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._f�'s. .;n.. . -. <br /> . ,�ra,, f ,�}�'"� �:s T��r ., �° ..� �;�s�q�p.�ra"'-�''.�'�,� ; '"5 i � �,'-- <br /> . "yy" y";'�.. �=-v`.�."�`yr'���,,��,y�^A�' .��,`�`""'-..M�".^n"'> zr�.��i*.. �, �s.�. ."1.�e7r... .ta <br /> . 1 a� ,� ��'�S��� ��,,� � •y,a� <br /> k � ��2 t� <br /> �.�j � . . . . i�� , <br /> i . . . . . � . . . . . . � <br /> � , <br /> � { <br /> , ..- . - .. � . . ,.... . .. . . !. <br /> ' 1 . . � ' ... � . . � .. � . .� � , . . � . <br /> � . . . � � . . � . � � �j� <br /> � .. . . . :. .. .. i <br /> " . � � .. . . . . - . . �.� . <br /> . . . . .. � . � �.. � . � . . �'. . <br /> EXECUTORS DEED <br /> ii.T�:t3W !1LL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS tha..t, pursu�nt to the terr�s, <br /> �rovisions, and directions of th.e Last Will and Testament of Robert ' <br /> �er;, clece?sed, late of FIall County, iVebraska, �vhich. Last Will and - <br /> Test�rrent h�s been duly �dmitted to' prob�te in the County Gourt of <br /> H�11 County, Nebr�skai,, the undersigned, .A. J. Luebs, being the duily ; <br /> ��pointed, q».�lified .nnd acting Executor of tF�e estate of Robert ' ` <br /> I}er�;, cteceased, �s party of tk;e F`irst Part, executes this i+:xecutors <br /> �eed and ?grees s.�ith :�elen C. Mader of �Ia11 Coun.ty, ?�iebraska, party <br /> of the Second Part, a..s follows: <br /> �aITNESSETH, that the pa,rty of the First Part as such <br /> Executor and by virtue of the po��er and a.uthority granted and con- ' <br /> ferred upon him, under the said Will a.nd in consideration� of' the <br /> suln of Forty-three Thousand Five Hundred Forty Dollars (�43,540.00) <br /> to him paid by the p?rty of the Second Part, the receipt whereof <br /> �s hereby confessed and acknowledged, doesby these presents grant, <br /> b�raain, sell, remise, release, convey and confirm zznto the said <br /> Nart,y of t.�e Seca:�d Part, th.e said Nele� C. �I�der, and to her :aeirs <br /> �nc7 �ssi�ns forever, a1Z of the follo�ain� described tract, piece and <br /> }>a .r:�el_ of Ia�d, sitL�:ated, lyin,� �?nd bein� in the Co2.mty of l-I^11 �nd <br /> �f,ate of :�,�ebr�sl�a, to-*.ait; V <br /> 'ihe _�ort?:e�st (�u�rter of the :�ortheast Qtaarter (:F�4'vr:-�) <br /> and Lots ,�ix (�) anci �even (7) :�f�ini.and and the �oi��h <br /> �I�lf of tr�e 3outl�east Q.u�rter (S2S�,4) and Lots (1), <br /> `:'�.,o (2), ��1d Tr>ree (3) Isl�nd, all. in 3ectio� ?{.i.�rt,c�-1 <br /> (1�), '�oT�;�srip ien (10� .�ort':�, ii2rin'2 Ten (10), Tves� of <br /> �he Sth r.;1., iIall Coi�ntv, ��lebraska, cont�ininn 311 <br /> �cres, more or less, � <br /> LoMe��i�er txitI� �1.]_ ?nc� sinfl�t l^r the teneme�ts, hereditarrents �nc? <br /> ^t;�;ti7'�2;?�.`;1:',2S t'"1@P'8 ?`?1t0 �J2�Oi1�=LY1¢ flr 121 a?1y �t�?�j8 "_ppertaini.n�; �?it� <br /> ^3_s� �-�.1 t?�e est�te, ri�;l.�t, title, inte�est, propert�r, possession, <br /> �;3_^i_t�; ^�Zd dei��^�.ct w�'r:�tsoever, wrich the s�id testa�or r�d in Yzzs <br /> i_-�;'��;.�re, ^=�d a� tr,e tii�:e of �Zis, and TJY11.C�1 the said .part.y <br /> �f' t}�E� :�s_rst P^t°f, �zas, �;v virttfe of tre Last Will and `t'est�irent, <br /> or nt),erraise of', i�, or to t4�e aLove �:r?nted prem�ises, �nc! ever�� <br /> �ar� ?t1<i ��r�ei thereof, Zaitli the �ppurtet�anees. �o Yiave �n,' to l.�la <br /> �;:�e s�z� ���e�n.ises, tl�e tr�ct of lan�i �foresaid, ��ith ti.e :ereciit-��re��s <br /> .^�ZCt �p����r#e��*Z:�es t:�ereof, i��to ii:e s�id �arty of tl�e Seco;zd ��rt, I�.er <br /> ��ezrs ^nc? ^ssi.�;n�, forei�er. <br /> -;�;i t'�e saicl �?rty oi t.ze First i-a��t, for hi*��self, I�is �:e�rs, <br /> 2X�C1'�O;S ^i1C� ^Ci;�`:L�2istrators, fi0@S COV2?1a?1t� �?T'03T3.SQ �l1Ci i��dert^�C2 't0 <br /> ^�2a�{ �•T�_ii? t?�e s��_d part;- of the aecond Part, 11er heirs ^nd assi?�ns, <br /> �,�'1'-�t '::?e is 3.^�of�•lly t?;e �secL�tor of tf�e L?st Will and `i'est^tnent of <br /> g•,, r_ i{n�?At^�; ;;E?"�?'� C20i,e?52�� ?'1C� riA3 pOW@T' t0 conve,y, RS aforesai.d, ai"IC3 <br /> �",?S -!:�. ^ZZ Y'8S�'s@:��5 �Ct,PC�� 1.?1 li.?��1?1;^' tr'i].S COi1Ve�'pri^v2� 1;1 �1.i2''SL?a'1C(,' �! <br /> tLe �t�f;t:orit�r �;r^nted ir. and bE� the saict Lcst Will anci '�esta;nent; Rnr'� <br /> th?t ��e rias not rnade, ��ne or sz�ffered aF�y a�t, m�tter or tYiin� �:�Iia�- <br /> soeve^, since t=e �.��s �,�;ecutor, as �f'oresair�, Folaereby the above �r�nted <br /> �rer�ises, or an,y p�rt thereof, are, sh�ll or may i�e impe�c��ed, cl:ar�eci <br /> c�r e���t�,�;bered, in an.y r�ianner �al�atsoever. <br /> -1- <br />