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1031/2—WARRANTY DEED—Joint Tenancy—Vesting Entire Tit�e In Survivor T6e E�ut�man General Supply House, Lincoln, Nebr. <br /> � <br /> KNO�'V ALL MEN BY THESE PRESE�NTS; That Everett L. Rowse and Beverly J, Rowse, <br /> husband and wife, and each in his or her own right <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . I <br /> mconsiderationof Other consideration & One �c No/100-------------------D��I_LAl:s <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto HOW�r'd 1�J. Daffer and <br /> Lorine G, Daffer, husband and wife <br /> as JOINT T�NA\TTS, and not as tenants in common; the follo���ing described real estate, situated in the County of <br /> Hall and State of Nebraska , to-��•it: <br /> Lot Seven ( 7) , in Block Twenty-Two (22) , Russel Wheelerts Addition to � <br /> Grand Island, :Nebraska <br /> I I'M11 l i � . �1 �,�I 1 lul�i : � �, 1 I IL,���• �' <br /> �.i,, '^�°-..rti �`� � — '�..��� <br /> I �; � �� � i ;— �� .' �---- <br /> i �;� a� � �� �� , ��b. �a ,aj �� <br /> y a �'� I�;a'. <br /> 3 <br /> � ��r 'd s " ` �� <br /> I �, � �F a a�'I I <br /> ��� .�;� ��� �:�' ' � - � I I <br /> �, � �rt:�'�� � ,, ,� �� � �� , �� <br /> � <br /> i t. �.11'IVJiI � Y:�. � I� IIIYYiI . V � � I'� . <br /> , 1'JY;1 .. "'".1 11 � 1 JI :1. il 1. !I'11Y1Vi1� V „:I,I I � I II <br /> ' I'�- ---�I II�, li, a�� ii <br /> i , � ---_--- �! <br /> i, I� <br /> �� 'I <br /> �' i, <br /> . ;'i <br /> ��I� together «�ith all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, a�id ail tlie estate, titic, j� <br /> i dower, right of ho�nestead, claim or demand �r•hatsoever of the said grantor s , of, in or to the same, or 111Y I)1Ct �I <br /> I I <br /> I thereof; subject to i <br /> �i �' <br /> i li <br /> i: <br /> I� I <br /> i� !I <br /> � 'I <br /> i�: <br /> i <br /> �, <br /> I �I <br /> I I� <br /> � IT BI;T\G TflI: INT�NTION OI' �1LL PARTIrS HliP�F,TO, TI-[A'I' I\ TlIl: �VTNT U1� 7�I11? DT�.:�V"I'1I j; <br /> ! OL' �ITI]I:I� 01.� SAID GPA\rTT��S, THE �I�TTIRE PEE SI\IPI.� TITLI3 TO 1'I1l�. RI?.�T, 1?ti'I'�A"1'I; lll�:- <br /> � SCP�IB�ll IlrRriN SH�1LL VP;ST I\r THr �URVIVI��G GRANT]?�. ��� <br /> ; , <br /> �� TO 1I�1VE flVll TO IIOLD the above described Premises, ��-ith tl�c al�ptirte�i<mccs, tmto the saiiLgraiitc��s as �'�� <br /> J(��V"C 1�I;Nt�V'TS, and �iot as tenzmts i�i comnion, and to thcir assig�i:;, or to their h��irs�ui�l assigns o( the siir�•iv��r <br /> � of thciu, forever, and the� the grantor S uamed herein for tk1e1?1SelVeSnd thelT' hcirs, c�ccuturs, an<1 �� <br /> �� achuinistrators, do covenant ��•ith the granlees named I�emin an<I ��-itll their assigns and �vith thc hci�s .inrl assi�;n: ��i <br /> of the survivor of them, that thP, &T'�a�ctull}• seizecl o[ saici " <br /> il � premises; that they are free 1mm incunibrance ii <br /> �� except as stated herein, and that the� the said �rantorg havc nood right and la���fiil lutlwrit�� to s�•11 thc �i <br /> ' saine, aizd tl�at ti'Lg�r �<<ill and tllglz+ hcirs, executors and a<huiuistrators shall �tarraut an�l <le- ; <br /> �' fcnd the same� unto the graiitecs nained hcrcin aud unt� thcir assigns aud tiuto thc heirs aud assigns o[ the siir- � <br /> f <br /> vivor of them, forever, against the la�vful daims of all persons� ���l�omsoever, e�cluding the esceptions nan�ed h�•rcin. il <br /> I\ \1'ITNTiSS \��-II�R�OF �l'ley l�ave hcreunto set tr1e1T' hand S tl�is 27�� day o[ '� <br /> � March , 19 58, � i=� _�� �i � � �ii <br /> i ,K �f.':�.-�.z c`�t/( '', � G.,. ` `.� - - - �ji <br /> � �, <br /> , ,,, _ <br /> ,, ,. ...... ....� --�... ....._..,> ° <br /> _..._ <br /> �� <br /> �,, In presence of _..._.___......_..._. - - �/ -� - _ - ............_.... '' <br /> i <br /> I 'I <br /> ....._.._.._.. _ -_...... __........_ -....................._ ..._ � <br /> ��' � <br /> ,, - _ _. - - - ---- - - .......- -- _ -.. .... .__..............__... ---- --- - __ _............__ <br /> , <br /> ;, <br /> � -- -.-... - - - --- - - - - - -- --- �- -- - - - - - -... _ ___........- - -- - ......_ - -_....... ... .. . <br /> —�----------— --- - — ___—�__ - <br /> „ <br /> ;! <br />