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---__.__------ ; <br /> --_.._.,--— --- ------------- ---------- ----. <br /> -- -_-- <br /> 103—WARRANTY DEED The HuHma❑ Gene:at Supply FIouse, Lincoln, \ebr. <br /> ' �� <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: !! <br /> i <br /> THATIor We, Donald H. Hansjosten and Barbara Hansjosten, each in i <br /> ,I <br /> his and her own right and as husband and wife �� <br /> �' <br /> �! <br /> of t12e CounEy of Larimer , State of Colorado for a�td ia: considcrcr/ion of fhe <br /> Isum o • �' <br /> f One Dollar and other valUable consideration DoLZ�nlzs. ; <br /> -------------- � <br /> in hand paid do Tiereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirna i�nto TJise SteW�lrt � <br /> �; <br /> �� <br /> i <br /> ii <br /> � <br /> of the County of Merrick ,State of Nebraska , flte follozving descr•ibed real estate �I <br /> situated in ,�n Hall Coi�raEy, State of Nebraska , to-zerif: <br /> ; Lot Thirty-one (31) , of Geer Subdivision of Lots ' <br /> iSix (6) , Seven (7) , and Eight (8) of Garrett's <br /> Subdivision of part of the East Half (E2) of <br /> � Section Nine (9) , Township Eleven (11) North, <br /> Range Nine (9) , tidest of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, according to the recorded plat thereof. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> II <br /> �I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> I <br /> j �� <br /> �i <br /> �! <br /> ;� <br /> I <br /> I j. <br /> , <br /> TO HAT�E AND TO HOLD tke firenaises above described, together �,ritl: all tlie Ter:e��tents, Heredit¢t�tents and <br /> appurten¢nces thereunto belotitging, unto the said W1Se Stewart <br /> �1i S �' <br /> • and to Ixeirs and assigns forever: � <br /> And I or We hereby covenant u�ith tlte said G��asitee or grantees and �c•it/: his, her or tlzeir hei��s and assigns, that I �: <br /> �. <br /> , avn or e are l¢�vfully seized of said firev�cises; t�fOt IffiC� subject LO �i <br /> encumbrances of record ;; <br /> � �: <br /> th¢t I or We have good right and Za^<vful authority to sell tlte sa��ze; a�:d I or I�%e I:ereby covenant to u�arrant and ', <br /> defend the title to said premises against tlte la2uful clairns of all persons whonasoever. ' <br /> And the said Donald H. Hansjosten and Barbara Hansjosten hereby relinq��islzes nll �; <br /> !, <br /> their right, title and interest i�a and to tj�e•above described pre�,��ses. ;; <br /> i� <br /> �i <br /> Signed tlais 1?�:� day of March , zg S� . �' <br /> � <br /> In Presence o - - - ----_- <br /> f -_-. - -- ------ - --------- -� -� ' <br /> , � <br /> ' -- -`-=`=--------�-----=------ -------- i� <br /> � -� ' .._ ' <br /> �. , � <br /> - -- --="--- -- ' <br /> � �� <br /> ------_--- ------- - � �I <br /> ------------------�--------------------�-------------------- � <br /> -- -- - - - � <br /> -- -- ---- -------- ------ ----�� -- � <br /> ;_: , . _. �� <br /> -- - -- ------------- -------------- ------------------------ - ---- k-� --- -"- <br /> -.... ._ - -- <br /> - � --- -- --- ---� --�----- <br /> il <br /> ;i <br /> �� <br /> -- ---�- -------�-------�-------�-----------------------------------------------�- ---- - -- � -- _....._ <br /> ,i <br /> � - ----- ------� ----�------------- � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> ----- - ----------------- ------�------------------------------�----------..... - - - -.- ... -� - -- ----��--------�---------�--------------------- '� <br /> - ---_- �i' <br /> - -- - <br /> ------- <br /> --_-- ---- -- <br /> — - -- - ,-- --_,- �--. <br /> _ � <br /> _ - �. � <br />