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<br /> peym�����d�Reu�ivee f om Borcower oir far Bo oR wer's benefi�t w U babapD�ecf tvst to nny amounts Barower owes o°ethe secured debi , ',
<br /> exclus�we of��terest ot prineiDa�.srscond to intereu4 and tt�en to pnnupal.It partial Prepayment ot Me securad debt oecu*a for eny reason, it wdl �,�,
<br /> � not reduce or exwse any echeduled paVmant undt the secured dsb4�s Daid m fult. • • .
<br /> Z,qaims pQafnst TfH�.Bonower witl pay all taxes,assessments,and other chargea emisutabie to the property when due and wili defend tiUe
<br /> to tho prop8rty a�o��0r mey hava ageinst P�artiss who supplY IaDor o�remateriais o improve or mra'u�ita n tha Fraperty��gn any righte.claims or
<br /> defensea which
<br /> 3,Insurana.Bortower wiil keap the propetty insured under tefma acceptab!e w Londer at Borcower'B e�cpense and for Lender'a benofit.All , -
<br /> insuranc�e 0fl���1►SAny inswana proeeeds may be9app1,ed8withinLe de s dr tion to'either U�e ras�torationaor apa isof�the damaged propaKy
<br /> or to the secured debt.H Lender requires mortgage�nsurance,Bortower a to mai�tain such insuranco for as tor.g as Lender requires.
<br /> 4.Propertq.Bonowar will keep the propercy in good condition and mak repa:rs rea WY n�$ssY• �'' '. - - --- .`
<br /> 6 �n r�n an�obli ation secured by rtiis deod of tr8ust.9onowe�r�l1 Pay these mou�its toelender�as provided kn Covenant 9 of this deed of '•
<br /> of trust o Y 9 .
<br /> bvst. . ' .
<br /> 6.Prtor Seturit�/�rKeroats.Untess Bortower first obtains Lender's written consant.Borrowar will not make or permit any changas to any priar
<br /> �c ud g�Bortow r's cove�ants It pmake p Yme��enedueobtigations under any prior,mortgage, desd of trust or other securitY agreement, ,
<br /> 7,psft M of R�rtb emd Protib.Bottower assigns to lender the tents and proTrts of the property Unless Bonower and Lender have a�esd
<br /> � eM,or ancour�t appo,nted eceiver maByCtak dpossess on anrd ma age the p oP nYrand collsct the ent BAny ertCs Lender cot eectsshal/be ' ' ` `
<br /> applied first to the costs of managin8 the property, includin�court costa and attomeys'tees, ccmmissiona to rental agents, and any other r ,
<br /> neeessary related expenses.The remammg amount of rents w�1 then apply to paymants on the secured debt as providad in Covena�t t.
<br /> , .��'�. `+
<br /> g,���,�����p�ann�d unit pavetapmenta.Bonower agrees to comp►V with the provisions of any Iease'rf this dead of tnu^t is on . t.,,_ __
<br /> a Ieasehold.M thfs deed of usist is on a unit In a condominium or a plannad unft develapment,Borrower wilt perfarm all of Bartower's dudes .
<br /> under the covenams,bydaws,or regutaUons af the condominium or planned unit devetopmerrt. .••��
<br /> 9.puthwky of Lender to Psrform tov Bcrrawsr. tf Bortower fails to pRowefs eame or�pa1Y enY amouM�t nec�essary t rpa�rmancee If any � � t� , �."'�
<br /> perfortn the dutles or puse them to ba Derformed.Le�der may sign Bo � , _�_-
<br /> construction on the property is disconUnusd or not carried on in a reasonable mannar,Lender may do whatever is neCessarll to protect Le�der's � • '
<br /> � seatrity interest in the properry•This may include complattng the construccion. ' . � _� =�-.�,�
<br /> •. =.'`�.:`•
<br /> Lender's failure to perform will not prectude Lender irom exercising any of its other righ�unQet the law a'this deed of Vust. � , .: '
<br /> � Any amounts paid by Lender to protect Lender's securitY interest will be,secured by this deed of vuat Suct►amounts will be due on demand �
<br /> r. -_..
