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. - . .���. - :__ - - <br /> STATE OF_�T?��r.asl�.____:i On tkis.----a�.th_----•--day of---._J:as�ztarJ---.- --.-•.... .....:.... r9--��_, before ' .' <br /> }ss. ` , <br /> ••......................_..'�_Ji.��.l.._..�County J me, the uxdersigned a Notary Public, duly commusioned and qualified ,for <br /> in said county, �ersonally came..----�'X__7.���_.:.52.�.��X'_���"}7�7.,�._.�Y;S�i�3�-- ---_--• <br /> Q i.`', �tf ijr1/. -----------------•°-._. _..-°---°----------°---- • •- - ..... -°- -° • - <br /> ..� .... _.. .. .. ...i. <br /> p ;_ __... ..--- •-•• ----- . _ . . <br /> �;ty�,`,a R� _ , <br /> _ ,� ��� .'=� _ to rne knozvn to be the identical person or persons whose name is or names are <br /> _�,�fi10 ta� :r-: <br /> __;�p t�t�i S? a ffrxed to the f oregang instrument and acknowledged the executiox thereo f to be <br /> . gKQIRcS K:�_ <br /> 's,����+c a+ w�0�-�: hu, hes or their voluntary act and deed. <br /> .• .1:3� " Q' , � ' <br /> �:g�'�c'y��••<<��@�`` iYitness niy hand and lYotarial Seal the day year tast abo^de written. <br /> ...r... -------- -- --� _ ._ ._Notary Public. <br /> ' . <br /> My Co+nmiss+on erpires tke----�`�#.'aday of_.U.��.�7C��,2��'._:. __...._., tg.._�?�.. �: <br /> STATEOF_...._..---••-----•------•--.__.--� On this....••-------...-•• oJ_.......--•••-••.......••----•------------------•••----� 19---•••---•, before <br /> ss. • <br /> ..............••--•------........_.-----•••--.County � me, the undersig�ed a Notwy Public, duly cotnmtssioned and qualified for :" <br /> in said county� p�so�,tty �ome-------•----�..............•-•-----....___...__.......__....-------��-- -----------� : <br /> to me knourn to be the identical pesson or ¢ersons �hose name rs or na�:ies are. <br /> afJfxed to 1he /oregoing instru�nent and acknowledged the execution tliereof to be <br /> his, her os their voluxtary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal !ke day and year last obove zvritte». <br /> ---------•....:........_..---•------._..-•-.� ._._..........1Votary Public. ' . ' <br /> �ty Co»tndssiox expires thc ..-----_....daY of •........ .....:.. _....�, t9..:... �: <br /> _� � ,t <br /> � � � � � � � � -� <br /> '; <br /> :`3 <br /> ,. � •.-, ; .� „ <br /> � o o � � � � <br /> � � � � tl :� •� � ��� <br /> h � N � � � d ;A 'Q. �Fi <br /> . . /1 ... . 7 �...�_-. � q Q, � _ N <br /> FI . : w� p'7 GS :`ti ;q . . <br /> . W . w � '<l � i�. �O � . .��° <br /> , 0: e� V <br /> . � � �"�i " O � d ' �. �Y.��j . . .�a ' <br /> � A ,� � �' � r d o; y :•� „ ry '. <br /> m �. �, �a � �' d ; � ; <br /> R''d '�E Q ,x � � `'� °' ;� W ��; <br /> °' � � ►ti'i • p, � Q ,, �; <br /> �° U W E� � O �� � � .�' � p ' a � <br /> � 'z, o>i �' �3i � '� ,,.� � o m p � <br /> �'° s °' o, o �;. <br /> � � � a� � x" d , r-,I �ei � � � <br /> � - --�� �; � � � � � � � •N � � <br /> w " " � � � '�; <br /> �' "� �`� o m � X o`".o� `b � �� <br /> z1 � ''-t v' W c, �'° o � � �i �� <br /> �+ � � �' f� � .0 C� '�` � �mq J< �,� <br /> N��`�� ... r� �i W o. � �'-'�?� � '' �' s,� '�) d F � � � <br />� � N H .oVi Gl �-*�' �+ � �" �.�� <br /> M. . :�►-� L� . � ..i.� b CS. 't! O � r,� .� <br /> d . . c 4Y u,���' s�� �.�. <br /> � �' <br /> �.k: ���_r 1f <br />