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i <br /> � 103%2—WARRANTY DEED—Joint Tenancy—Vestiag Entiro Title Zn Snrvlvor (Eevfeed) The HuHman General Supply Hovse, Lincoln, Nebr. <br /> �� <br /> �' KNO�'V ALL 14IEN BY T��ESE FRES�NTS, That Peter N. Herman, a single person <br /> i; <br /> �� <br /> I <br /> r <br /> �� <br /> �� <br /> ;I <br /> �i <br /> il <br /> !I <br /> il iii consideration of Ot72 aC]d Y10�100- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ I�OLLARS� <br /> ii love and affection <br /> j� in hand paid, do tiereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto HilIDa G. Denman and <br /> �� Lloyd A. Denman , husband and wife, <br /> � <br /> i <br /> il as JOINT TE:VANTS, and not as tenants in common; the foliowing described real estate, situated iii the County of <br /> HALL znd State of NEBF?vSKA , to-�vic: <br /> I <br /> ' I <br /> Lot Two (2) , Block Fourteen (l�) , Wallichs � <br /> ; Ad�?ition to the City of Grand Is�and , � <br /> Nebraska. <br /> � <br /> '.i <br /> �i <br /> ,� <br /> �I <br /> � <br /> I' <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> 'i <br /> I, <br /> � togethcr with all the tenemcnts, l�eredita�nents an1 a��purtcnanccs to tlie same belonging, aud all the estate, title, ;i <br /> ii <br /> dower, rio}it of hoine;tead, ciaim or deinand ��•hatsoever of the said grantor , of, in or to the same, or any part ij <br /> thereof; subject to incu�rnrances of record. <br /> ;i <br /> !�I <br /> i; <br /> , <br /> i <br /> �, 1T 1�l�ING.THI: INTi;ivT10\ OF :�LT, P�'�I�T1�S HLI:IiTO, TF3AT ]i� TIIr I:V�NT OF� THI: DT?ATII <br /> �'� OF T;T1'I3I±1Z OI' SAill GiZ�A:v'TEL'S, TI1� E\TIRE TI:F SIMP1_T: TITLI, TO Tf-lE IZEAL TSTATE llE- <br /> SCRII3LD IiEP�IN SI�IALL ��ES'I' IN THE SliRVIV'IV�G GRA\�TEl3. <br /> TO IIAVE i1ND '1'O IIOLD tl;e abo�•e de�cribccl premises, ���ith the aPl�urtenances, u:�to the said grantees as i'� <br /> )OINT TEN_SNTS, and not as tenants in common, and to thcir assigns, or to the heirs and assigus of the survivor � <br /> � of Yl�em, forever, aud he the grantor named hcrein for hlmSelf and h1S heirs, executors, and <br /> a<lmiuistrators, do covenant ���ith the grantees namcd hercin and ��-ith their assi�is an 1 ���ith the hcirs and assigns �'i��' <br /> of the stirvivor of the�u, that he 1S ]a�ti�full� seized of said pre�ui;cs; that they are free f:oin incumbrance I� <br /> exccpt as stated herein, �nd that he the said grantor ha��e good rioht and la���ful authoritv to sell the <br /> �� s1me, and tl�at Gr�ntor' �vill and h1s heirs, e�ecutors anrl a�iministrators shall �varrant ancl de- <br /> ii <br /> tcnd Uie svnc un±o the �rantees named herein and unto their assi��s and unto tlie heirs and assi�ns of the �nr- ����I <br /> �•i�,or oi them, ioreeer, a;ainst the la•��•ful claims of all persons ���homsoe�•er, cscluding the ezccptions namecl herein. <br /> 1N t1'1'fN1:SS �'1�tII:IZF_OP I have hereunto;set � my hadd , thi� 315t day of ;�i <br /> , - , , <br /> Marcn t9 58. ; , <br /> � <br /> , <br /> , , <br /> I <br /> '- ---�........ ............. _ <br /> ��I <br /> - -- �----- ------�-----------�-- - - - -------- -- ' <br /> Jri Presencc of ��I�I <br /> �, _-- ------------- -- - - --- - -..... . -- - <br /> , .� �i <br /> , , <br /> ,- , i ` ��: , <br /> � - �' � <br /> . .:- <br /> , , <br /> L -f.). <br /> --•- •--- '- -� . <br /> . - -----•�-- ------- - ---------------- <br /> ---- --- ----��----�-----°-------- ----------_--------- --------- --- -�-- <br /> _ _ -- �- ----- - - - � - --- --.._..- ---- --- - --------�----•---°------- --------- ----- ------•----�------------------- <br /> i: <br />