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<br /> be immediateIy due and payable.Ttus fee is automarically waived if the assumer is exempt under the grovisiuns of ` ` �;:;,,,--
<br /> 38 U.S.C.3729(c). - -
<br /> (b) ASSUMPTION PROCESSING CHARGE: Upoa application for approval to allow assumption of this , , � �.. ""''� '
<br /> loan, a processing fee may be charged by the loan holder or its authorized agent for determining the _
<br />� creditwonhiness of the assumer and subsequendy revising the holder's ownezship records when an approved _ . . `"-��
<br /> transfer is completed.The amoimt of this charge shaU not exceed the maximum established by the Department of _ _��'^ •'
<br /> Veterans Affairs for a loan co whic�h Seccion 3714 of Chapier 37,Tide 38,United States Code applies. � :�' '� ��� �'-_ -_-__-___
<br />; (c)ASSUA+iPTION INDEMNITY L.IABILITY:If this obligation is assumed,then the assumer hereby ag�s �' `-�'..'�---_--
<br /> to assume all of the obligatians of the veteran under the terms of the instrumeats creating and securin8 the loan. �����..�:
<br /> The assumer further agrees to indemnify the Department of Veterans Affaics to the extent of any claun payment • •�-_ .-
<br /> arising from the guaranry or insurance of ths indebtedness created by this instrument. .,..�:_ ..-- _-
<br /> �. - _���.
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<br /> . ` ;.,.. �.
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