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<br /> Un3on Bc+nlc Aad Trust Compaa � . �� � ( .
<br /> . f3rand Ialaad Sranch � � cn w . � - —
<br /> 2008 4lebb Road � i � � � N � ` .
<br /> . Oraad Islrand. N8 68802 � • �
<br /> � .
<br /> �, _. -
<br /> . DE�D O�TRUST ; . � :
<br /> , � ...,:�;.,a� -
<br /> � � � - '�. ' :=
<br /> : 1 — ----- `� • ' �'"
<br /> BORROINEH tiFiANT�A ,. �.
<br /> JRichard D Aguilaz Richard D Aguilar, Susband and Wife \ Y-�--_
<br /> I Deborah J Aguilar Deboroh J Aguilar, Husbaad aad Wife _ __
<br /> . � . ."�--� �
<br /> • ; , ���_-_
<br /> . : '_'��-yr-s„�,�
<br /> � . � `'
<br /> ..... _ � -:—' , ,.__-i�=. ...
<br /> ADDAESS � ADARESS �.�_,�_..':�'-�`�±=`—
<br /> ! '•316 Sast 7Th 3treet '-='.,•.'�� •
<br /> � 316 Saet 7Tpt Street �=�d Ielaad. NS 68801 � �� =
<br /> 6rand ielaad, NA 68801 "j����
<br /> TELEpHONE Mfl� tLENilCd'G►710H N0. � TEIF�HOtiE H0, iDEt1FiHCA710H N0. �'_:`�'?'
<br /> � : (308) 381-1774 506606862 ; (308) 381-1774 _506606862 � "��' � s�;',.
<br /> � � TRUSTE�:IInion Bank Aad Trust Compaay C;raad Island Branch -- •
<br /> � ' 2008 North Webb Road, araad Zaland NS 68g01 - . - '
<br /> 4 ( /
<br /> In conside�ation of the loan or other credit aceommodation hereinafter specified and any future advenCes or future 061igations,as d_fiaed herein, �. -
<br /> which may hereafter be advanced or incurted and the trust hereinafter msntioned end other good and valuabte consideration, tha receipt and • ,; :
<br /> + suf6Gency of which ae hereby acknowtedged Qranior hereb irtevocabiy bargsin seils,Vansfers,grarns,eonveYs and assigns to Trustee,his : �. ✓�:�:. '
<br /> �' � successors and assigns,in trusY.for IIaioa $aak Aad Tyruat CompasiY �raad ialassd Sranch, 2008 S�vebb Road. -,. ,
<br /> � (3raad Isla^d N8 68802 ("Lentler"), the '' �
<br /> • J beneficiary under this Deed of Trust,with Power of sate and dgM of enuy and possessian ali of(irantor's present and future estate.rigFt,tiUe and ,,�'��; ,
<br /> interest in and to the real property described in Schedule Awhich is attached to this Oeed of Trust and incorporated herein by this reference,together s �
<br /> with ail present and future improvemerns and fixtares;ali tangibia personal prcperty includine without limitatlon a11 machinery,eqPip P e�buiiding '� : ,� ,
<br /> materials,and goads of e�ary naturd(axGuding consumer goods)now or hereafter locatad on or used in connection with the ceal ro e whether �`��:i� .
<br /> or not a�zed t0 the Iand;all privii2ges, hareditaments,and appurtenances inctuding alt devetopment rights assaciated with the reai property, �;,:;�,�; �j ;
<br /> whethar prevlously or subsequenttyr uansferted to the real property Nom other real property or now or hereaftar susceptibte of transfer trom this real _��y:..•= •ri,, '
<br /> propsrty to other teal property;all Iease�,licenses and other agreements;all rents,issues and profits;ali water,weil,ditch,reservoir and minerat . , ��'
<br /> � rights and stocks peRaining to the real property(cumu la t iva ly'P rop e rt y');t o h a v e a n d t o h o l d t h e P r o p e n y a n d ffie ri ghts hereb y granted for 4he use —
<br />. - - � antJ denet�t ot trustee,h�s successois and asaigr�s,uatil paymant::�•::�:.'!��.��-�'�=°�^1f?�I1Qf94;�. _ — . --�- ,�-
<br /> Moreovar,in further constderaSon, Grantor does,for Qrantor end GraMOPs heira,representaUves,successore, and assigns,heroby expressry �•y�:;__
<br /> �. Iwarrant,covenant,and agree with Lender antl Trustee and their successoB and assigns as follows: ���'" ,�
<br /> � 1. OSUt3AT10HS. Thic Oeed of Trust shall secure the payment and performanco ot all present and future indebtedness,IiabiliUea,obiigations end �_- `
<br /> covenants of Bortower or Qrantor(cumulaUvaty'Obligations")to I.snder pursuant to: •�••���__
<br /> (a)this Deed of Trust and the followin romissor notes and other a reements: �*'
<br /> ^ INtEREST �R{N iPAI. �lIDI�HG 1tA At7Y CU L
<br /> � ' RATE � CqED1TUYIT AQR�YEIADATH � DATH � HWIiEA NUtEBEA .,.,�,.`-.��
<br /> �p i g g p , $2 1,3 1 5.4 6 ; Q 3%1 7/9 7 i 03/20/02 i28280 DP i 138820 � . :_�
<br /> _ � i ; „
<br /> . . I �;:��—
<br /> ,. i : ' ; � � ,..�
<br /> � I I �p•.� . .
