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78H30—QUIT CLALri DEED ( <br /> 51362�TNE�UGUSi�HECO.GR�XOISL�NO.NEBP. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I i <br /> �i THIS INDEIVTURE,Made this---�,�tYl..----.---day°f------------------1�.ril-------------------.--_..-----------------..-----.. �n the yenr one thousand li <br /> I, <br /> , ;: <br /> nine hundred and.._....f 1 ftiy—S eV @Il . ,between <br /> ��( <br /> �;T. H. rhrs am and ;�rari�n E. �'hr s^ �, hi s wif e, j; <br /> �; <br /> !� ��, <br /> i� <br /> �; <br /> I I oJ the f irst pnrt,anc{ <br /> �� • <br /> j� Alta Jensen I� <br /> �: <br /> ,; <br /> II !� <br /> i� �i <br /> i� of t�ie s�crnu�pnrL <br /> i 'I <br /> � WITNESSETH, that the said part_1_e� the irst '' <br /> f J part,in consideration of the sum of <br /> il, _..OnE._Do_l_lar_.�nd-otner v�.luable -c�nsid�r�tion---- -- - --_-----= -- -_-----��i� '' <br /> il <br /> I to...__.f:}1.�T+1.._._dc�ly paid, [he receipt u�hereof is herebyteknowledfled..._._. +.^..__ . naDe ....... .... ......remisecl, releasecl, and �,� <br /> i� <br /> �i quit-clnimed, and by these presents do .. (or ___...... 1ti1.ETi1...seI.Y.2_S_� v.'�,w@1.S _._..... ..._..._heus, e.recutors, and nd � <br /> ---... i <br /> i� ministrators, remise, release and foreoer quit-claim and convey unto the said part_.y.._..of the second pnrt,and to.....�.�r..................... ii <br /> �I heirs an�nssigns (orever, aII._....tt_il.el_�'___.______riglit, title, interest,estate..._.................__...._._.._c�nim anc� clemand, bot�i at law nnd in �i <br /> �� equity,oj, irti and to all <br /> li <br /> i <br /> j! t"esteriy Thirty-three (331 feet Of Lo� Tiiree (3) in Elacr One Hun�red <br /> ;! Thirty-four (13�) i� Union Paczfic RailkTay Cor.►pan.y t s Secon�i Add;tion <br /> �; to tne cit�T of Gra:=d Isla?Zd, �all County, iTebraska, <br /> i� <br /> ;, ; <br /> �: <br /> I� <br /> i' I; <br /> i; I� <br /> ,i� <br /> iI <br /> ;' <br /> �i , . ,', <br /> i i u„i�i ;r I, �i u„� i:+ , <br /> I \ '� <br /> �I 8F� I ,4_�� ; I�I <br /> II �'', ��:.� I <br /> � '� 'I I �! <br /> ' i <br /> I f �I II <br /> li A� i :.\ .�� I� '��� li <br /> � 1' AI . Y I Y . Y - . <br /> Ii I� � YM; : �i �I <br /> � • I II y : <br /> II � <br /> II '� <br /> Ii II� <br /> �I I� <br /> ' TogetAer u�ith all ancl sin�ular the hereditaments thereunto 6elonging. I� <br /> � ;� <br /> i . ;� <br /> IITO H.AVE AND TO HOLD tF�e above�]escrihecl premises unto ��e sa«t.............�r4??�t ee !; <br /> �I _._her--..........._..... h�«s nncl assigns: so tltat neitlier...--------.---....i�I�_----_----.__._.._..------.__the said II <br /> _ I; <br /> II - _ <br /> �� rai;.tors---... �I <br /> li g.._._ _ .. , nor any person in.....___..._.OUZ'___.__.................___. ....__nnme nnd behnl�, shall or will Fteren(ter claim or�Iemmid !I <br /> � nny right or title to the saitl premises or any part thereof, hcd they antl every one of them shnll br these presents he�sclucl�d arid)or- I' <br /> i ' <br /> i ev�r harre�. �I <br /> i <br /> ( �I <br /> 1N ��ITNI:SS �VHEREOF, the said part__�.:e� o(the first part ha-d.e. _ Fiereunto set.......OUI'.___.,_._ ._...._..._.........___hnnd ii <br /> , " �,i <br /> �' and seal!,S_.....the day nnd yenr abo�e written. � . � � , � <br /> �� �..--....__ �� <br /> j Si�ned.senled nnd deli��ered in presence o) / / � <br /> .--�'/...y..............._ ..�.�..t�.- Kt%��LL-..... - --- i� <br /> ��� ' ^ <br /> �l �; <br /> I ..�!"_..4'('.�x:,G�,'...- �..- .�.�,.Z,L�2=ll�G� I� <br /> , ( �I <br /> ; i <br /> �: ;. <br /> „ ----..............._-�-------�-.......................................... <br /> ..... --- - - - ..._..._..............__- - -- �–-- ......... <br /> II ...........- - -...- •�- ,i <br /> ,� <br /> �! �-- --...----- -- - ..._._._....._.............._ - ... � ...- -----�- - __ ._ - -- ................ ...._-� ............_...... - .-........---- �i <br /> , <br /> ;. <br /> �; <br /> _.._.,._. _�._ <br /> ii <br /> i. . - ._ - .._..._""'T, <br />