.. , , • .
<br /> Nr,�F�fiiVTY JEE;=J
<br /> lti\OW tiLL ;viEN BY THESE YRE�ENTS: tnat, �velyn �iekrnan anci Harry Diekman,
<br /> wife and husband; Elmer i�. �telk and Pvold Jt21.K� husband and �vife;
<br /> Elaine C;ollier ana Robert O. C:ollier, �vif e ana husbancs; for and in
<br /> consideration of the aivision in kinci anci excnar.oe of real property
<br /> betvreen them ana the grantee herein; and �ilaa �telk, a wicaoav, in
<br /> consiaeration of love and sffection, do heraby, subject to the conai-
<br /> tions ana restrictions herEinaiter set fortn; grant, bargain, sEll,
<br /> convey anci confirm unto LOriOT�Y �Icv�.�� the follcv�ing aescribea real
<br /> estate situated in trie C;ounty ci I�all anu 5tate cf i�e�rdSlCo, to-wit:
<br /> rlat of a tract of lana in tne �outh�•�es� �UdIt2I' (5�'L�) of the
<br /> �outh�.vest �:��arter �J'�`a%�;) of �ection :curteen ( 14) , Tovrnship cieven (11)
<br /> �iCZ'tYl� 't1dI1C�2 1V11"12 �cJ' � '1ii�St Of ti'rie Utrc ; ..�,. , ��all VOUIIt j/� 1'J2'�I'd'SiCu� a(1G
<br /> ,ore particularly ciescribea as �ollo��s:
<br /> Beainning a� a poir,t on `;.`est l�r:e oi saio �outi;��e�t '�uarter,
<br /> saiG point being Five �:undred Li�hty-Three ar.c i-our Tentn� (5u:s.�+) r�et
<br /> IVOlt}1 Of +i,r1E JOUti'1L'lLSZ COr(lei OI SdiC.i :�OUfi�l`��est ;�uarte��; Lf12C:C2 COi1-
<br /> tlt�li.lill� 1�0?'tt1E���f dlcna tC12 'vvESt line 02 Shci:u :�GUtI':VJ�S� .�Uc.''.t2:C o
<br /> �istarice of Three H�nd.reC Sixty Gna riv� Tentr�s (3�C.�) r�et; ttience
<br /> aeflectin� rioht 90 OC" ana runnin� Las�:erly � ai�t�nc� oi One I�un-
<br /> ur�d ��;inety-Jne ana. Jne Tentris ( lyl. �) :ee�; ti�ence ae�lectin� rie�ilt
<br /> ���� �JL'�' dI1Q runninc, JOlii.f:�i IV �i:':v �u_d!Ici ZG Sc'.1'v '=��j� IiC1E O� Sc71U
<br /> �out'r:��vesi �;u�rt�r a ais�anc2 0� i i: ee i:unorea ��xty ana �=iv2 i ent�'�s
<br /> ( ��G. �) Leet; t:lenc� 02=1...:t�n�, �ic�,�� �>:;o GC' uni; �unn�r,o �asterly �
<br /> ais±ance o� � � z � r� � "N �y-_�r.e a:,v �n� ;ent:s ( 1;i.1 j :=eet to th�
<br /> n .unc- �u :..�:�e
<br /> LG1C:t: GZ ;Je��ili,=. ai�i; COi1Lc=t:_'1� l. :�C`. Gc_e� :�or� �_ 1e5�;
<br /> vV,^.1Cf'i tTdGi, O� i�a.l r;Z'CJe;t`I _� U:::C"li�2C: �j/ �u2i.E,'� drl�. NCiaRi:�S lil tii:e
<br /> N.13.t: Oi Si.iT'�!:.;/ u� C�-'1i,�ii'_°C.; T.G ,.�'�"y' L�C�/G L. 1f101:"icS� t::-:y�S�CcT�i: , ,
<br /> �n�ineer, on �-.u�us� 1:s, 1;57, ' -' ° - _ �� �:
<br /> i"i:i�i,_i1 U �35 Ci:i:1i.�1i. r. � c�.,�::Ci;c:'t.. '.cI�ELv
<br /> cllu �ita::ic �i �c::t Ji �:1�5 CvCl'JCj/uiiCi:: :;j' �i'�ElEIIC�� '�O�E+i.r:Ei iil:,.. a11
<br /> "�„ner:�en�s , .:�?�e� _�u...�n�s �,n� , . , .�r;.ananc�s �.o �r�.� ��;,c tie�or._ _, - ,
<br /> c�ni] ai�� �(lE' 2�i,di.c, i,iT,�� F, ,�::iO���:1c' � --- -.� e: •i..�..�'��2o:i , � - y(il, c- _.�i C
<br /> US2� C.Zdi::: OY' U2il'icll:: 'iv1:dT,5CEVci� �i J i,;:: '�.iai7T,v�S I:E��ii:� 0� GI"])/ vi
<br /> tnem, �n or to �he same, or any oarz tnereo�, ar.c sucject to the
<br /> CO1�Q1ti01"lS di1�7 restTlCi,�0I1S� d� COVE?�drit5 runnin� '.J1tP. tra2 �at"lQ� ��
<br /> SC-'t OUt 1C1 i.X}'iiC�lt ��i.�,��� c�'�i.dCriE:;� f7@_ct0 c?I�1U tfic:�Ja t�d�t t'i2rE0I ..'-)�f
<br /> reference.
<br /> r�.� �?f'i�t. ?:1'v_i .'.i .:_:LJ �f1E n',.ri0`✓c Q��CT_i.,'°.^. C;I'c�t:l��E: li:l"t,0 �UCi �OI'Ot'.l�/
<br /> ::levers� ,.ill� LO ,'lt'� :i�l"1'� uC1U c.5�=�`:� _JTi"✓c:2� a^u tll° Q�'aIl'`„0.�� (!2�cltl�
<br /> 1.
<br /> ior �ne;::s�iv:;� unu �hei� ..�_� �, �x�:c.���_s anu uu.r,�n_s��ator� , uo
<br /> COVtIlaClj: 'rV=tT Ci7:: �=at1i.'-:C �OTO+i,i:')/ J; ::`J�_.: �i�'?:.. ;v�:.i. 1�.=?i i':.=;_�'S o:u
<br /> u5si�ri� i.ilcii, �tic� cic ��d,�J' -, ....izc:, G= �uC:- :ic::�iS25; �:,.:1, i.ii�;
<br /> dlE I�2E ITv::i c:�C.iu:i:J:;ic;�I1C'.-'� :'.Y�:c�'.; ..:. :i,a"1;��.:. i..=ci!:� ufl:. �ii�;� ��u!�tii-�a
<br /> t1E.Ci:�C1 t1ciV� JOO��, __:i�iL uit:,� ._...:'!_::i u:,iT,.=��� , �^v :iE.�j. 1,::� �2f:i2� a:7'�� �
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<br /> ( d:lu 1�,�.811'JI cl =� cXf_CUi.'v Vi `y..:: f_�T,. ' G�_ �:.4� .:a�_�a31� u:li;
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