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_: � _, ...._> , __ � <br /> , , ._.. � �-.-�-�-. ��.��_�:�=�a�, . ,�.;� , <br /> � � - ,� - x.�, �:��,;-=� <br /> } <br /> ' 108—WARRANTY DEED ! ,; KK.. Tlis":Hnttm�n"emeeai eappb Ho�as.Iimoln.H� ' : <br /> , . <br /> ..,.. :�.. <br /> _. ......__ ..�..._.�__ ,_._..,_ „._._.�. _v_.....��._....�..� <br /> � � � _ - � <br /> _ .. r, � . <br /> , . xivow�.r.. MEiv�sY�sE��rrs: � ,� � <br /> THAT I or We, HOWARD`E: PERRY and BETH J..PERRY, husband and wife, ' < <br /> : - ,.: :' ' <br /> ; each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other, � <br /> _ ; <br /> o f the County o f H a l l , State o f Ne br a s k a' ' f or and'in consideration of the � <br /> Sum ot One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable ceonsideration DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid do hereby grant, bargain, seld, convey and confirm unto HOLNARD G. EAKcS <br /> o f the County o f H a 11 , State o f N e b r a s k a , the f ollowing dcscribed real estate <br /> situated in G r a n d I s 1 a n d , in H a 11 County, State o f N e b r a s k a , to-w�t: <br /> . Lot Twenty-fiv� (25) in Block Ten ( 10) , Parkhill <br /> Third Subd�vision, an Addition to the City of Grand <br /> Island, Nebraska, <br /> � <br /> �� .,.� <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> TO HAT�E AND TO HOLD the pyemues above described, together zvitls all the Tenements, Hereditaments and <br /> ap fiurtenances thereunto belongfing, unto the said H owa_r d G. �a k e 5 , <br /> and to h i 5 heirs and assigns f oreves. <br /> flnd I or We hereby coven¢nE with the said Grantee or grantees and urith hu, her or theiy heirs and assigns, that I <br /> am or We are lawfully seixed of said �remises; that they are free frone encumbrance <br /> that I or We have good yight and lawful autlzority to sell tl:e sanae; and I or We hereby covenant to warr¢nt and <br /> defend the ti�tle to said prem%ses against the Zawful claims of all ¢ersons whomsoever. - <br /> And the said How2rc? c. Perry �nd 3eth 3. Perry hereby relinquishes ald <br /> r i g h t, t i t 1 e a n d i n t 2 r 2 5 t in and to the above described premises. <br /> Signed this ✓?�. day o f 4 p r i? , r9 �8. <br /> In Presence o f ��•---••---•---•- -•-"•--K•-•-•'�=•�,�j�-------------------------••-------- <br /> � ,�.�---�:..�,G!� Y <br /> ' ------------•----------------------------------•---------------------------------------••---•--- <br /> •--- -- ----'------ ----- --- - - •--- - •-------•------------------..__.. <br /> � -----------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------ -------•--------------•--•---------------------------------.......---------------------•-------- <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------•--.....----- ------•----------------•---------------•-•--•-------•-----------------•--------•----------••--- <br />