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ADMINISIRATOR'S DEED <br /> KNOW ALL 1¢�T BY rHESE PRESENTSs lhat, in pursuance of an Order of the Hon. <br /> Williae� F. Spikes, Jvdge of the District Court of Hali County, Nebraska, made� on the <br /> 23rd day of November, 1956, I was licensed by said Judge to sell at public auction, <br /> in the manner provided by law, the real estate hereinafter described; that therevpon <br /> I gave notice of the time and place of said sale, as required by law, and at the time <br /> and place therein specified, aftar said sale had been opened for one hour, sold said <br /> real estate at public aaction to w. H. Erhsam, of the County of Hall, State of <br /> Nebraska, for the sum of Three Thousand One Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($3,175.00), <br /> he being th�highest bidder therefor; that said sale was thereupon reported to said <br /> Judge of the District Court, and by the Hon. E. G. Kroger, one of the Judges of the <br /> District Covrt of Hall County, Nebraska, and by him, in ail things confirmed, and I <br /> was ordered to make a deed of conveyance to said premises to said purchaser. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, I, Marjorie M. Fitzpatrick, Administratrix With Will Annexed of <br /> the Estate of Laura Johansen, deceased, in consideration of the premises and the su�a <br /> of Three Thousand One Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($3,175.00), so bid and paid by <br /> the said W. H. Ehrsam, and by virtne of the powers vested in me by sai�rder and <br /> proceedings, do, by these presents, grant, sell and convey unto the said Y1. H. Erhsam <br /> and to his heirs and assigns, the real estate described as follows: <br /> The Westerly Thirty-three (33) Feet of Lot Three <br /> (3) in Block One Hundred Thirty-four (134), in <br /> Union Pacific Railway Company's Second Addition <br /> to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> with all hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertain- <br /> ing, to have and to hold unto him, the said W. H. Erhsa� and to his hefrs and assigns <br /> forever. p <br /> f�i� <br /> In Witness fAhereof, I have hereunto set my hand this �2�day of April, 1957. <br /> _ I , ,�' � <br /> II�' _ � . <br /> � � _ Lj. /��J-_ <br /> � � 'd.: " � / �XYL /� <br /> - Admin tratrix INith Annexed of the <br /> Estate of Laura Johansen, Deceaaed. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ( ss. On this /� day of April, 1957, before me, the under- <br /> COUNTY OF NALL ) signed, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and quali- <br /> fied, in and for said County, personally came <br /> Ma� or ''M:-;;Fitzpa,trick, Administratrix With 1Yi11 Annexed of the Estate of Laura <br /> � . ��� <br /> ;��Qh�ra.sen, Ble�tt�s�eii:� personally known to �e to be the identical peraon whose name is <br /> �::;}u?��sflibl�l �d�e foragoing instrument as Grantor, and acknowladged the e xecution <br /> ?>;-tt��eQf �o�kie hs� r�oluntary act and deed as such Ad�ainiatratrix INith Mill Annexed, ` <br /> ,;; ..:,. <br /> -;;�ri� the `pu4�pog�� therein expressed. <br /> ;Y4`��li�. Mj S •". C�:i fi � <br /> :ry�.?' v �Ml�tne-s� �i=1��nd and off icisl seal the day and year last above xritten. <br /> ;ts:�� �, +' .� x� .. � <br /> �;� .- � .� � - <br /> �;�,'x , 4 ' � t - <br /> ;i5. °�,�� t f L$ ^ <br /> ::5.;:rs, . <br /> '��., r Y , • �. <br /> IMy cod�mission �xpirQS: <br /> y �y�� ote Public <br /> r'—'—"— � �,_�����Register of Deeds <br /> Filed f r record ppril 13, 1957, at 8:30 A.M. Hall County�,Nebr. <br />