-- _ - --�- . . . :- ,- . - --_- - -- - � - _ �
<br /> ' . . 17. Transfer af the Property o� a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. it aii or any part ot tne �ro�erty or ` �. , __
<br /> � any mterest�n R is sold or transferred (or rf a benefic�al mterest in Bortower�s sold or Vansferted and Bomower�s not a natural i ^ ,—
<br /> �i person) wdhout Lender's prior written consent. Lender may.at Rs option. require immediate paymert in fu�l of all sums secured by k ; _ , _
<br /> this Securiry �nstrument. However, th�s op tion s h a l l n o t b e e x e r c a s e d b y L e n G e r d e x e r u s e �s p ro h i b i i�d b y federal law as ot the �j.__
<br /> �•� date ot this Security instrument. '"
<br /> :;
<br /> If Lende� exercises this opllor.. Lenier shall give Bortawer nouce of acceleration. The no6ce shall provide a penod ot not _R
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is deiivered ar mailed within v�h�ch Borrower must pay ali sums secured by th�s _ .� ;_
<br /> Security Instrument. If Bortower fails to pay these sums prior to the expira6on of this penod. Lender may mvoke any relnedies� , ,
<br /> s� permitted by this Security�nsVUment withou[further notice or demand on Borrower. �
<br /> � 18. earrower's Right t0 Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain condiGons, Borrower shall have the nght to have� . ` `
<br /> � e n f o r c e m e n t of th?s Secu r i t y �nstrumen: discontinued at any time prior to the eariier oY (a) 5 days (or such other period as�
<br /> applicable law may sPeci(y for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power o f s a l e c u n t a i;e d P�i s S e c u r ri y . .
<br />"� instrumetit or (b) enby of a judgment entorcing this Security �nstrument Those conditions a►e that 8orrower a a Lender all Q . _
<br /> ` sums which then wou►d be due under this Securiry�nstrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred: @1 cures anY� .
<br /> � delauft of any other covenant or agreements: (c) pays ail expenses incuRed in entorang this Security Instrument, induding. 6ut �.
<br /> �
<br /> ynot limited to, reasonable attomeys'fees: end (tn takes such action as Lender may reasonably requEre to assure that the lien of�
<br /> } this Security Instrument. Lender's rights in tha P►operiy and Bortower's obGgation to pay the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrumerrt shali cont3nue unchanged- Upon reinstatement by 8ortower, this Securfty InsVUment and the obligations secured
<br /> i � ' •
<br /> hereby shall rema�n futty effective as"rf no acceleration had occutred. However, this right to reinstate shall not appy in the case � ` � �
<br /> ' of acceler�►tion under paragraph 17. � . ` � , __
<br /> � ' 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan SBPV1Ce�. The Note or a a partial interest in the Note (togetner wrth ihis
<br /> J _:___"�
<br /> Securfry�nstrument) may be sold one or more times without pnor noUce to Borrower. A sale may resutt in a change in the enMy u�_
<br /> (known zs ihe'Loan Service►")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument. There also may - _- __
<br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. if there is a change of the Loan Servicer. ' 4� �
<br /> Borcower will be given written notice ot the change in accordance with p�g�Ph 14�js shoud belm d'e.IaThe noUce wileals'o, � �
<br /> state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to whtch paym ���` • •^ v
<br /> 0
<br /> contain any ether intormatinn required by appGcable law. , . .�'�
<br /> . ���__ .
<br /> � 20. H228�do11S Sub8t8fiCeS. Bonower shatl not cause or permit the presenc� use. dlsposal, storage,or release of t�.:',._ :•
<br /> � any Hamrdous Substances on or in the Property. Bortower shall not do,nor allow anyone eise to do, anything affecting the - • ----i--��,:-=-
<br /> Property that is tn violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shail not apply to the presence. use, or � `
<br /> storage on the Properiy of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generalty recognized to be appropriate to narmal :_���
<br /> .��'�. residenUal uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall promptiy give Lender written noUce of any mvestigation, daim. demand, lawsud or other adion by any � �;;.'
<br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involv�ng the Properry and any Hazardous Substance or Environme�tal Law of +�. :
<br /> whicfi BoROwer has actual knowled9e• I f Bortewer leam s, o r i s n o t i fl e d b y a n y g o v e mmentel or re g ulato ry suthority, that any �,-�X'� -:
<br /> removal or other remedaUon of any Hazardous Substance aftecting Propetty is necessary. BoROwer shall promptly take ail �•_ . . .� .,�.
