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... � ' � The Iiuffman Oenerak 9npp17 Honse.Lincoln,Nebr. <br /> .. y7GiH'EiQTS=Qtedited) . _ . _. . _ __..._.___._-_. __. ._ . . . <br /> C'_:. ..__��____. ...... _._.. ._ <br /> ..._. ..__. . . . <br /> -�' � '�N �; � '°-- , YE <br /> • • _da o --�-------- � ------- 9 <br /> ---�-----------, I <br /> ;,,��'�, ,�, ��stca_._.:. . � o��t����_...�------------- y f----------- �- _. be <br /> _ a <br /> ;, ,._ �.;_.._. <br /> --- <br /> ,J' �.� � .:?'. _. SS. <br /> �� <br /> � � - '� _..Gounty J �ne, the asndersigned a Notarl• Public, dail�� couunessioned a�id qxnli e or <br /> R <br />�. : �-'____�_. _ ._�_...:R��._.._..- - <br /> ' ��� �! '� � � � i�z said coainty, personally ca7�te_.._._Ther2sa_fiostler.a.._�..Single...P-�zS.Qri-,-- <br /> Cx : : ., <br /> . _ _ --- <br /> , ,U��,9 3 . _...--- ------ <br /> i � E x r t�C Y�1;C= ,;:` '' ------•--------------------°------------------------------- <br /> ----------- --------------------� <br /> .• <br />! ` ----------------• . <br /> . . . _ <br /> . •` <br /> .F�, �� ,y � _.....,�.,; ._ - --- --- <br /> ,,`•. . q ,,.' _ ------- ----------------- ----- ----- -----� �- --- -------��- <br />� '� -.''•.....•• nC�r- - ----------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> _,a � U� ;�� � <br /> to �ne kno��n to be the ideratical person or perso�is �c�liose nnm� is or �:nntes are <br /> � 1 `` (SEAL) afftxed to the foregoing instru��sent and ack�to�eledc�ed the erectttion thereof to be <br /> liis, her or ticeir voluntary act¢nd deed. <br /> Witness ncy hand and Notarial ���le da�� and 1�enr last above <c�ritten. <br /> �,��,�r,�!..1�.'.._6�-T/...\�otnr�� Pub(ic <br /> fL� ��C(..,�..�-l•r.s/., I�_� <br /> NI y Co�nmission expires tlie._.l_..._.....da�' o f----- - ---- <br /> �- :�--� /' �� 57.__, before <br /> � _.. ,. /%�,tL�------ -------------� 19---- - <br /> STATE.OF--NEI3RASKA.----•--••--•- On this------------------------day °f-------------------- <br /> �ss. <br /> ------� - <br /> ______._...............County �zie, tlze undersigned a Notary Pz�blic, dul�� cornruissioned nnd qunlified for <br /> Prank Hostler_..and_,�osephine.Hostler, <br /> -• = in said cou�aty, personally ca�ize.............. - � <br /> a ,;txt:Jt�` ;, ...- ---- <br /> ;���. � �>'.',,, hiS wif e, --- - - -------- ---- --------- ------- ------ ---- <br /> •'� ----- -------- -- -- ---- ---------- <br /> ,. ,..... � �f --------- <br /> .�\:'4 a+�>iq <';.,� ---- -------- --------------- ---------------------- --- �-----�--------•------------� - <br /> :r�� ` . ------ <br /> `•';; u' -��`Y � to ��ie known to be the identical person or persons �e�hose nar�ie is or �annaes nr¢ <br /> ���.� .: iS�i 0 i Y K � . <br /> �:`c � '•���'��c°�� � a�'ixed to the fo�•egoinginstyu�rtie�tit a.nd ack�zo��dedged the exectittion thereof to be <br /> �:(.��Irl.;,, <br /> � ''•: o �: �� <br /> y,�; s�.b•':��i� ' 12is,hey or their voLaentary act and deed. <br /> � ...•• r� <br /> � �y' ��'j � i�`` L�itness nay liand and NotarinjSeal the da�� and 1'ear last above �e�ritte�t. <br /> , <br /> ,.. _ <br /> .; ., .., <br /> � �`. <br /> ------s' �''a--�-a--.