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T. <br /> � 106—WAABANTY DEED—Corporation � Tbe Hnffmaa cenerat Sa�1y$onx.[.iaeo�a.xebr. <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 20 day of February A. D., i9. S$ betwten <br /> N. P. DODGS CORPORATION <br /> a cor¢oration organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of �lawaxe <br /> party o f the firs! part, and John L. aberholtz <br /> o f the County o f Douglas , and State o f Nebraska , part y o f the second ¢art, <br /> WITNESSETH. That the said party of the first �art for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> One (�1.00) & other valuable consideration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid, yeceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and con�irm <br /> unto the said past y of the second ¢ast, the following described¢remues,situated in Grand Island� <br /> Hall County, and State o f Nebraska , to-urit: <br /> Adlof �ts S3x (6) & Eight (8), in Block Fourteen (11.t), in University Place, an <br /> Addition to the City of Grar�d Island, Nebraska. <br /> Sub3ect to restrictions contained in an instrument entitled "Protective Covenants and <br /> Restrictions" recor�'ed in the records in the office of the Fiegister of Deeds in Hall <br /> County, Nebraska, in Book,"W", Page 12!}. <br /> Subject to liens or enc�mbrance assumed or created by grantee or his assigns on or <br /> after April 7, 1952. Sub�ect to regular ta:ies for the year 1953 and subsequent regular <br /> taxes and all special taxes and assessmants due or payable on or after Aoril 7, 1952, <br /> including any non-delinquent installments and subject to any easements of record. <br /> i <br /> 1 <br /> � '�. 1 1 Y IA� � <br /> � s � i <br /> IC� .y, �i <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> .1 ii <br /> Y•• <br /> �� �i <br /> �. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> TO HAVE•AND TO HOLD the premises above de.rcribed, together urith a11 the Ter:ements. Hereditame�cts and � <br /> Oberholtz � <br /> Ar¢urtenances thereuvzto belo�iging unto the snid John L. ( <br /> ! <br /> And the said N. P. DODGL CORPORATION �? <br /> � for itself or tits,niccessors, doesliereby covenastt and agree to a�cd with the said part y of the seco�id par•t arzd his � <br /> heirs und nssigns, that at the time of the executio�i and delivery of these Qresents it is lazufully seised of said prem- . .�� <br /> ires; that it has good right and lawful autlzority to convey the same; that t{tey are free from encaembrance �' <br /> except as above stated ° -'��•� <br /> does hereby cove�tant to warrant and defend the said premises agai�ut the lawful claims of aU persons�u�ir E Gve.IO, <br /> IN Li�ITNESS WHEREOF, the said N. P. T�Di:'r', CORPOt?ATION ;�'1,•'�P y � ,� , , <br /> " "��;"' ti ' ", <br /> � hus hereunto caused ils corporate seal to be a�ixed and these presents to be sigued by its Pr�s3d'�Ati:� � �' �'fi <br /> I '1,_'_;,_'_ .K '„� � �;1�� <br /> � the day and year first above uwitten. � � ~ ^�� � "' ' <br /> . c.� 4� p�'.� �, :: <br /> f _ � ;..� �r�� <br /> !' Signed, sealed and delivered in presence o f 0 � ' � G; <br /> � ,...,. ',� <br /> ATTEST: N. P. DC?D::E CORPORATION ! <br /> --••---•......•-•-•--•--•-------_••---•-•-•--..._..•----•-•-..._.....••-•-•-•.....................••- ••--•-•............---•-- --•- •••._.....--•------•----.....-••--...... ...•••--•- <br /> • --- <br /> .. <br /> '' �r'�=c--�-�-� '� �� � - — <br /> _.... <br /> ` ..,-,-;----- <br /> , , �`t( �.` --------.:::_..........................�-- �{ <br /> - -- ---- ------ ----- ----- ----------------------------- -------------- By---------=-` � <br /> I e re �'res2d�n�t---------.��1..-- ,I <br /> --- ----- --------------. , � <br /> ------------ ___ —-_ - -_ __ _ _ - <br /> -- ----- --- ------------ -- <br /> �: <br /> ;� <br />