<br /> anA will bear irtterost from the date of the paymem until paid in tult at the iMerest rate in effect on the saeured debt. • ..� ��
<br /> .r-� .��;r. ...
<br /> .. obligau'�n n�sec��ir8d�t h i s deed o ftruat or an�Y D r nm rtgage For d d of 8mtst,�Lendar�may accye le�r a t d�e m a t u r i t Y f t t�a s e c u r e d d e b t and � .. 4 �' i �'. ,
<br /> demand immediate payment and may invoke the power of eale and any ather reme�ss Permitted by apD���bSe lew. � ��,-',�
<br /> � � .:'�
<br /> 11,R�qu�st tor Natte�of Qstault-�t is here6y requested that cop�es of the noUCes of dafault and sale be sent to each persoo who is a party , •a �-�, ;'f .:
<br /> hereto,at the address of each sucfi pereon,as sei fwth herein. , .. � . �. � , ..,
<br /> ;:: . . �, .
<br /> 12.PaNtr of Ssia.If the Lender invokes the power of sale,the Trustee shall first rewrd�:+Cie oftlee ot the registar of deeds of each county ` .
<br /> wherein the trust property or soms part or parcal thereof is situated a notice of defauk corc2����gereto�and to otheQu ersonYS�asprescr bed 6Y '. � ''.�I '
<br /> shall atso mail coAies of the nn4ice of defautt to the Bortower,to each person who is a a�:Y h p s not in aay • '� ,
<br /> apD�icable law.t�ot less than one month after the T►ustee records ths notice of defautt, or two months if the trust ptoDarty i :.
<br /> incorporated ci¢V o7 hllage and is used in fertninB operatlons carried on by tha trustor,the Trustea shall give Oublic notice of sale to the persons �
<br /> � and in the maane:prescribed by_appplicabta law.Trustee,wlthout demand on Borrower,shall sall the pro�arty at puDlic auctton to���ebte9lew. �� ;��al).
<br /> T�r�siee may postpone sate of all orr an psrce�tof the D Pen1!Y Public anno utemrent a�t the dme and p at ce o anyrp e tiriousby scheduted sale. �^-`��t' .'
<br /> � L en der or i t s d e s i 8 n a e ma y purchase the propertV at any sale. . '�•�-�� t
<br /> g The recitiats contained In �;, , •�°
<br /> � Trpustee eedee�s'+al�be p rma fac�e avld e ce of thehatnrth oif the etat mafnt acontained the e�IndT�rustee�sha�l aPD,Y i�prc:zz.:s ot the ta:e�n tfis -�� + �'±_
<br /> }p�tpw(rsg orQer: la) to all expanses of the eate, inetuQing, but not limaod to, reasonabte Trustee's teea, reasonable attorna}/s fees and •°%�;;,,_.,�
<br /> relnatatement fz�;tb)to all cums seeured by this deed of trust,ead(c)the tia'.ance,if eny,to the persona lepatly entitted to receive it• :o;.r �,_
<br /> 7►.*.��a.
<br /> }�{,��elosun.At lender's option,this deed of trust may be foreclosed in the manner provide by apptieable law tor torectosure of mortgages :�,` �- �` _
<br /> on real property. '�:F. 4
<br /> . �"�.- �.� _
<br /> 14,Insn�ctlon.Lender may enter the property to inspect It N Lender gWes Botrower notice beforehand.The noUw must atate the reasonabto • :����
<br /> ' cause for Lender's inspection. :•��.-���=
<br /> �g,Cond�rma8x�.Bortowar assiQ,na to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for dama�ges connected with a condemnation or other taktpq i,�._,�
<br /> securitlr ep eementf tha D�oDeRY•Such proceeds will be applied as provided in Covenent 1.This essignment i�subfect to the terms o!any prInr ..�: :
<br /> ._ . .._':::-�...-�... .-
<br /> � .�:.A-`�`w-��.•
<br /> tg,Waiv�r.By exercising any remedv avallable to Lender,Lender does not glve up any rigfits to Iater use eny other remedy.By not exerctsing . .:r��_i -_. -
<br /> any remedy uyon Bortower's de4auft,Lender does not waive any right to later consider the event a detault if it happans agaln. ,�— v
<br /> � n; Sueeaau� aod Awl��Boan�• AII duties under thls deed of trust ere joint and several. Any � ,•'�t;^��'��' .