-`-�---`.-----�r�Vottrr}' Pttblit <br /> 111y Co»L��aiss:on expzres the----�-�----da�' of�-:'-J`-R-�t�--;_-_.:r-tf,.�----� I�� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> G", / <br /> � , <br /> .. . / ' 'i=---`-���".....-'----'-----", I J'S-7--'-, v�f0Y2 <br /> SOUTH D:�KOTA On tl:is---------------------daY �f----------•------ ' <br /> STATEOF---•-----------•�---------------•- <br /> ss. <br /> C�+...�,.�_�r_y_________._County ryne, tJ2e iindersigned a Notary P2�blic, dirl�� cont»tissio�+ed a�td qunlified for <br /> ---•------------- <br /> . ohn �I Hostler and i�lar�ar�t Hostler, <br /> in said coicsily, personally carne----^I-----------'--------�-----�--�---------- <br /> --- <br /> his..wif e-�------------------------------------------------------------�---------------�---------�-- ----�---...--- <br /> - ------ ------- ---�-------------�------ -........-�--�-�------ i <br /> . �------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> I to lsie kno�vn to be t1Te identical person or rersons �uhose naine is or �innces are i <br /> (SEAL) a�'i.xed to the foregoing instrtc�nent a�id ack�io�c�ledged the e:Len�tion tharcof to be i <br /> l:is,her or tl2.eir voluntary act and deed. j � � <br /> tiG'itness ��ay hnnd and Notmial Senl��e da�� astd �'enr Inst nboz�e_it�,��ttesi;. <br /> _ � ����,���:� <br /> -1------- - �t -=-- � � f� ��� �� <br /> �-�� =� : <br /> � a � � <br /> z, - -� _ � . � : <br /> My Conzn�ission ex fiires tke--J-�--- -dQ)' °f-� --=--- --` �r,�--� '--- ���s� ' • <br /> . ::e �5�. r��• __ _�• i <br /> �� ;. �'3 -, ''� <br /> , NFBRASKA .-----•---- O�z this_----�--V----------da1' °f--- ------1--Y�-f}.��-N...-�----- ��� x �5�,���at'e <br /> STAT� OF-----=---- - -- - �:.,c+r . <br /> ss. •. : ,,,, <br /> ., i <br /> .____y_�[}.�..�_______________County �ne, the undersigned ¢ 1VOt¢Y1' P2�blic, duly cor�intiissio�aed n�1d qi�nli�ed �or , <br /> in said county, personally came_._.___.`_nna Howell_and Ben._Howell, ______________ <br /> \ ------- ----- <br /> her husband, -•- <br /> ' ���,�.��l i�ti -- --- ------------- -----------------------•--------•------------------- �---------------- ----- -----�-----------•- <br /> Q•,.�QtkR/qt �a�j, �, ,� to y�ie knourn to be the identical person or persons whose na��ie is or na��ies are <br /> `�'•:c�, ��'� '"- + SEt�,} a�'ixed to tTae f oyegoing instrunient and ackno�ledged the execution thereo f to be <br /> ; ,_`�;��SS���i: y, . <br /> �^ :e� : _ • c._—._ his,her or their voLuntary act¢nd deed. <br /> � _ �' - --E lCFtf�� � _ <br /> �'•., � bVitsress my ha.nd and Notarin al tl: d ti� cylid ear last above «�ritten. <br /> , _ <br /> ;� P .�.: .�. - / - _ <br /> � <br /> .,'',:,�6Uf,'g;!t.`., ` -` ---•'- � --•-----•-•----...Notary Public <br /> •; �._ <br /> ---•- •-- --- --- -- --- <br />, �����,� <br /> _._, �. :.�:�. . / — <br /> My Co�nrnission ex¢ires thc._.<--•-------dQ•ti' °f-----�--• •----vG-��--�-----••� 79-------- <br /> •� • <br /> e . .. . . - ._ _ <br />