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<br /> � ��r�rterclal NI�RTGd4GE - Collateral � � . `,'���
<br /> � � Fede�alBank Real Estat� lU�artgage �� � � �.,-.���'�-
<br /> � . .:_-.�—
<br /> � Nat�ue of Indebtedae� Loan Amount Manuity Data Initial lnterest Rate ,
<br /> � �.�� °�� -_
<br /> Consumer Loan 15.055.00 '��'�""�-'-
<br /> �'
<br /> i, �9 L Bt1YD a�i. 803AN BUYD �, Y�'�
<br /> � hereby give Commereiai Federal Bank a Federal Savings Bank('Commereial Federal') a mortgage with puwer ot sale.of the fnllawing property together with ��-
<br /> . all improvements naw or herE+after erectod on the property,and ell easements,oghts and appurtenances thorata _-,p,_v���}�
<br /> : .":+ �.- .
<br /> � ; Ip+� y� (3) HT�C8� 1 � AIIt RO T6B CLRR OF (�tF1tID �. ��-.!�
<br /> � Tc�m�m, �LL Cl0�7PY, �• .....�__�:��.-y�, ,-,..:
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<br /> H moce than ono person signs this Mortgage,tha word'I'means 4e.' •
<br /> This Mortgage recures a loan mede by Commereia!Federal,aa briefly deuribed above.A note dated the same date as thia Mortgage contains the terms!ar '
<br /> repayment ot that loan.If that note is ever changed or replaeod 6y a new note,it will be aecured by tfiis Mortgaga '�� `'�
<br /> ,'''. 1__
<br /> I promise tfie follovuing things -�-�l', `, ^a
<br /> �.'.
<br /> ' • 1. qll Qaymonts on any note or other debt snwred by this Mortgago vinll be paid when dua - _
<br /> �#.�_.,,� .�,
<br /> -" 2 An insurance policy for fire and aoctanded eoverega will be kept in force on tha proAertY m an amount at least equal to the debts sec�ued by tfiia �-: ; ____
<br /> Mortgags plw any other mortgagw tisted in paragraph 6 below The insuranee eompany must be satisfaetory to Commereial Federal,and _ y � "
<br /> ' rqmmarual Federel will be a named insured on tho poficy. �!/�
<br /> _..�i . •-'�_�
<br /> � j 3. All taxas and aasassmanta on me preperry v�nii ue paid boioro u�w:.ac�..:�%ain:,::cat �--
<br /> I � 1S°
<br /> 4. No waste will bs eommittod on the pmperty,and it will 6e kept in good repair. '��`
<br /> rY;_�-��:
<br /> •• 6. The proporty will not be sold (including by land contract).leased,end no interest in it will be auignad in any way. --
<br /> 8. I own the properry irae and daar oi any othor mortgages w encumbrances IXCEPT � � ��� . �-
<br /> ���
<br /> 7. [�other mortpago or lien on ihe property wilt ever hs allawsd to be in dotault or be forec�osed• -"`+^--__ -
<br /> ,``,��, i
<br /> If any oi these promise�are not kepL then Commerciaf Federal can Exlaro all of ihe debt immediatoly due and payabte without advanee ootice.The �4�:-_���
<br /> interest rate vufll increase to 19.0096 or any greater rate allawdble by law et that Umo,and this mortgage ean be foreclosod in aecordanco wiffi epplieable law.H �''�'�,_.,�„_,.
<br /> ffie dobt iu accelemtad,thon�also aasipn any rent or other meomo irom ffie property to Commercial Fedarel. THE PARTIES AGREE 7HAT THIS COISSTITUTES _�4 •�,
<br /> � A COLLATEHAI.flEAL ESTATE MORT(iAGE PURSUAM TO S0.OAKOTA GL 44-8-20 (FOR SO.DAlCOTA RESIDENTS ONL1�. In the evan!o(eny defa�dt in tho ..;���
<br /> making of any payment or in(moping any wvanant horam,thia Mortgage may be tareclosed by nction,or by advertisertnnt as providad by atetute or the rutes , , .� �
<br /> o(practice rolating thereto,end this pamgraPt►shafl bo deamad ns autfioriang and constituting a power of sato as mantionod in mid atututo or rulas and any _ • ��
<br /> amendment thereto,and may retain atatutory costs and ettomey fees�50.W`/.MN,OK,end MI rosidanm onl�. '�'%' •
<br /> Cartain amount�can be paid by Commo►c+al Fedoral and added to tho dabt aocured by this Mortgapo.They aro any taxas w maarance I have agreed W ' �_
<br /> ' + pay but fail to,any attomey tees or court e�enses Cortunnrc�al Federal pays ii it is made a parry at any legal acbon 6rought 6y someone etso concemmg tho ,
<br /> � property,and any attomey tees or eourt oxpenses whieh the Iaw might altow if Commercial Federal hao to go to court against me to colloct the deb!or
<br /> . {o��o�this moRpape.Ii eny oi these thinga happen,then the additional debt will eccrue interoat at the aame rete a+the rest of the debt and muat be paid _
<br /> immediatery. , • .
<br /> ' � If this property ia ever condemned undcrr the power of aminent domam er any aimilar method of taking property tor public uso,nny proceeda oi the teking ,.
<br /> will be paid to Commereial federel up to tho full amount oi tfie debt aeeured. =
<br /> : . . ' . �:
<br /> . IYotic�to Borrow�r lfot OWsfiom�pcopsRyl A powa ot oat�hn ba�n preM�l�a Mertgap�����r!�����Mortyag�to Lks th� ,
<br /> . :-
<br /> mo g�A P*aP� �n s� w o go ng co�rt�n e sor�cwaun aauon upvn o.r...� .,�..... - - :
<br /> L.f� /' �� ' �
<br /> i TodayaDnto � 13� 1997 arrowefa ign�hgo' ffi�
<br /> . I ' �/� � � =
<br /> . , . •
<br /> rtower a si ro . `L
<br /> . ; STATE OF � � u. � �; . . �
<br /> ' , COUMY OF HALL 1 ! . _
<br /> � � i On this��day ai ��i .79 9? ,bafore mo,a notary publie in and for said county, pataonally camo "
<br /> 1 rn�n T_ �� � �j � to mo known to ba�ho�dentical person or persons whoso �
<br /> jname is or aro atfixcd to tho abwe mortgage,and they,he or sfie aeverally acknovutedgad tho amd instntmont and tho oxoeution thoroof to bo tho�r voluntary
<br /> � oct and dood. � �.
<br /> � � WITNESS my hand and notarial snal tho day and yoar last wnttan above. �y yy� ,� ,I '
<br /> � , My comm�ss�on expiros. �[�j •�� !1 ��iA'-��'- /�/ ��r,fG�-� :
<br /> Notary Pubhc's Signaturo r�'
<br /> _ NE-IN-VIOY-IL-SD-MI �1 �'��,cj�y ta2000 Di�1-i 077 {i fl195) - ---•--.- _.
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