. . . . .
<br /> . .
<br /> .. . . , � � - .._.._____ - .
<br /> . . � . �..._
<br /> , �. . � -----� -�--...... -- - � -
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<br /> 2T. COLl.ECnON 00$TS. o s rtt pe mRted by law,Grarttor agrses to pay Lendor's roasonabia fees and costs,including,bu4 not limited to.
<br /> � fees end eosts ot attnmeys and other agenta Onctuding vrtthout IimitaUon prualegala,derks and consutte�s�,whether or nas suc1�attomey or sgant Is _
<br /> ! an empi�yee of Lender,which ara inwrrod by Lender in coliecting any amount due or eniordn@ eny right or romady under this Orted of Ttust, ' �
<br />� { whether or not suR is brought,instuding,but not limtted t0.ail fees and costs inCUrced on appaat,in bankruptcy,and for post�udgmaM coilectton �� .�'�
<br /> adfans. y�
<br />� '; 28, ppRTid11,pELEASE Lender msy release its i�terest in a portion af the Propmty by exocuUng end reconiing one or more Partial Deed of : T
<br /> •' Reoomreyance without aftectlng its intecest in the remalning portlon of Ufe Property Nothing herotn sha11 De dsemed to obtlgate Lender to roiease . �
<br /> arry of its imerest in ihe Property(except as required untler P a r a graph 38),nor shalf lender be obiigated to relatua ariy part oi the Properiy if Gramtor � .,,. ___
<br /> j is in detault under this Qeed of Trust The Ben and seCUr1ty inter9st ereatad by the Deed of Trust romein in effect r�i ffi respect to that portion of the '. ` , � _
<br /> • � property,as defined in the Deed ot Trust,that is not the subject of thla or any Rartial Deed of Reccnmyance• � .
<br /> ' 29. AdODiFICd►TiQH Atld WAIVER. The modification or waiver af any�tvti►at�oorG bran ctu's Obl�ig�atians rdela�or faitlm exercise�y of its rigfits oe • , ---
<br /> tKo
<br /> � �! contained in a writing sig ned by Lender. Leader may pedarm ar►y of Bo ���� . . .-
<br /> � aceept payments from Cirantar or anyone other than(irentor without causing a waiver ot thosa ObligaUons or nghts. A waivar on one axasian shaii
<br /> not wnstitute a waiver an any other oceasion. GrarrcoPs dbligations undet this Oeed o}Trtlst ahall not tro aHected if lender amenda,eompromisas,
<br /> exchanges,feiis to exercise,�mpaErs or releases any ot the Obligations bolonging to any G�antor,Bortower or thttd paRy or any of its right9 a9ainst
<br />'° any Gsanmr,Borrower oa thtrd party or anY of the Property. Lender's failuro to insist upon atnct performance of any of the Obligations ahall not be = _
<br /> deemed a waiver and Lender shall have the rigM at any Ume thereafter to insist upfln strict peAormance• Ry t
<br /> . i o�r inscase th�Tsmh�o der�of 4fi�O iigatio s sfhaledesire tor aniy asreo m remo e�ths Trust ef or any s bstitute truste�trustee hereunderPand to aP�� � ' .�. 4 v
<br /> a new trustee in hts ptaze and stead,the holder of the Obligat3ons(s hereby granted fuli po�vor to appoint in writing a substitute trustee tor said
<br /> rustee hereunder and the same shail bacome vested in : y . _ �r .,
<br /> Trustes.and the sub>^titute bustee shal�•when a�pointed,become suxassor to a11 rights of T _
<br /> him tor the purposes arcd objects of this Qeed of Trust with ali the powar,duties and obligationa heroin eonberted on the Trustee. _
<br /> 31. SUCCESSOAS AN�ASSI(iNS. Thia Dsed of Tmst shall be binding u on and inurs to the genefrt of(iraMOr and Londer and their raspective `•' ?
<br /> successors�assigns.trustees.reoelvers,administratare�Persona!reprase�vea,tegatees and devlsess. . _
<br /> 32 HOitt�S. Except as oUiervvise cequirod by law,any notic0 or othet communitxtton ta De provlded under this Oeed ot Trust shail he in writing _ �-����
<br /> end ser+t to 1he parties at the addresses described tn tfiis Oaed of Tcust cr such other addross as the partles may designate In wr(ting from ttrtes to :-
<br /> � tima. Any such notice so gh+en and sent by ftrst dass mail,postage prepaid,sh�ii be daemed giv�n the earlier of three(3)days after such nottce la %��.,.-.° -
<br /> sent or when received bytha person to whom auch noUce Is being ghrert. ��.r�r�_�
<br /> .: �Ia�,�H�gny�pravis on of this Deed of Truspviotates the law�or tsu eMorceable,the�re�treo ffiIs De d of Ttusts hell�cantinu9 to be�va d��d , - _"*°` •�•
<br /> . .r, ust '-'"��-•—
<br /> enforCesble. .
