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103%2—WARRANTY QEED—Vesting Entl�e Title In SurVlvor The$n�man(}eaersl SnDDIy Honae,Lincola. Nebr. <br /> KATOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Eleanora R. $&y and William Kay, h6r <br /> � <br /> I hueband; Marie Frankie Phillipe, a widow; and, Al,pha, Fay 3mith and William I <br /> I <br /> � Grant Smith, her huaband; I <br /> �I � i <br /> � in consideration of THREE THOU5AND FI VE HUNDRF.D & NO/100 (�3�500.00)- - -�OLLARS � <br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, conyey_and�pp�i�ui.linta Eleanora R. 1{&y &rid <br /> - - ,� � <br /> �I William Kay, wiPe and huaband, ��,',, — � ' <br /> �I �, <br /> .,� � I i <br /> � as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the following described real estate, situated iu the County of !i <br /> i; <br /> �I Hall and State of NebY'&ska � <br /> �, , to-wit: " i <br /> I� � �! <br /> '� ., � � � The Easterlq Sixty (60) feet of Lot Seven (7), in !� <br /> � .' � Block Nine (9), in the Original Town, now City, of II <br /> �; � . Grand Ieland, Nebraska, ae surveyed, platted and ' <br /> ;� " i 0" record.ed; — ii <br /> � , <br /> j,' I <br /> � � <br /> ; the said grantore further atating that Francee R. Hamilton, a widow, � <br /> who was formerly Frances Remy, died on Deaember 30, 1957, in Grand Island, �. <br /> Nebraska, and her Life Estate in said above described property terminated I; <br /> on that date; further, that the said Frances R. Ha.milton, a widow, formerly'; <br /> Frances Remy, was also one and the s�.me poreon as Francea Roae Hamilton,an�� <br /> i; she wae the mother oP EleanoraR. Kay, �darie Frankie Phillips and Alpha F,„���� <br /> �� together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, t�t?�,` ► <br /> dower, right of homestead, claim or demand «�hatsoever of the said grantorg , of, in or to the same, or any part i, <br /> thereof; subject to NO 6XCEptlOriB. <br /> �' <br /> �' <br /> i� <br /> IT BEING TH� INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERETO,THAT IN THE EV�NT OF THE DEATH 'j <br /> OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES, THE ENTIRE F�E SI11iPLE TITLE TO THE REAL ESTATE DE- <br /> SCRIBED HER�IN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIV"ING GRANTEE. �' <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, �vith the appurtenances, unto the said grantees as <br /> JOINT TENAI�TTS, and not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the. heirs and assigns of the survivor <br /> of them, f.orever, and qqg the graator g named herein for OUT'887.488 and OUT' heirs, esecutors, and <br /> � II tl C I"' , <br /> � ad 11 1�Y, dt01'S (1 ' ll <br /> , o co�e Hllt ��.•ith the grantees named herein ancl �vith their assigns and with the heirs and assians <br /> of the survivor of them, that we &,T'E la�vfullp seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance <br /> except as stated hcrein, and that we the said grantor g liave good right and lawful authority to sell the <br /> sacne, and that We will and OUT' heirs, executors and administrators sl�all warrant and de- <br /> £end tl�c satne tmto the grantees named herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the sur- <br /> �ivor of tl�em, forever, against the ia«�ful cIaims of all persons whomsoever, excluding the escept;ons nai ed herein. <br /> IN �VI"1'NESS �VHEREOF qpe ha��e l:ereuato set OUY' hand S this �h'� day of <br /> February , A. �. 1958. - ��-- -�- - -� -- a...�.�.��-----�-----------------------------�-- <br /> . <br /> In presenc of � <br /> „ /�,, �J n --- -. � ...............�---------------- <br /> �r�-�►-z-f 'vf'"�/!/cc-v.,,.� y-,�- a.c.,��G c��l1�u.��c�'�-_c.�L� ------------`------------�--- <br /> °-°--------°--------------------------°---------•--------------------�--------------° ---�-...----°--••---- - ` -- - -°------• <br /> � ' ; , <br /> --•----------------------------------------°-----°--------------•-----------°------------- ---------------...----�l..- •--•---.._..------------ - ---°-------- / <br /> /,/ �--�°---- <br /> STATE OF...I�EB�?-IC.,E�,------•-------- �vC G�2��T/�vvr � r�'���/ <br /> �ss. On this.--•---1-�--�.-�-...__ciay of-----------------Februaxy----------------------------------- <br /> County of----------------����_..------•---------� <br /> A. D....__.._19�8_______________ before me, a �'otary Public, in and Tor said County, personally came tl�e above named <br /> Eleanora__R._..Ka�__and _tiVilliam___Kay,� her husbana; Marie Frankie Phiilips� a _ <br /> ----- ------------------------•---------------...------------------- <br /> .wido�n.�_.._and,�.__Alpha._Fay .Smith_.ana_.V�illiar�___Grant__Smith:__ her. huaband; <br /> :`',<�tl•..��I /`;'-., who_..�@_....personally known to me to be the identical person.a_....___whose name�_._.a,T.6 <br /> ; �.. ,. �, ,, <br /> ;;`� .���iL•,?q�•.,��,; affixed to the above instrument as grantor•-•S••-••, and••--:�hQy--.�fl.V.�.x�,7.�.y-------------•---•- <br /> ; �_ . � . <br /> -`'� ' �� �? ���� }, � � ' � tl?-------- volunta act and deed. <br /> � � : _ acknowledged said instrument to ne._.._....._ _eir_____________ ry <br /> = : ��,i i�� t•� ,;i : WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the date las aforesai <br /> ; , - <br /> : . . • <br /> ,. . Uc,� E .^�� `' r <br /> - �� �I R c�s ,'e �l�v�-..¢� <br /> � E' ---..�i��.-•-----•=-•---••---•------------- ------"•---A7otary Public. <br /> c � ,,� . ; <br /> �'.� .,� �,.� �;-';' �Iy commission expires on the_..._�:_3�.---daY of••--�.•---••--...--•-•------•-•-----••A• D�9G_3, <br /> ��iF�d °or . . ^,�-^� ��14=^ch 1� lo�� F ------�-- --�_�- — �e.°i�t�r of i'See�.:._-..._ <br /> �� i�..r �i� � :�0 .M. 1 <br /> Hall Count�:, r?e�r. <br />