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� . <br />._,._ . _ - _ _ _ <br /> 101---WARRANTY DEED 4183-"'"`°"`°"'""""'�. <br /> ;; . <br /> �.KK�tn�x ,�1�. �r�t �� �����e �r���n��: <br /> ., THAT 't�e, Harold W. Harrington � Ruth E- Harrington, ri s k�if e <br /> j' � . <br /> of HaZI County, and State of Tdebr�.ska <br /> in consideration of the sum of One DolZar an.d other v��luable cansideration � <br /> in hand paid by Co'-'�usk er Farms <br /> of Hal� County, and State of Nebra5ka do hereby grant, bargain, <br /> sell, convey, and confirm unto the said �ornhu5ker F�rms the following <br /> described premises, situated in the County of Hall and State of Atebraska. to wit: <br /> A part of the nortrwest quarter of the northeast cuarter (?:4?'.rdE�') of �ection <br /> �I� To�•mship 12 I�?orth� Range 10� ��'est of the 6th P.r?, , more �arti cu?arly de- <br /> scr�bed as fol�o�rs: Commencin�f at the north�-est corner oi t:�e northwest c�uar- <br /> ter of the northeast quarter of saic� �ection 31; running tnence east u�on ��d <br /> a�ong the noxth line of the northwest quarter of tr e �ortheast q��ar�er oi saic� <br /> Sect3.on '�I, 252.. G feet, to a point on the souti� right-of-F��y line of the C. B. <br /> & � Railroa�l Ca. ; r� tnen.ce �outh 7� raeg.rees rG r.,ir:utes eust, �07. 4 feet <br /> to �t'r.e actua? �oint af be�inning; runi�ir� thence south 7� �.egrees �:6 m3.nutes <br /> east 370. 5 feet• ?'unnin� thence south 16 degrees l�" r�inutes z-�est, 85. 0 feet; <br /> running thence �outh 73 �egrees �6 �inutes east, �!59. 2 feet; run��in�; tl�ence <br /> south �0 oegrees Ol minu�e east, 1� 9 feet; runnin�� t��?ence :outh no degrees <br /> 29 Minut es eas�, 220. 0 f eet; runrlin� thence nortn 88 degrees �8 mirut es �est, <br /> 173. 0 feet; running t:�e�zce sauth 8 aegrees 07 r�inutes west, ��.�.6 feet; �un- <br /> ning t�:e.�ce north 89 degrees O1 �ninut e �est, �0�, 8 f eet; run�.in�� t'-1enc e nort�i <br /> 64 degrees 52 r^inutes �-�est, 89. 4 feet; rt�nnin�= thence n.ort�� 8� degrees 2� ray?:- <br /> utes west, �87. o feet; runnir�g trence north �8 degrees �l minutES tirest, 14-8. 8 <br /> feet;� t:nence nortn 16 tlegrees 1� ?�inutes e�.st, 71I. 9 feet, to the <br /> actuul �oint �f beginning; containing 1�.7�� acres more or I.ess <br /> T' �eed is giver_ to cor�ect t:e leg<<I t�.e�cri�-tion in �arr��=�y �3.eec.' record- <br /> ed in F�ook lI� at yage 297 of tr�e offici�:I �ee� records in tl-.e oiiice af tre <br /> Register af �eecis of_ hall Cour.ty, '`'eb'!"asl�e... <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the Estate, <br /> Right, Title, Interest, Claim or Demand whatsoever including Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights of the <br /> sa,id gr�.nt or s <br /> of, in,or to the same,or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said <br /> � and to it S heirs and assigns forever. <br /> gr��?t ee <br /> And �*e hereby covenant with the said grc.�:tee <br /> that �,re hold said premises by good and perfect title; that �-Te ha V e good right and lawful <br /> authority to sell and convey same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever. <br /> And we covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all <br /> persons whomsoever. �� <br /> � �r�r:i i 1 ,A.D., 1 7, <br /> Signed this 1'o'�h day of , , �� <br /> �, �,,. , �__.__. ---� <br /> � . c; - , <br /> , ;, <br /> In presence of .;......' �t-.Z�....,�... .... ::�.(�..�.�_.�L-.l.��-._.�'L.L..._._...._......- <br /> � <br /> , . <br /> C- - — <br /> - /�-./, , .. � � ... <br /> ; <br /> _: ..... ....�.K:..._��a.:..._�...Ct..t:%..;_:.�<�zr:........................................ -- <br /> � ' � J <br /> ---- — — — __� , _ . <br />