<br /> - I I I ' I � .�.
<br /> � _
<br /> � (b)all other present or tuture,wntten agreements with Lender that reter apecnc�al►y to thia Deed of Trust whether executed tor the same a •� .
<br /> di�ferern purposes than ffie toregotng):
<br /> (c) any guaranty of obligaUons of othar parties given to Lender now or hereaftet executed that refers to this Deed of Trust; ,
<br /> (d) tuture advances,whether obligatory or optional,to the same extent as if made eoMemporaneousty with the executlon of this Deed of Trust,
<br /> made or extended to or on behai}of Grantor or Borrower. Grentor agrees that if one of the ObNgaUons is a Iine of cred(t,the 11en of this Oeed of _..
<br /> Trust shall continue untfl payment in full of sii debt due under the line notwithstanding the fact that irom tlme to time(but before terminatlon of ,
<br /> the iine)no balance mny be outstandin At no time shall the lien of thia Oood of Trust,not Including sums advanced to protect the�ecuriry of � • . _
<br /> thia�eed ot Trust,exceed S 4�630.�2._ _ _ .;and �
<br /> (e)all amendments.extensions,renewals,modiflcations,repiacements or substitulions to any of the foragoing. .
<br /> As used in this Paragraph 1,the terms arantor and Borrower ahail Inctude and also mean any Grantor or Borrawer if more than one. .
<br /> 2 REPRESEHTATIOHS,WARRANTIES ANfl CBYENAHTS. Cirantor represoMS.warrants and covenants to Lendar that:
<br />� (a) (irantor has fee simpie marketabte tttte to the Proparty and shall malntaln the Properry iree of all liens,security Interests,encumbrances and
<br /> claims except tot this Deed ot Trust and those desc�ibed in Schedule B,whiCh is attached to thia Deed of Trust and incorporated herein by . _
<br /> reference,which Orantor agrees to pay and pedorm in a Umely manner, —
<br /> (b) Qrantor is in compliance in eli respects wRh all spplicable federal,state and local laws and reguiations,inciudin ,without Umitation,those .
<br /> refating to'Hazardous Materials:' as defined herein, and other environmental matters (the "Environmental Laws�, and neither the federal .
<br /> govemmeM nor any other governmantal or quasi governmental entity Aas flled a lien on the Properiy,nor are there any govemmental,Judiclal or
<br /> administrative actions with respect to environmental mattera pending,or to the Dest of the�rantor's knowledge,threatenod,whiCh Involve the
<br /> , � �� Proporty. Neither Grantor nor,to ihe bost of Grantor's knowiedge,any other party nas used,generated,reteased,discharged,stored,or disposed
<br /> + of any Hazardous Materiais as defined herein,fn connection with the Property or transported any Hazardaus Materiais to or from the Property.
<br />� i Grantor shell not commit or pormit such acUons to be taken in the future. The term"Hazardous Materials'shall mean any substance.material,or .
<br /> waste v�hich ia or becomes regulated by any governmental authority inCluding,but not Iimited to.(i)pe�troleum;(ii)triable or noMriable asbestos:
<br /> � (ili)polychlorinated biphenyts; Gv)thoso substances,materiais or vrastes designated as a'hazardous subsCance"pursuant to 3ecNOn 311 of the
<br /> c Clean Water Act or listed pursuent to Seaion 307 ot the Clean Water Act ar any amendmonts or replacements to these statutes: (v)thoso �
<br /> � substances.materlals or vmstes deflned as a'hazardous waste"pursuant to SecGOn 1004 of the Resource Conservetion and Reeovery Act or any .
<br /> � amendments or replacemerits to that statute;and(vi)those substances,materiais or wastas defined as a'hazardoua substance'pursuant to .
<br /> Section 707 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation and t]ability Act,or any amendments or reptacements to that statute �.
<br /> or any other similar state or federal statuto,rule,regulation or ordinance now or hereafter in effeet. Grantor shall not lease or petmit the sublease
<br /> � of the Property to a tenant or subtenaM whose operatfons may resuit in contaminafion of the Proporty with Hazardous Materiais or toxic :
<br /> f .
<br /> � substances: • '
<br /> (c) All applicable laws and regulations,including,without limitation,the Americans with Disabilities Act,42 U.S.C.Section 12101 et seq.(and all
<br /> � regulations promulgated thereunder)and all zoning and building laws and roguiations retating to tho Property by virtue of any federal.state or ; _
<br /> ' mumapai authonty with jurisdiciion over the Property,presarstiy ara�r.d at�.a!!�flb�.rfea and romp!?ed w�th+!!ai�r*�ate��ai�especr-s and an � . -
<br /> ' rights,licenses,permits.and certificates of occupancy pncluding but not limded ta zoning variances.special exceptions for noncontorming uses. ,
<br /> � and flnal inspection approvals),whether tomporary or permanent.whiCh are material to the use antl occupancy of the Proparty,presontly are and � f
<br /> shall be obtained.preserved and,where necessary,renewed:
<br /> �cNESi��fonnAhoc Technoloyiot.in0.IS/2�96� (800)�7-37� Page�ot 9 f . _
<br /> _ . . .�.� . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ . . . . . .
<br /> . . � ,. , . .. . . - . - ; .. . • � �. . . r. �.
<br /> 1�.. . .. -. . . � . � �. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .l'`. _ . , .. _ � . , . , .�, � , '
<br />