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,3 <br /> � 78—QUIT CLAIM DEED ' The Huffman General Supply House, Lincoln, ATebr. <br /> � <br /> ! THIS INDENTURE, Made this �� day of Apri j , in tlae year o�ce thousastd <br /> i <br /> � nine hundred a�id fifty—seven , betwee�a Raymond H. Farabee and �:ar�jorie <br /> his wife, <br /> ; Farabee, / of Yakima, Washi ngt on, <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> ' of the first part, and Melvin L. Farabee, of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> o f tlie second part, <br /> ; WITNESSETH, that the said fiart i e So f the first ¢art, in consideration o f tlte sicm o f <br /> � -----ONE AND NO�1�00--------------------------------------------DOLLARS, I <br /> ; to them duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged �•emised, released, and <br /> ;; quit-claimed, and by these pyesents do for them sel VeS� th21T laeirs, executors and ad- <br /> ministrators, yemise, release and forever quit-claim a,nd convey unto tlze said part y of the second part, and to <br /> hi S heirs and assigns forever, all the i r right, title, interest, estate claim asad <br /> demand, botlz at law a.nd in equity, o f, in and to all <br /> � <br /> t <br /> ' The Sou�h Seventy-five (75) feet of Lot Thirteen � 13) i� <br /> � of the ounty Sub�Division of part of the South Half �S�) , <br /> � of Section Five (5) , Township Nine (9) , Ivorth, Range j� <br /> Nine (9) � West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, T�ebraska j <br /> i <br /> I <br /> i � <br /> ��I. <br /> �: <br /> ii <br /> I� <br /> i, <br /> C <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ( <br /> � <br /> i <br /> �I <br /> � Together with all a�zd si�igular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. Ii <br /> � <br /> I <br /> } TO HAPE'AND TO HOLD the abo�e described ¢remises unto the said Nte lvi II L. Farabee <br /> 1 <br /> h i s laeirs and assigns; so that neither we the said <br /> i ,. ��g�a�n`toT,$nor any person in ouT nanae and behalf, shall or w�ill Izereafter claim or de- � <br /> •, �.. . � <br /> �� � '��� �` �'�(`.� <br /> .'; n2�nd any riY�lit or title to the said ¢remises or ¢ny p¢rt thereof, but they and every one of them shall by these ! <br /> i ;, , - ' ... �- • . iI <br /> �;,�ire&er�ts be excl�ycled and f orevey barted. i <br /> , ,>i ` � i <br /> ';IN TWI.TN�SS WHEREOF, the said part i e S o f the f irst �art ha ve laerezanto set t he i I' hand S � <br /> ; and seal S the day and year above written. <br /> ? 7� `�, <br /> ; Signed,sealed and del%vered in presence of O <br /> y._(�.����.r��c�� <br /> - ------�.f�z����---------- <br /> ' � i <br /> ` � I <br /> ' ` ° � .G4=:�Ca°�-�-�Z_ �+ <br /> � -- -- - - ----° ---• ------•----------------------- ; <br /> , <br /> , <br /> I <br /> , <br /> . <br /> , <br /> i --------------•---...--------------•---•--°--------------•-----------••------------------------ <br /> -- -••----- <br /> 1 <br /> = ------------•-•--.....----•-•-----•--....----.._._._..•-------•-•--------...........--•--•------ --._.....-•-•---------••••--•--.._......-•-•---•--••---•----------------•--•---...-•-----------• <br /> . <br /> � <br /> _ _ _. --.___ <br /> -�• . <br />