named herein and �vith their assib s and �vith <br /> the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them, that.__��:�..._�?..'-�.�'�vfiilly seized of said premises; that they <br /> are free from incumbrance eace�t as stated herein, and that...._.... ii',=_..........the said grantor.s..._.. ha 1�'.� gooci <br /> right and lawful authority to sell the s�me, and that......._l>:�=..........�vi11 and.........�t�.i:__ .heirs, executors and adminis- <br /> trators shal� warrant and defend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their assigns and unto <br /> the heirs and assigns of �he survivor of them, fore�-er, againct the la���ful claims of all persons whomsoever, <br /> excluding the esceptions named herein. <br /> IN �%IT�'ESS VVHEREOF '.i;. have hereunto set �v.:' hands _.....this _ i"t.!'x da�� of <br /> '� ' " '/fC/,n�,�✓��1'yY��'-� <br /> �: i ! __ __, A. D. 1" ,�, l '�•�3/- n _ <br /> __. _ _ <br /> In presence of � i�...� ' `�'�J�'� _ __ _. a".�^' __ ��� <br /> . <br /> � _ _ � +� a __ _ _ __ _ _ <br /> °p.. • E <br /> .... . .... ..... . . . . .. ... • - ........... ... <br /> ,a <br /> . _ � <br /> _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _. .. 0 ___ __ __ _ __ _ _ <br /> � _...__ _ <br /> , — <br /> STATE OF' :,--.:-i:a_AS1:,._: _ <br /> ss. On this _ �t;� day of_ :�;�;.';.1 <br /> Countv of 1i�:.�i_i_ _ <br /> A. D. J_`.:::.; _ , before me a Notary Pt�blic, in and for said County, personall,y came the above named <br /> , , ,,, <br /> ... . � � <br /> : ..:,, . .�,_.�.I�.:..: .: ..'' �'_i. �c.'_�n.Lt'_';,.! Jt�:l!it::1?'�u�:':� _iii1J�.�1.'7G_ �1L:�! .}i..._ C� _ _ __ _ _ <br /> _ _........_..._ _.__.__ __ _ . __ <br /> _ _ _... __ __ _ _._ ___ ___ _ _._ _ .. . __ <br /> ,:`,��,_.� .h..,.:. <br /> �ti,���`,�„��; ,.�'�-., �vho ��.:�::.personally kno���n to me to be the identical person�.....whose names <br /> � Q-�'.... � .. •� � ,.:,�� • 'rn�� <br /> ;��a� V�ti►iIq'�. � , . -.��-� . _affixed to the above instrument as grantor...s_ .., and t,.�.,.�, <br /> �.�.0:�� Y"�:' . ,�. •;, : <br /> _ ;7; �' "- �..;s�E._;; ': , ackno�rledged said instrument to be_..�':;�i.:'voluntary act and deed. <br /> - : �-;',;,,'�i� ,� �:�.... _ - <br /> �' , t, ti �� , _ WITNESS n:�� hand and Notarial Seal the date last aforesaid. <br /> , . . <br /> . � r <br /> ';,�� ?✓., i ��.�„ ;� M�- commission expires on the 1si__dayof �ius�tts�����-L►A. D. 1J,:�; <br /> , ,� ' ..•• ,F �� �j� � <br /> . � <br /> : :' _ _ •�i�/ Notart� Public. <br /> . Fr. T., „ <br /> :y�r�H�,,;�.n.`� <br /> F1 i_ed fo� record April �, 197� a� }:00 F. <br /> , ._ <br /> :: Re� _ - -_,:- <br /> is�er of Deeds. HaIT,_Co-:-'N�br. _- --_ , -- - _ - <br /> �y� � _r� . <br />