<br /> ' Sq, qpALlCABLE LAW. Thia�asd ot Trust 3heli be gwert:c�by tha iaws ot the stete where the reai property ts located. Unless applicabie law . ���`
<br /> provides omeTwise,Grantor consents to the judsdicdon end venua af any court satected by Lender,in its sflle discretion,located in that stato. ��_z�--- _
<br /> 35. MiSCELdANEOUS.Grar�tor and Lender agree thaz Ume ia of the essence. Granwr waivea Presentment,demand tor payment,notioe of dishonor Y�+ �,�=_—.—
<br /> and pratest exaept as required by law.Ail references to firenwr in this Oeed ot Trust ahall inciude ail persom�signing betow. H there is more than one � - .,�,;�„ _-
<br /> Gran t or.t�e,r O b l i g a U o n s s h a l l b e j o i r H a n d s e v a r a i. Th i s D e e d o f T n i s c r e preserns the comptete intagrated understanding batween Qrarttor and � �• _. ..�r.-,
<br /> Lendor psrtaining w the tertns and condittons hereof. - —� ,
<br /> 3& HO 7HIRD PARTY RIGiiTS. No Ferson is ar shali be a third party beneftdary of any provisfa�of thfs Qeed ot Ttust All pto�isions of this Uaed of _
<br /> ' Trust in tawr of Lender ara intended sotely for ttsa henafrt of len�er,and no thlyd partll$hal�be entitled to assume or expect that lsnder will vraive or - t.':�--. -
<br /> consent to the modifloadon of any provision of this Oaed of Trust,in Lender's sote disccetion. uarantor of the ObtlgaUons,or any .,� .••i
<br /> 37. PRESE6iVATtON OF LIABfU7Y AND PHIOARY.Without alfecUng the Iiabiiity of 8ortower.Grantor,or any g : _f-._�� ..
<br /> � mt�er person(except e person expressty released in writing)for tfie payment and perfortnanoe o}the Obli�atians,an9 without aftecting the righta of �; •,, J ,•
<br /> ruat over the
<br /> -' � Lender with respect to any P roperty n o t e�cp r e s s ty r e i e a s a d i n w r f ti n g.e n d w i t h o u t im p a irin g in any way the priortty of this Deed of T
<br /> iMerest of an y person sequired or f irst evtdanced by rocording subsequent to the recording of this D ee d of Trust,Lender may,eithet b e f ore oof U�e �,��;.. ��
<br /> the maturfly of the Obtlgatlons,and w ft ho u t no tice o r c o n s e r►x re l e a s e a n y p e r s o n l i a b t e t o r p a y m e M or partortnance ot afl or any part � �.
<br /> Obqgations;rtsake any agreemeM altertng the terms o1 payment or peAormanoe of all or arry part of the Obiigations, exerdse or reirain f rom _ � :� `
<br /> exereistng or waive any rgM or remedy that lander may fiave under this Deed of Trusk axapt addiUonal securitY of a�'+Y�nd tor an of the :e."t�s, .�'.;`;. ,; ._
<br /> Ob t ig�e�otran 1yen w�e tn ffie Propet�ty s h I be deemed eby aoquf�n9 s uch inter8est or�re�rdfng 8ny eyvidence the�r e o f�9 W hav9 c O nj s e n t e d t o a i l o r ��,�.�r x' '�:;� ,� .
<br /> � �y� t-. -.
<br /> any sueh actions by Lender. � `'`'
<br /> 38. DEFFASANCE Upon the paym eM end peAormance 1n tuli of nIi ot the ODIigaUons,Lender wiil execute and deiiver to t3raintorthose documants T�Y� �
<br /> that may ba required ta retease thta Qeed af Trust of record. Orantor shail be responsible to pay any cosb of recordation. r ;!� r
<br /> ' 3 9. C O N S T R U C'�O N L O A N. � Th i s D e ed of Tn�st is a eonsUUCtlon mor�qage under the Unitorm Commerclal Cade,to secure an eb�iSation ,,
<br /> ineurred tor the construcdon of en improvament on tand,including the acqu i&i tlon w s t s o f�a�d• T t s 1 a D e e d o f T r u s t s e c u ro s a c o n s tr u c d o n(a a n,a n d ,�� : ;.
<br /> it vdit he sub�ect to tho torms of a eonstruction loan agreement batween Gramor and Lender.My matariais,equipment or supplies used or intonded . • � r•
<br /> tor use in the construction,developmerrt.or operaUon of the Proparty,whether stoted on or otf the Praperty,cfiail atso be subJect to tha lien ot this -'��' :�•:
<br /> Oeed of Trust. ' , �_.r;,`
<br /> �.`, qp WqNER OF HOME8TEA�AND CTHER EXEMPTIONS. Grantor horeby waivas all homeamad and other exempUona in the Proporty to v�Aich � , .y�.,_
<br /> - 6rarttc��woutd�ttsar..•3o;.�..:=.^i'�.I��ut!dnr any aoolicabie law. _— s �'"'
<br /> 41. JURY TRIAL WAIYER. LEHDER AND QA{INTOR HEREBY WAIVE AtiY RIGHT TO TRW.BY dUFiY IN AtiY C�VIL Ai:i i3ii A�iSfiii��if:�:. '.,�, ,�•_
<br /> • �sH�-_
<br /> - 42 ADDITIONALTERMS: L:-�•�_.
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<br /> Grantor acknowtedges fhat Grantor has read,understanda,and agrees to the terma and condiUons of thls Oned of Trust,and asknovdedgea recelpt ot �:.�: ;" , ' _
<br /> an exact copy of same.
<br /> . . y Msrct►, 1997 �.s'�.."`_.'":..:.
<br /> Datedthis 17� da of • � .: - �
<br /> � +�FfH�'.�J�•~;5.. , .
<br /> , �'�'i'id';• :�q!4.r,.7
<br /> . ' ,T�...11/�'�'Y.�
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<br /> �wwroA: Richard D iler a�TOA� Deborah J Aguilar . � �
<br /> . // I , °'/l� ' � , .
<br /> • � • ar D ar J—� �or Agu . . ,
<br /> • GRANTOR. GRANTOR: . , .
<br /> GWWTOR. GRANTOR� .. �
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