<br /> 17.Joln4�nd Sav�nf I.i�• C�� _ . .
<br /> Borrower who co-signs thls eed o}trust but daes not co-sign the unde�1ying debt instrumentlsl doea so only to grant and convey that .'.�
<br /> Borrowar's irrterest in the property to the Trustee under the terma of thls deed of uust.In aAdiUon,such a Bonowar agroes that the Lender and ���;
<br /> any other BoROwer under thla deed of trust may extend,modiTL►or make any other changea fn the terma ot thla daed of trust or the secured . _;— .
<br /> debt wlthout that Bottower's canaent and wkhout releasfng thet eonower hom the terms of thia deed of uust. •
<br /> The dutlea and beneflte of this deed of uust shall bind and benefit the successora and assiqns o!Lender and Borrower. {
<br /> 18.IYadn.UNesa othervulso requlred by law,any notice to Borrower ahalt be given by de8vering it or by,mailing it by certifled mail addressed to (' .
<br /> Bonower at the proporty addresa or any other addresa that Bortower has given to Lender.Borrower witl g[ve any noUee to Lender by certified � ,�4,.,,_„ ,,
<br /> be is nt o Leender's eddroaa as stated o'D So� of thia ed of Vu tthar addresa whlch Lender has designatod.Any other notice to Lender ahall .
<br /> Any noUce shall ba daemod to havo been glvan to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner stated abova. • . •
<br /> 19.Transfw of 1tN YropHly or�B�niflcld Irrtoraot In the Borrowar.H all or arry part of tha prapertV or eny intorest in it is sold or uansforred '
<br /> without Lertder's prlof wnitten consent, lendm may demand immedtate payment of the sewred debt. Lender may also deman0 immediate �
<br /> ' paymant if tne Bonower is not 8�atural petson and a beneficlal intetost i�tha Borrowe►is celd or transterred. However, Lender moy not
<br /> demand Dayment in the above aituation�i}it ia prohibited by tederal law ea of the date of this deed of uuat. _ —
<br /> � 20.Reeanveyance.When the obligation secured by thla doed of Vust hes been pald and Lender has no further obligation to make advances �
<br /> under the InsVumente or agroamonte secured by this doed of trust, the Trustee ahatf upon written roquest by tha Lender, reeonvay the Vust .
<br /> proporry.The LenGer shalt dolivar to the Borrower,or tv Borrower's successor in interest,the trust deed snd tho note or other evldonce of the
<br /> • obliSeUon so satiafled.Borrowor sfiall pay any reeordaUon eosta.
<br /> 21. Sueeasor 4ru�t�.le+�der. et Lendor's option, maV remova Trustoe and appoini a successor trustee by first, mailing a,copy of the . ,
<br /> substituHon of wsfle aa equited by eppucabte law,and then,by titinQ tfie substitution of Vustee tor recorA in the oHice of the ragister of deeds I
<br /> � succaad to ult tAo power�utiesg author t�y and title of the Tru toe nem detn ho deed of�raust e d o}e V�sucaeasot trustoe.of the proporty,shall
<br /> . t � `
<br /> � ' .
<br /> . i ,
<br /> i . '
<br /> i ' �
<br /> f .
<br /> � tPeye 2 oJ 2/ I —
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