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, ,� _ . <br /> Tri A R R A i�I T' j' D � E D <br /> KN 0?r? ALL ?�s r Ai R'� Z`E?��S i�: PRr ST�T7 TS: <br /> TY:at �+e� Dale C. 3rltrn and �� Brz?hn� his wife, �dna ??. i`'a�er ard John i�laier� <br /> her :nr_s��2.nd� ?'omer H. Brvhn and i�iae Bri�hn� his wife� '^:a��r.e C. Bn+hn and ?�innie U. <br /> B�,hn, his kife, i�;ary L. D-icksor_ and Charles �. Lickscn, hur ht�s�:and� La��ra �°�, Claussen <br /> ax d Les�er Clai�.ssen9 her hi�sY,�and� uaYle �. Schw�eger a�d ��win r.. Scr.�r�_?geri her hn.sbanrls <br /> uerneth Rr,�l�n and Jessie Bn�i�m� his wifes Joan �. SpiPhs and I'arold Spiers9 her h*�sti�and' <br /> all of L?all Col?ntv, and the State oi hTebrask�� and Hazel �a�� and fio:ra�'� Da��� bct� of <br /> i�ia�::evr Co�unty and t?��e State of Ore�_on� ar.d P,osa :'L. 1�-i°f, a widew, of the <br /> Coan�y cf Los AngelPs� a^.d Sta+e of Gali£orn�.a, i.n cons=deration. of the s»m of 0��. <br /> T�:OUSA?;;� ��T�?,ApS (�S1�OOd.QQ) in han� paici by �laine Hil?�ert�, of �'all Covrit,ys ?.nc :�tate <br /> vf riebras?ca, d� hereby grant, ?�az•ga}.n, sell, con�rey ar!d confirm i�ntc the sa�a �Iaine <br /> =�iiber� the f�'loi•rin� c'sescribed �� siivated in the Co�?nt�T of :Tail� and :-ta�e <br /> of ?�ebraska� to-�:it: <br /> Lot Three (3) �-n �Loc� Nine (9) in Jo°hnck's Addition ir. thF <br />* o.f Grand Isla.nds Nebraska� according to the recordea olat <br /> thereof.° <br /> Together �rith all tr,e tenener_ts, heredit;aments aY�d appi�rtenances to the sarne be�or.giz:�� <br /> a.nd all of the �state, Ri�ht, `IStle� Interest� Ciaim or Demand whatsoevcr includin� <br /> Do*aers Ct�r';esy and Horriestead ?s.ghts of the s�:id �rantors af� in, or to the saJne� cr <br /> �_r.� part therPOf, <br /> 1r) h�:.,IJ A''� T� hC��D the a2,o�Te-c�escrihed ���s, aitl-� the apr?,rter.ancess ur�tc <br /> -the sai.d �,J.2izz� Hilbert and to her heirs and assi�� forev�r. t^d we hernb�= ccvenar.t <br /> wi'cn trie said �3aine Hilbert that we hold said preT.ises b� �ood ana ��rfect tit,le; that <br /> �re have good r:.Fht ar.d law-ft�l a�Tthority to sell ard cor_�,ey same; that �.'���- ure free and <br /> cle�r of all liens and ine�:mbrances -��tscever. l:nd Fre +.o :rarr�r.t and o.efe:�d <br /> the sa�ie premises against the lawfnl cla�ms of all persons V;hom=cever. <br /> S�gned this 3rd day of Febn�ary, A.D., 195� ^ � <br /> / , / <br /> _%G�,/'.i^ �. , � ��L !� ,1-t <br /> .'��.y � [�-y�Ll � : �d71 t t �L L 1_ — <br /> �— �� [ <br /> ,��; � � —�Y.�zc�_ � �/ (/GC/C�/'L <br /> � A <br /> � � 1 <br /> y� / <br /> ) <br /> � l��-1�� ,,� � �-1 ,��� � _ <br /> '`��' ,, ; � .�G��.�i <br /> � � ;� ;. <br /> �t� �� �� _ <br /> � ? <br /> � �i` <br /> " ) L�-�r�.r��?.�� ����itV`1���� <br /> L/ 1 A <br /> �C�C L!i" ', � �—�L/ <br /> / <br /> � , �, � ��� �.,�- <br /> � <br /> ����� � ������ <br /> �' C.�_�_ � j' �'✓c/1 1�v�- <br /> � r . <br /> . <br /> :J v <br /> � ✓ �' �-�'" -�% - <br /> ��.�.,� ���. - <br /> , <br /> �� � � <br /> �� �� <br />