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olnt Tenanc9—VeeLinQ Es41�0 Titl°In$°�oa= �B'°�°d� The Huffman Geaeral Supply House. Liucoln. Nebr. <br /> 9p3�2—WARRANTY DEED-� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That rvhereown ri�htiaad asds�pouseaofet 1en� <br /> husband and wife, each in his o <br /> other, '` <br /> in consideration of One <br /> rollar and other valuable consideration- - - ' ' DOLLARS <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirmunto Laurenee Kx't1� �nG IVaomi Y�n. <br /> Krug, husband and ylife, <br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the follo�ving described real estate, situated in the County of <br /> N211 and State of ?�?Ebraska , to-wit: <br /> I�OT r�IGui (�� � �LUCK "''" � Ii1 PARK ��I��?�'� SUBDIV T_SIOiti, LOCIiT'�� <br /> T1�, Tf�.P i�i ORTi�AST �,UART�R (??:F4) OF` SECTIOT? T�'rFN7.'"-i�ITJE ;29) , <br /> Ei�TD Trit3 �TOR`I'tr�u!�ST ,�?T�RTER (>I'ue-,1�-� OF a:�CTIOPd T�'JFI��^lY-1sT�iIli' ( 2�1 e <br /> F',OT�-i Ii`3 TOu"�T?SHIP ELEV�:�i ( ll � I�OF�l'u� I��.TdGE TaINE (Q1 l�E�.S`T OF iliE <br /> F�T�i P.P+�. <br /> ����a : -- -� <br /> �� _t�- <br /> � = ��, <br /> � � ., _ — <br /> together «�ith all the tenements, nereaitaments and appurtenances tO �antorme b ofngnnor to thelsame, oraany part <br /> dower, right of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of the said g <br /> thereof; subje�t to restrictions of record. <br /> IT B�ING THE INT�\TTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO,THAT IN THE E�'ENT OF THE DEATH <br /> OI+ EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES, THE ENTIFE FEE SINIYLL TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DE- <br /> SCRIBED HEREIN SHAI_L VEST IN THE SURVIVI\TG GRAi�TTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said grantees as <br /> JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the heio'�r' ashegrs, executors,�land <br /> � of them, forever, and we the grantor s tiamed herein for ouT'selves and <br /> adrninistrators, do covenant with tl�e grantees named hercin and with their assi��s and �vith the heirs and assigns <br /> of the survivor of them, that �'Je 2T'W8 �a thelsaidlZ antor SSd �r t ate good righteand lawful authority tonsell the <br /> eacept as stated herein, and that g <br /> same, and that we will and oUT' heirs, executors and administrators shall warrant and de- <br /> fencl the satne unto the grantees named herein aud unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns or the sur- <br /> vivor of them, forever, agaiast the ]a���ful ciaims of all persons whomsoever. exiluding the exc�elps io�nai�day vf <br /> � ' <br /> I� �'ITI�TESS ��,�HEREOP v�e have hereunto set �='-�' '��- � <br /> R <br /> ;�,arch , 19 5� ---�- ------------------------------------------•- <br /> ------ <br /> -- - ---- -------- <br /> ---- <br /> Y'��r ' <br /> � � <br /> .- , . <br /> - ---------------------- <br /> -------------------- <br /> ----�--- <br /> --. ._ �-------- <br /> -------- . _ <br /> � <br /> - ----- -- -------------------------- - <br /> In presence of ------- - <br /> ------------- ------------------- , <br /> I ----•---------•-•--•--•------••---•----•-------•---•-•----•--••-•---•-----••----------------------- I. <br /> I , ------------------------- i <br /> �' --•--------------•--••-------•-°•---°••-------•-------•-- <br /> � ---•- <br /> -- I <br />