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<br /> . - . .- . � � - . . . _ ...-.—���_
<br />, • .� _ '_ , .____ —__
<br /> 37- 1�19Sg . , -� . .
<br /> G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upan Lender's request,Borrower shall assign w 1.ender a11 leases of the - � - .- . �
<br /> property and all security deposits made in connecrion with 1�of the Property.Upon the assignment,Lender . __.
<br /> shaII have the right to modify.eztend oz terminate the exisring lezses and to execute new leases,in Lender's sole ___
<br /> discTetion.As used in this paraSraPh G,tbe ward"leass"shall mean "sublease" if the Sec�rity Instmment is on a . �.`;:?--
<br /> . teasehold. ��'."k
<br /> <� —:_.
<br /> Borro�va absolntely and uncondiuonally assigns an�uansfas to Lender aII�renu and revenues("Renu")of the `�"'---'�'.�
<br /> prop¢rty,regardless of m whom the Rents of the Propert}+are payable.Borrower authorizes Lender ar 1.emdea's . . �A-°�-�_
<br />: . agent�+�collect the Rents,and ag-*ees that each tenanL of the Propeaty shall pay the Rents to I.ender or Lender's .. • �_�_�----
<br /> agent�.However,Borrower shall r��ve the Rents until(7 Ler►der has Siven Bo:rower notice of default p�svant to - = _
<br /> _ pazagrapb 21 of the��urity tnstrament and(u�Lender ha5 givea�nolice to the te�ant(s)t6at the R�ts an tn be (. `,�:� ,
<br /> --' paid to Lender or L.ender's agen� '17iis assignment of Rents constitutes an absolute assigument and not an i � '� a'.�__
<br /> assignment for addisional secariry a:ily. ' - '�-
<br /> �� If Lendea�ves notice of brea�to Boirower:(i)all Rents received by Borrowe�shall be held by Borrower as `�,;
<br />.... trustee for th�beaefit of Lendea only,tn be applied tn the sucns secured by the Security lnsuumen�(ri)I.ender shall � '.�' j '`��
<br /> '� be endtied Lo collea and receive all o f t he Rents o f t he P m�p e�y: (�u� Bo r r ow e r a g r e e s t L a i e a c h t e n a n t o f t h e ; . ` -
<br /> Propcaty sdall pay all Rents due and unpaid w Lend�or Lender's agents�an Lender's written demand w the i� •'
<br /> tenanC (N) �nle�aPPlicable law provides otheaw�se,all Rents collected by Lender art Lendet's agents shall be ��`' '� ' �':
<br /> applied first to the costs of taring control of and mauaging the Prope�rty and collecting the Reats,including,but noi , " : �:
<br /> IimiOed to,attflmeys' fees.reteivea's fees,Premiums on receivex's bonds,rePair and mainteaance wsts,insuiance ` ��- ``��� •;
<br /> psemiwms, mxes, asszssments and other charges on the Property,and then w the sums se�ured by the Security I „,:.�.`f r'•� �� f.;.
<br /> � Insuumenfi(v)I.en�,Lender's agents or any judicially appointed receiver st�all be liable tn accoant for only those ��-.
<br /> t.. :, �.� ,:i
<br /> Renis actuaity received;and(vi)Lendex shall be entided w have a receiver appointed w talce possession of and . � ��,: '
<br /> manage the Property and collect the Rents and profits derived from the Propeaty without any showing as w the -�:•� �� .� ;°
<br /> .-� u i a d e q u a c y o f t h e P r o p e rt y a s s e c u r i ry. .-'���°��
<br /> If the Rents of the Property are not sufHcient w caver i h e costs o f t a l d ng con t r o l o f an d m a n a�n g t h e �• Y� ''� •"'
<br />. � . ��a_-
<br /> Property aad of collecting the Rents any funds eapended by Lender for suc6 giuposes shall become indebtedness of �
<br />�•:� Borrower to Lender secured by the Sec�uity Instrument pursvant to Uniform Covenant 7. �i
<br /> � Borrower represents and wanar►ts that Borrowe�has not executed any priar assignment of the Rents and has ^_.���'����
<br /> .,.,,�.,,.. .
<br /> not and will aot perform any act that would prevent Lender from exercising its rights under this paragrap4�. -���-
<br /> ��'
<br /> Lender,or Lendea's agents or a judicially appointed receiva,shall not L�e required w enter upon,take control ;,=�••..�_
<br /> .r� .
<br /> of or mamtain the Property before or after gidr��notice of default w Ban�uwer.Howeves,Lender.or Lender's ...;.,,,.�.'�,:_
<br /> ageats or a judicially appointed receiv�,may dv so at any time wh�a defa.uIt occurs.Any application of Rents � _
<br /> � �,�-�__=�-��,"�`---
<br /> shall not aue or waive any default ar invalidate any other right or remedy of Lendca.'Ibis assignmeat of Rents of • ==��.=s;��=-
<br /> . the Property s3�all terminatc when all the sums secured by the Securiry Insuument are paid n full. -;,�,,,„,�•.._�°:
<br /> �:.,.��---
<br /> I.CROSS-DEFAULT PROVI5ION. Bonower's default or breac�s undea any note or agreement in r�:•�'' '�'��_1-�r•--,
<br /> which I.ender has aa intraest shall be a breach undcr the Sec�uity Instru�azt and L.ender may invoke any of the ' ��-r���
<br /> ranedies perrniued by the Security Instrument _ ,,.�_��:�`.�
<br /> p r
<br /> BY SICiMNG BELOW,Boirower accepts and agrees to the teims and provisians coniained in this 1-d Family ' � ,._. • ..�^
<br /> Ridea. . -.�
<br /> (S�) lSeal)
<br /> p INE MARS L -Borrower -Honower . . . ' . �
<br /> . • �,. �i5�^
<br /> ($f8�� ($C2�)
<br /> -Sorrower -Borrower . .
<br /> ' � �•57 isaoa�.o� �ape 2 ot 2 Form$1T0 S193 � ••
<br /> t �
<br /> 4� '
<br />. • • • . '
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