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I <br /> y I�. <br /> _ ____ --_ <br /> ' __.__ .-... _ .___- .-"_'_ ..._._.__ �--.___.'.'_ <br /> _"_""' __.____ --_ _--_"__-"__-_"-_-_--_- .-__'"___-__ "____..._ "___--_" _ ___ _ __.__' .. <br /> 103�p—WARRANTY DEED�e�ut Tenancy—Vesting Entire Title In Snrvivor (Eevised) The Fiuffman Genera( Supply House, Lincoln, Nebr. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR�SENTS, That John P. Karl e and Nodin e Karl e� <br /> husband and wi�e, and William H. Karle and Ida Karle, hua�and and wife, ' <br /> I <br /> � <br /> �' <br /> � iu consideration of ONE A71d NO�I00 (�1.00�— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DOLLAP.S <br /> ; and other good r�nd valuable consi3eration, <br /> � in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, con�•ey ancl co�ifirin unto Wi17.iam H. Karle &t1C� <br /> , <br /> Ida Karle, huaba.nd and wife, <br /> � <br /> li <br /> � as JOI�1T T�NANTS, and not as tenants in common; the follo���inb described real estate, situated in the Cotmty of <br /> ('' <br /> ��� <br /> �j�Z�, a�id State of Nebras'.�R , to-�vit: <br /> i, <br /> i, <br /> ;! <br /> ;� The East Half oY the �outh�vast Quar�er <br /> �' (E�:3�J`) o�P See�:Lnn Fifteen (151, in <br /> i� Towns�ip El.even (11), riortii, R�,noe Teii <br /> ,� (10), 4Veet o� the 6th P.I�., in Ha11 <br /> ; Count r, Nebr�s:�a; <br /> ,i <br /> i� <br /> �! <br /> �; <br /> �I <br /> ',i <br /> � <br /> �I ' <br /> � <br /> I� <br /> I <br /> i <br /> ; <br /> ' together with all the teneulents, hereditaments and apPurtenances to the same belongina, and all the estate, title, �� <br /> ido�ver, riaht of homestead, claiin or demand ��-hatsoe�-er o� tlie said aratitor 3 , ot, in or to the sacne, or any part <br /> � thereof; subject to <br /> Ij <br /> �I <br /> �; No exc�ptions. <br /> �I <br /> I, ( <br /> � <br /> 1T li�I�G TH� INTF_NTION OI� AI.L PAPTIi�S I�II�.RI?TO, T3I:�T IN TII� ]:VTNT OF TFII; DEATFl <br /> OP' �ITHEP� OF SAID GRANTr�S, TIIT: r\TIRE FET? SI�IPI,T? T]TLE TO TII� P�EAL rSTAT� ll�- <br /> �II - � . - , � <br /> �� SC:P�IPrD HLR�IN SIIAI,L �'I:ST IN THr SLR��I\-1\G G1.:��TrE. <br /> i, <br /> i'�� TO HAV� ANll TO IIOLD the abo�°e described premises, ���ith the appurteuances, unto the said grantees as � <br /> �� )OINT T�NANTS, aucl not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor i�' <br /> I� of them, forever, and W6 the grantor 8 named hercin for OU2'8@ZV°8and OUI' heirs, executors, and <br /> i administrators, do covenant ��-ith the grantees na�ned her�•in and ��•itl� thcir assi;ns and ��ith the heirs and assigns � <br /> � of the survivor of the�n, t]Iat we are la«-fully seized o[ said preinises; that they are free froui inciimbrance ' <br /> � exccpt as stated herein, and that wB the said grantor8 ha�•e good right and la��•ful authorit�� to sell the <br /> same, and that We «•ill and OUT' hcirs,_ executors and administrators shall �varrant and de- <br /> � fend the same unto the grautees naincd l�crein and tmto t}ieir assigiis aud i:��to the licirs and assi�ns of thc sur- � <br /> � vivor of tliem, forever, against the la�cful daims of all l�crsons ��homsoc��cr, exclu�ling thc ezccptious naiiicd hcrcin. �� <br /> !' II� `�IITNL$S �VH�R�OF We have hereunto sct OU"L' handS this /Ll T.'day of <br /> i� aepteMber , 19 56. <br /> , � --- --�- -- .............- �- - �-- --- -�� ----------------�--------- <br /> ii <br /> n ------�---....- - -......._.. �-�-�-�-�-�--- -- ..... -- ------------------ <br /> !� � lI��„ � '� <br /> In presence of � �C..._ _'L';':�:�::..,==--.:=:z ,/� ��.::._ <br /> , � ' --.. . �' <br /> �! _ . <br /> � -� -- .....-� <br /> _ . ��yt ` � ' t <br /> �E�� y.� <br /> �'i ��c._..�� -----�-- - -..... ---- --- . <br /> ------ -��---------------- ---;9 --�----, -----------------1-------� - - _. ..... . ; . .. .. -- � - �"���,-.. � <br /> / - -�' <br /> . <br /> � ,�� <br /> jf��./IA�..,rci .4�_ �. . .. <br /> �< <._. �. .. . <br /> ;, l ' 'e, -Y' ,j; � . ..� -i t-��'�'^"'�--�---�--�----------°°------ <br /> ------•---------�--------�------------------------------------------------ -�---�--- L � -- --f-'=- - -�:: -- <br /> ----- —_-- ---- ------------- - ---- ---- -__ <br /> -- � --- -- -------- — -------- — — <br /> _--- --- —— _ <br /> i <br />