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. + > • • . . <br /> SPECIAL WARRAbQ'Y DEED <br /> KNOW ALL MEPII BY TffiE PRESII�I'L'S: FHA No. 32-034702 <br /> That WORLD INSURANCE CONlPANY, a corporation oP Douglas Caunty, <br /> State of Nebraska, for and in consideration of certain Debentures and a <br /> Certificate of C1aim, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, dces hereby <br /> grant, ba.rgain, seZ1. and convey unto NORMAN P. MASON, of Washi.ngton, District <br /> of Co�umb:ia, as Federal Housing Co�issioner, his successors a.nd assigns, tlne <br /> w�hole title and riglYt of property in fee simple and absolutely the following <br /> described premises si�uated in the County oP Hall, State oP Nebraska, to <br /> W�'�: <br /> Lot One Hundxed Six (106) in Buenavista Subdivision to the <br /> Ci,ty of Grand Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, <br /> platted and recorclecl. <br /> TA HAVE 1�ND TO HOLD the afores�id premises to the said NO�tAN P. <br /> Ml�QN� W�shington, District of Coliambia, as Federal Housing Co�issioner, his <br /> s�tc;cessors �nd assigis, forever with all and singular appurtences thereunto <br /> t�elon�ing. <br /> AND THE SAII� GRI�iV'1'OR covenants uith the said Grantee that it holds <br /> tk�e s�ic3 premises in fee title simple, and that it covenants to W�rrrrant and <br /> Lhfe�a tk�e prenises ag�.inst the law�l claims of s11 persons whomsoever. <br /> I.�T WITNESS WI�REOF, the smici Grar.tor ha.s caused to be set its Corpo�ate <br /> Sea:1 a.nd c,�used �hese preseuts t� be sa.gned by its Fresident, and by its <br /> Tre€s��r�r gn this 27th day of March, A.D., 1958• <br /> r t5 n�PJ('c WORLD INSURANCE CONg'AIVYs <br /> ^ �yh�,,••••,,;�,�f�.ti'. 8 CO%�o2'&�lOri <br /> v . � � <br /> `ti: �}�ry, � r <br /> �� •�it�#tli� :���� B� .. .-;' : i ( . <br /> �.yS�F�; F ;�: Pz`esident <br /> F Y •� �r •`�Q l 1 <br /> � N ' <br /> �t. :L�a a ` ' 4.�� ` � <br /> _ a a.a..S y..`�.„�,. ��r �� ,� , <br /> r�,° _° � <br /> �1' Treasurer <br /> � �,'•q�� •tti������ - . . <br /> . .� :��, i��V <br /> ��`I�M�1:i. f' �. 1 I M II I 4 <br /> ;� erles <br /> , <br /> _ � �a� <br /> �� �` sl i . ..� .��-.:1.. <br /> i. �� �/�+ ( 3 I <br /> ���,-\�i. f� r� ,y j * �M�! <br /> " �:, n - :. . , <br /> 1. V 1 II:� I: . r:I.A 11:{ <br /> i�,,��� �;nF.1:' I �I �� I <br /> U1...�1_—w- _ -- <br />