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, " M3r'Ch.�_. .. _. .. __.__...._. l�5�.., beiore <br /> STATE OF..NEBRI�SKA_____.._._ On this...._2�.th......__dav ot........ <br /> �ss. <br /> ___.______.______.,_�A_��.......__County J me, the undersigned a Notary Public, dul}• commissioned and qualified for <br /> Elsie_._M.__.Reuti.ng__and. C.lau�e_._E,. <br /> said County, personally came................ <br /> Reuting, wife and husband, each in his or her own right <br /> a�r�d----a�s--�spQU-se---o€--�t-h-�--o�he-r-�-� ��---� -� -_ ......._.._......_ . ._.._..._._. <br /> -----------------�-�-�-�-�-�--.....---�----�-�------ ---� ......_..................-- ....... ................ <br /> to me known to be the identical �ersan_ar persons whose na:�u..or names are <br /> �"" � subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and ackno«�ledged the execution thereof to <br /> \ \�v_'j ^, <br /> � v��� : be, his,.heL.o.r their ��oltmtary act and deed. <br /> ' ,^�\F:<;�t�r�'��. '� ��. <br /> � �'� � " � �� ' ���itness my hand and \otarial Seal the da�� and ��ear�ast abo�'e ���ritten. <br /> ,� ��• c- .. .. . . �,^ ,/ <br /> t ' .. ! ' '. i. <br /> �� ; = i 6 M 4 i 5 S I'; M ' � ._._._._ . �U�)I1C. <br /> = � T E z Pf 7� E 5 �. :� r __ _. . <br /> i" � /�C',t�,,1�'��P �Iy commission ezpires the..Z2.t.h...da}- o�.- -- _�}i2gt2St __ __ . 19_fjl. <br /> � <br /> , _�;�,�,T V; e�.� ,. <br /> � On thu _ �la�� ��i l�? . 1>efore <br /> STATE OI'. --... _ _ . . _ . <br /> ss. <br /> Count�• � tne, the tiiiricr�i�me�1 a \� :;ir�� : ,,,,'�c . .�:;� c��m:ni�?io.�_<1 �u d r,aaiified for <br /> --....._ ._ _.__........ ......... - <br /> said Cotint}�, personall� cainc <br /> __..... __._._ _ ... . __ _ <br /> __. _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ <br /> ___ _ <br /> __ _ _ _. <br /> to me k��o���n to be the identical per,on or per>ons ���hose name is or names arc <br /> stibscribed to the ir�regoing in,trt�n:er.t. :�rnl ;:cl:rio�cled�erl thc eseruti��ti thereof t� <br /> be. }ii�, hcr or thc•ir cvla:nt:�.r� act c.,:�t �;�c�'.. <br /> �V`imess nn• hand and \ut.�ri.:': �c::i t':r �':a: an i �'�•_:r l::�t .�h��ce ;critten. <br /> _ _ \��t;:r�- Pttl�lic. <br /> Dty commission ezpires the _ __ _d;;} of. . _ _ __. _ _, 19 <br /> R: Q ; A i '" .b b °' .° � <br /> : o � � � �, I <br /> � `.7 : �.; '� v� � a : v � <br /> ' a.' : d: C�: �; -o .,., Q � <br /> Q � a : m: �: � v o � N � <br /> W A > c� : v�: H: � � „ .: ; � � � � z <br /> A a' '�' ` P�1: �; -v " Q! °1 ; � :� � <br /> W ` x; � � a ,�: , Q n u <br /> O W � � : : �: � � �? x o 'o� C� a <br /> � � A: d: : o -�, � � u <br /> W A z i z: H: ' U � �o � c� 1''J:�-�" _: u � <br /> C� i d; r7� � r.-�: -o a� : o ' �° � <br /> a+ W ''�' i : �l; ' u2 �i � ' ° `= <br /> A '�YI �l H i W; H:W cd: ''" Q ,,; ; c"'1 �j R,., I'" <br /> W [.,� ,_F'., E-' ? G4; �1;G4 � x? � ° � ; �-f c���� . ° <br /> Hi ° <br /> W z h w � 3: A:3 � � � � : `�1k �, <br /> (� W � ; : �i �v N '° tci � =, <br /> � ; � a . : w; ��q a •°'° r-� o � ' c <br /> �-�i Zi � H -F�'r ', �i; •�Ci Zi �i � '� p : v U <br /> (� � ,�, H: U; : a� : : � �, y ; a <br /> W LL+ Q', W H : �E Z:'"� (� � ''"' y � � �' � 'b � � <br /> > C7 �n : W E H�� O v � 'v 7 °' � <br /> ¢ � z a ; x: 3�;� W � b �; � �° � � � � <br /> x � w � <br /> F� � •: H; F" � o � � o ;�, � � � � ��I H <br /> � o W� '� F W a�i o � � : n � Z V Q+ F" <br /> > c; , E�-� . �n . P; U ,-� i� . . � ''Q <br />