<br /> i
<br /> n¢cessary remedial actians in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> � As used in this paragraAh 20. 'Hamrdous Substances' are those substar►ces deflned as toxio or hazardous substance>by ` : :'�;;�:',
<br /> � Envlranmee�tel Law and tfie toilowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammabte or to:dc petroteum produc4s, toxlc r :
<br /> pestiades and herbicides. volafile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde. and ra�:aactive materials. As used in
<br /> `'. �-��,��„�._,-
<br /> paragraph 20. 'Envlronmental Law' means federal lawa and laws of the Juds diedon w here t he Prop e r ry I s located lhat relate to ��<�r :_+{� �•
<br /> �r
<br /> health,safely or emironmenta!protection. ; ,_ ��I6 ;' �
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bortawer and Lender fuRher covenant and agree as toliows: •iR�'�"-' !��
<br /> •� 21. Acceleratton; Remedies. Lender shalf giva notice to Borrower priar to acceleratton ; � �_.
<br /> following Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not �� ' . -�
<br /> • prior to acceleration under paragraph 1? unless applicable law provides otherwise). Thv notice �;�,::� �,— �
<br /> shail specify: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date. nat less than '��. �f�^_
<br /> � 30 days from the date the �otice is given to Borrower. by which the defauft must be cured; and �.:�•�:;�_�...:
<br /> .�_•
<br /> (d) that iailure to cure the defaut4 on oP betore tha data sp-tifled !n t3ae notice may result in �,.....--�4.��y .
<br /> � �. a�celsratimn of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sate of the Property.The natice �,. ��'`-' `
<br /> �^.. �,
<br /> � shaU further iMorm Borrawer of the right to reingtate after acceteration and the rigl�t to bring a r�},f:
<br /> nce of a default or any other detense off Bonower to �;rih_.�.•
<br /> court action to assert the non-existe . -
<br /> acceleration and sate. If the do4ault is nat cured on or botore the da4o spect�ied in the noltco, :..�;�,�;�4�y�,:':
<br /> ___•� .� � ...ea e ..s.,mpnt In full of all sums secured by thla Security __,....,.,,�,,,_. �'-
<br /> i.ender ai iiis u�,ii'v� .��sy :sy::t.^ .sss......_!� .-,-•---�- . r,�,,,,�.---
<br /> instrument without 4u�ther demand and may invoke the power of sate and any other remedies ; ;:;z„.
<br /> permittad by appltcabfe Iaw. Lender shall be entitfed to cot�ect all expenses in�urred in pursutng :,�...�• °� ���r
<br /> the �emedtoa provlded in this paragraph 21. Including, but not Umited to. reasonable atiorneys' 'Y�:
<br /> ..,,,°.-
<br /> • fees and costs of titte evidence. '�°-���=
<br /> � � tf the power of sale la Invoked. Trustee shatl record a natice of deiault in each county in , . � �_
<br /> � �vh9�h any part of the Property Is located and s1�a11 mail copies of s��h notice in the manneP :
<br /> ` . - � prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the othe� persons prescribed by applicable law. � .
<br /> • � After the time required by appllcabte law, Trustee shatl give public notice of sale t�the pe�ons
<br /> � and In tho manner prescribed by applicable Iaw. Trustea, without demand on Borrower, shall sell
<br /> . � the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the 4�rms . , .
<br /> : i designated tn the notice of sale In one or more parcels and tn any order Truatee determinea.
<br /> •i Tr�stee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public an�ouncement at the •
<br /> time and placs of any prevlousiy scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchase the .
<br /> �-._,
<br /> Property at any sale. _ -
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's
<br /> deed conveying the Property.The recitals in the Trustee's deed shali be prima iacie evidence of . . __
<br /> tho truth of th� statements made therein. Trustee shali apply the proceeds of the sale in the _ �
<br /> follo�nri�g order: (a) to ail costs and expenses of exercising the power ot sale. and the sale. �°`
<br /> irtcludi�g the paymon4 of the Trustee's toes actuatly incurred, not to exceed three „ � _
<br /> 9'0 of the principal amount of the .
<br /> • note at tho tirree of ghe declara4ion of de4aut4, ond reasonable a4torney's fees a9 permitt0d by Iaw: '�
<br /> i (b) to all snms secured by this Security instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons . • —
<br /> logaily en4itled to it.
<br /> �
<br /> , -
<br /> � • .
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<br /> 1 _—
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