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<br /> � ?�� � �. J � ` �. _
<br /> �� ���� ' `4:..�. _
<br /> and(�Borrow�r takes such action as Lender may ressonabiy require to assure that the lien of thia Desd of lrust,Lender's � ' ` .
<br /> . iMerest in the Property and Borrovrer's obligatlon to pay the sums secured by this Qesd at Trust shall conti�ue unimpsired. ' ' . _
<br /> . Upon such payment artd cure by BoRawer,tfi�is Deed oiTrus2 and the obligations secured hereby shall remain tn fuii force and �' _ • - .
<br /> i etfect as if na acceleratbn had occurred. � � .��.:,
<br /> 19. 14ssignmant ot RenYs;Appointmen3 oi Receisrer,Lendse in P�osse�slon.As addiilonal securtry hereurtder,Borrowar � ,,� ?^"'
<br /> hereby assigns to Lenderthe rents of the Property,provided that Bo►rovrershafl,prfor to acceleration under paragraph 17 hsreot • . - . ,
<br /> � or abandonment of the Property,have the r(ght to cotlect and retain such rents as th�y become due and payable. -'
<br /> - U�an accelerallon under paragraph 1T hereo?ar abandonmeM of the Properly.Lender,in psrson,by agent or by judicially
<br /> � appaintec�reaeiver sha11 be entitled to enter upon,take possession ot and manage the I�roperty and to coltect the rents of tha .•
<br /> Property including those pasi dua All�ents collected by Lender or the receiver shall by applied first to payment of the oosts � „ ". �
<br /> � - of managemert of the Proper4y and colleCtion of rents,including,but not limited to,receiver's fees,premiums on�eceivar's __ _____,_ _ _ __ __
<br /> . bonds and reasonable aitomeys'tees.and then to the sums secuPed by this Oe�d of Trust.Lender and the receiver shail be • � , . .
<br /> liabie to account only for those rents aduaity received. ` , . . . , r
<br /> 20. Recomrayart�e.Upon paymeni of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey � :••, , —
<br /> the Froperty artd shali surrenderthis Dsed ot Trost and all notas evidenang indebtedness secured bythis Qeed of Trustto Trustea � ' _ ; ...,... ._.. _ -`
<br /> . ' Trustee sha!!reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge tothe person or persons legally entiUed thereta.Such , � �. . ___ _
<br /> : person or persons sf�aii pay all costs of recordatton,if any. . ' '�"»:� �
<br /> , 21. Substitute iFuste�Lender,a4 Lender's option,may irom time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successortrustes '�-�
<br /> to any Trusiee appoint�ad hereunder by an i�strument recorded in the county in which this Dead of Trust is recorded.Without , �. �,r„�=E-�:—�:
<br /> canvayance of the Properly,the successor trustee shall succeed to aU the titte,powar and duUes confened upon the Trustee , .. . '^°�--y=y=
<br /> . < <,.�:`-.�.
<br /> ' herein and by applicabte law �±=�- == -
<br /> , 22. Reqaes4 tor NoUcea Borrowar requests that coptes of the noiice of default and notice of sale be sent to Borrower's :. ��-'
<br /> .r-b�r�r`;'•;.:,a,,
<br /> address which is the Property Address. .,,..�-��
<br />:_�::', �::�:,-
<br /> • �'� REQUEST FOA NOTICE OF DEFi4ULT . ' • i:�•��--.r:
<br /> MAWfGAGES OR DEEDS OF TRUST " • • •°°_ --
<br /> ..�� {,�. ,,.._
<br /> ' Borrower and Lender request the hotder of any mortgage,deed of trustor other encumbrance with a lien which has priority � .. �'!�
<br /> �7 over this Deed of Trust to give No4ice to Lender,at Lender's address set toRh on p�ge one of this Deed of Trusi,of any default ��_�::e� �:.'it:Y� :-- �
<br /> ,....-.
<br />• '��, urtder the superior encumbrance and of any sale or other foreclosure action. :. � �' —
<br /> . '..F .Y�''. —
<br /> � - `��l�'±-r! � ...
<br />� ,,, IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Bonower has executed�h�g Deed of Tr�st. ti-:` _;� °."�,=
<br /> 1 � •
<br /> }•' _,, .f .
<br /> Pamel J Duerin , formerly own as -eomawor " `� "- -
<br /> :�, Pa�e a .7 Kava ''h ; —
<br /> ; A
<br /> �, .;_:�
<br /> ' Dru A. Duering �eorrower 'i -c ,
<br /> ' .•'�.
<br /> �' STATE OF NEBRASKA, Ha 1� COUnty ss: '�t � �
<br /> ; :'�
<br /> ;;�;. On th(s 14rH day of ��n , 19,_9.Z,before me,the underslgned,a Notary Public duly ;� .r ,� -:�-
<br /> �4` commissioned and qualifled for eaid couQry,gersonally cam��ela .T buer�� formarl� kno�n Aa Pamcsla .T ` '
<br /> '�Kava and Dru A Duering, [Jife and Husq�}44�known to be the ldeniical person(s)whose name(s)are subscrlbod to the ����;� � - .
<br /> foregoing lns[rument and acknowledged tRe exeaution thereof to be rHP�* voluntary 2ct and deed. `� � -
<br /> WITNESS my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island NE ,in said counry,the "� �� =��
<br /> � • date aforesatd. - �=`�
<br /> ) My Commission expir ` J�'`y"`� ` � A�a�� � .. "�.�
<br /> ���r ti,1'V1'1�s�-� �:;�..�_�,��.
<br /> � +,I �� GEHERAlN01AAP•Slateo1HebysMa __ - -
<br /> KARM►N MAUL Haery PubllC ,
<br />�. . MyComm.Eip Iune1l.TOpp ' °
<br /> �
<br /> a.
<br /> • REOUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE '"��"-'-""''"�"�""�'
<br /> ...i�wr�s�t�=:
<br /> TO TRUSTEE: ��a-'���
<br /> :.,�.�,r�....
<br /> The undersigned is the holder otthe note or notes secured by this Deed of Trust.Said note or notes,togei�er with all other :,�.�,,��,�,..,;..s.• � -
<br /> . indebiedness secured by this Deed oi Trust,have been paid in full.You are hereby directed ro cancel said note or notes and �� ��.'"`"'".':"'!���"':',
<br /> this Deet1 of Trust,which are delivered hereby,and to recorney.withoutwarranty,ali the estate now held byyou underthis Deed � _w . , - �'
<br /> o!Trust to the person or persons legal�y entitled thereto. . ,.-,,.;-�..;�..�,.,� r
<br /> Date: � �
<br /> . . , . �.
<br /> (Space Below This Line Reserved For Lender and Recorder) • '�
<br /> , • •
<br /> . . � ' �r;�_
<br /> � i.
<br /> , . " ��_
<br /> , • �
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